が、Biophysics and Physicobiology 第10回Editors' Choice Award (ECA)の受賞論文に決定されたと、日本生物物理学会事務局より連絡頂きました!名古屋で表彰して頂けるそうです。
Our collaborative paper with Prof. Banfield's lab. @BanfieldLab on rhodopsins with a novel DSE motif was published in Biophys. Physicobiol. They are derived from lichen microbiome and exhibit long photocycle. @MaicaMarinPerez @alexander_jaffe @miyabiI5
https://t.co/iq5f0FKCZM https://t.co/bwp3gXTbcw
Study on the thermostable Na+-pumping rhodopsin of thermophilic bacterium by Prof. Sudo's group @ Okayama Univ., Prof. Yoshizawa @ AORI, Univ. Tokyo, and Prof. Sakai @ Okayama Univ. Sci. Congratulations! ✨
New QM/MM calculation method including the polarization effect in the MM part to estimate absorption energy in photoreceptor proteins by Jonathan at Dr. Schapiro's group! Congratulations!
https://t.co/WWUCvEHBRT https://t.co/ndgpjWsUqv
A mini-review regarding ion-transporting rhodopsins has been published in Biophys. Physicobiol. This article is relating to the session 5 at 19th International Conference on Retinal Proteins held in Sapporo in 2022.