Christopher Mah, @echino (@echinoblog)


RT @Species_Divers: A new species of Coralliidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) collected from eastern Japan #Coral #NewSpecies #SpeciesDiversity…
RT @Species_Divers: First Japanese Record of Argulus nobilis (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae), an Ectoparasite of Gars of North American…
RT @Species_Divers: The First Record of Ophioteichus multispinum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Japan, with Notes on Its Ossicle Descrip…
RT @Species_Divers: A Sponge-dwelling Ribbon Worm, Tetrastemma carneum sp. nov. (Nemertea: Monostilifera) Collected off Ofunato, Japan #Rib…
RT @Species_Divers: A Distant Record of the Cavernicolous Land Crab, Discoplax gracilipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) from Japan #c…
RT @Species_Divers: The First Record of Ophioteichus multispinum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Japan, with Notes on Its Ossicle Descrip…
RT @The_Episiarch: @echinoblog Also, I found a related paper - mouth-dwelling cymothoid from a deep sea dogfish
RT @Species_Divers: A New Shallow-water Species of the Genus Odontohenricia from Northern Japan (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) #…
RT @Hyleomillipede: 日本最大種として知られながらもずっと未記載のままだった八重山諸島のあのヤスデが、ついにヤエヤママルヤスデ Spirobolus akammaとして記載されたようです!!!!!! https:…

74 0 0 0 OA ヒモムシ学入門

RT @Species_Divers: Introduction to nemertean systematics (in Japanese) ヒモムシ学入門
RT @Species_Divers: Three New Infaunal Species of Taeniogyrus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) from Sou…
RT @Species_Divers: Two New Species of Aoridae from Chichijima Island, the Ogasawara Islands in Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda) #Amphipoda #Ne…
RT @Tanaidologist: Kakui & Komai ab Scutariella flatworms on Neocaridina shrimp from Hokkaido published (open access) 北海道からヌマエビ類寄生性扁形動物である…
RT @Species_Divers: Marine Fish Parasite Argulus caecus (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae) Accidentally Collected from a Fixed Net Caught S…
RT @Species_Divers: A New Species of the Genus Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) Collected from a Gorgonian at 1497 m Depth off…
RT @The_Episiarch: Flying fish might be able to fly away from its larger predators, but there's no escape from a cymothoid isopod digging i…
RT @BackBearDBehinD: モガニ属の1新種を記載した論文が公開されました。 Ohtsuchi, Komatsu & Li (2020) A New Kelp Crab Species of the Genus Pugettia (Crustacea: Deca…
RT @JDReimer: Hot off the press: a field of sea pens! #thisishowMISErolls @LabMise @HirokiKISE Free download at the link:…
RT @The_Episiarch: @BWWilliamsLab @danielledecarle @echinoblog @naturalsciences @NaturalistNC A branchiobdellid maybe? They are known to be…
RT @Tanaidologist: Kakui et al ab isopods parasitic on a clawed lobster published (Open access) アカザエビ寄生性等脚類に関する成果が出版されました(誰でも読めます) PDF: ht…
RT @The_Episiarch: TFW you're a tongue-biter parasite who just wants a quiet life in a fish's mouth then along come these butt-clinging mon…
RT @echinoblog: Vintage Edo Box jellyfish painting! Nice find for @boxjellytalk

632 0 0 0 OA 介譜

RT @HistSciArt: .@echinoblog WOW! this work is spectacular! It would make a great addition to @BioDivLibrary. Digital copy here: https://t.…
More cool ancient Japanese jellyfish art! @boxjellytalk
Vintage Edo Box jellyfish painting! Nice find for @boxjellytalk


A new species of Coralliidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) collected from eastern Japan #Coral #NewSpecies #SpeciesDiversity
First Japanese Record of Argulus nobilis (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae), an Ectoparasite of Gars of North American Origin
Larval cestodes of Anthobothrium sp. (Cestoda:“ Tetraphyllidea”) parasitic on gills of Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) from Wakayama Prefecture, Japan 和歌山県産アオリイカに寄生していたキュウカジョウチュウ属1種の幼虫
A Sponge-dwelling Ribbon Worm, Tetrastemma carneum sp. nov. (Nemertea: Monostilifera) Collected off Ofunato, Japan #RibbonWorm #NewSpecies #deepsea #SpeciesDiversity
First Specimen Based Record of Anthessius cucullatus (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Anthessiidae) Associated with Aplysia spp. (Gastropoda: Aplysiida: Aplysiidae) from Coastal Waters of Kagoshima, Southern Japan #parasite #SpeciesDiversity #Copepoda
A Distant Record of the Cavernicolous Land Crab, Discoplax gracilipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) from Japan #crab #SpeciesDiversity #NewRecord
The First Record of Ophioteichus multispinum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from Japan, with Notes on Its Ossicle Description and Ecology
A New Shallow-water Species of the Genus Odontohenricia from Northern Japan (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) #NewSpecies #SpeciesDiversity #starfish
日本最大種として知られながらもずっと未記載のままだった八重山諸島のあのヤスデが、ついにヤエヤママルヤスデ Spirobolus akammaとして記載されたようです!!!!!!

74 0 0 0 OA ヒモムシ学入門

Introduction to nemertean systematics (in Japanese) ヒモムシ学入門
Two New Species of Spheroid Ectoparasitic Isopods (Epicaridea: Dajidae) Attached to the Antennules of Brachyuran Crab Hosts, with Description of a New Genus and Species of Hyperparasite (Epicaridea: Cryptoniscoidea)
新作の論文が出版されました。神奈川県三崎の潮間帯から、ニセツノヒラムシ科のBulaceros porcellanus Newman & Cannon, 1996を日本初記録として報告し、「ヤマユリニセツノヒラムシ」という和名を付けました。背中の柄がとってもお洒落で綺麗なヒラムシです✨  論文:
Three New Infaunal Species of Taeniogyrus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida: Chiridotidae: Taeniogyrinae) from Southern Coast of Wakayama, Japan #NewSpecies #seacucumber #SpeciesDiversity
Two New Species of Aoridae from Chichijima Island, the Ogasawara Islands in Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda) #Amphipoda #NewSpecies #SpeciesDiversity
Kakui & Komai ab Scutariella flatworms on Neocaridina shrimp from Hokkaido published (open access) 北海道からヌマエビ類寄生性扁形動物であるエビヤドリツノムシを初めて報告した成果が出版されました(誰でも読めます) Link:
Marine Fish Parasite Argulus caecus (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae) Accidentally Collected from a Fixed Net Caught Squid in Northern Japan #Parasite #SpeciesDiversity
A New Species of the Genus Caprella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) Collected from a Gorgonian at 1497 m Depth off Boso Peninsula, Central Japan #deepsea #NewSpecies #SpeciesDiversity #Amphipoda
Kakui (2019) ab shell-exchange behavior in a hermit-crab-like tanaidacean deposited in online repos ヤドカリ型 #タナイス の巻貝殻引っ越し行動に関する論文(Kakui 2019)のPDFを大学リポジトリに登録しました(誰でも読めます) PDF:
Had the amazing opportunity to illustrate a new species of deepwater ctenophore discovered by @NOAAFisheries Mike Ford and @collins_noaasi. Go check it out. #sciart #scicomm #Science
Flying fish might be able to fly away from its larger predators, but there's no escape from a cymothoid isopod digging into your chest
モガニ属の1新種を記載した論文が公開されました。 Ohtsuchi, Komatsu & Li (2020) A New Kelp Crab Species of the Genus Pugettia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae) from Shandong Peninsula, Northeast China. PDF: (オープンアクセス)
Hot off the press: a field of sea pens! #thisishowMISErolls @LabMise @HirokiKISE Free download at the link:
@BWWilliamsLab @danielledecarle @echinoblog @naturalsciences @NaturalistNC A branchiobdellid maybe? They are known to be ectocommensals of crayfish and have a fringe of tentacles around their oral region - see this for example
Kakui et al ab isopods parasitic on a clawed lobster published (Open access) アカザエビ寄生性等脚類に関する成果が出版されました(誰でも読めます) PDF:

