@oyasumi_orgchem @yashiro_ld BUNSEKI KAGAKU (The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, open) Volume 65 (2016) Issue 6, Research Paper, Analysis of Anthocyanins Using NMR and Antioxidant Activity in Berries, Takahiro HOSOYA, Michiyo KUBOTA, Shigenori KUMAZAWA* University of Shizuoka https://t.co/hbnmeYCqcr
Dear new researchers for Abeta(1-42) by solution and SS NMR!
Stable-isotope labelling to Abeta sample is essential for NMR study. I provided a comprehensive list for successful examples of bacterial Abeta expression systems here, https://t.co/GXENArabhF #NMR
Molecular mechanisms of amyloid-β peptide fibril and oligomer formation: NMR-based challenges https://t.co/wIwIjUPACA #nmr #idp
3,Feb,2023 Biophysics and Physicobiology
Some of small molecules with anti-amyloid activity may be classified into "equilibruium shifter". https://t.co/FZaEFJ2T8N
Advanced Solid-State NMR Analysis of Two Crystal Forms of Ranitidine Hydrochloride: Detection of 1H-14N Intra-/Intermolecular Correlations https://t.co/GK5ngpOko6 #nmr #ssnmr https://t.co/oixhGI4x9S
1H-NMR-Based Metabolomics for the Classification of the Roots of Paeonia lactiflora, a Constituent of Kampo Medicines #nmr #nmrchat https://t.co/n2ljxbB2oN https://t.co/hbHDZpFTSg
【自分用備忘録】 - Application of Quantitative NMR (qHNMR) towards Establishment of Pharmaceutical Reference Standard; A Case of a Ticagrelor Process Impurity https://t.co/CDH2xzNfox #nmr #qnmr 勉強する reguratory science / analytical science https://t.co/G1j6EezlT8