栄 セツコ Setsuko Sakae 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.127-148, 2006-02

The present study examined the association between professional behaviors in assessment process and professional activities for discovery of strengths of mentally ill individuals in the psychiatric social workers' practice. As a result, I found that `facilitation of client's self-determination' and `data collection concerning crisis intervention' in assessment practice were strongly associated with `improving client's strengths in an individual level,' `developing a sense of citizen rights in a community level,' `creating network in a community level,' and `developing appropriate environments among a client' in discovery activities. In addition, `observation of group work dynamics' `performing for creating trust with a clients' in assessment practice were associated with `forming mutual support among clients in a group level' in discovery activities.


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栄セツコ氏の論文を読む■エンパワメントを基調とした精神保健福祉実践活動 http://t.co/3tmxmVKS http://t.co/0MjvtuoB ★PSW分野でのエンパワメント・ポジティブアプローチが認知症ケアにも応用できる。問題行動を薬で抑えこむ古いケアから卒業
栄セツコ氏の論文を読む■エンパワメントを基調とした精神保健福祉実践活動 http://t.co/3tmxmVKS http://t.co/0MjvtuoB ★PSW分野でのエンパワメント・ポジティブアプローチが認知症ケアにも応用できる。問題行動を薬で抑えこむ古いケアから卒業

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