広川 龍太郎 高野 進 末續 慎吾 金子 太郎 植田 恭史
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.34, pp.93-96, 2005-03-31

The purpose of study was to analysis the Japanese top male athlete Shingo SUETSUGU of the measuring of velocity courses in the 100m sprint events. The performance of the subject was recorded with the laser doppler style velocity measuring device. The results were as follows: 1. Peak numbers of instantaneous sprint velocity in a race. 1) Two peaks were observed in two races. 2 ) One peak was observed in four races. 2. Maximum instantaneous sprint velocity in a race. 1) The fastest maximum instantaneous sprint velocity was 11.57 m/s, which was observed in 2003 Japan National Championships. 2) The slowest maximum instantaneous sprint velocity was 11.29 m/s, which was observed in 2002 Japan Inter-University Athletic Championships. 3. Length of intervals that he ran faster than 98% of maximum velocity of a race. 1) The longest length of intervals was 56.7 m, which was observed in 2002 Japan Inter-University Athletic Championships. 2) The shortest length of intervals was 37.0 m, which was observed in 2003 Japan National Championships.


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CiNii 論文 -  陸上競技短距離競技者"末續慎吾"の100m走中の疾走速度分析 https://t.co/po4TIrsNtP

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