中尾 達馬 加藤 和生
九州大学心理学研究 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.5, pp.19-27, 2004

This study examined reliabilities and validities of adult attachment style scales for "the generalized other" (ECR-GO, RQ-GO). 378 college students participated in Study 1, and 77 college female students participated in Study 2. In Study l, we examined (1) reliability of ECR-GO by a coefficients and factor comparison between ECR-GO and ECR, (2)validity of ECR-GO by correlations between ECR-GO and three scales theoretically related to Self- and Others- views (e.g., Self-esteem scale; Rosenberg, 1965), (3) whether the patterns of the distribution of 4 attachment styles classified by RQ-GO differ by the types of attachment figures rated for (ECR-GO, RQ-GO). In Study 2, we examined 1 month test-retest reliabilities of ECR-GO and RQ-GO: By examining (1) correlations between Time 1 and Time 2 (for both scales) , and (2) a cross table of 4 attachment styles classified by RQ-GO on the 2 times. The results of the two studies demonstrated that ECR-GO and RQ-GO have good psychometric properties in reliabilities and validities.


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ちなみに、今回して頂いた愛着スタイルの質問紙はこの論文から取って来ました。ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship)という尺度です。http://t.co/CVoJWhxL
ちなみに、今回して頂いた愛着スタイルの質問紙はこの論文から取って来ました。ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship)という尺度です。http://t.co/CVoJWhxL

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