伊達 洋駆
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.29, no.2, pp.117-125, 2009-01-20

Previous studies on e-leadership attempted to understand an open cooperative system and a new integration mechanism. However, prior to analysis, the researchers assumed certain problems in the ICT situation and a certain leader who can solve the problems based on researchers' experiences in a face-to-face situation wherein they have familiarized themselves. This is what I call the self-contained logic of the romance of leadership. I perform analytical procedures based on the original definition of leadership, and investigate a particular case of an online project developing web-applications in this study in order to overcome such methodological limitations. Finally, I find some leadership actions traditionally unnoticed by many leadership researchers who have implicitly assumed the face-to-face situation, and show the dynamic process that drives the leadership actions and the influence of these actions.


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「リーダーシップのロマンス」という表現が既に伊達さんっぽい RT @yukianzai @y_date |CiNii論文 - 伊達洋駆(2009)Eリーダーシップの分析方法 : リーダーシップのロマンスと対面状況への憧憬 http://t.co/zjNmWwhL
「先行研究は解答を出すべき疑問から結果的に目をそむけてきた」とか@y_date さん節が炸裂している笑 |CiNii論文 - 伊達洋駆(2009)Eリーダーシップの分析方法 : リーダーシップのロマンスと対面状況への憧憬 http://t.co/diKQTtpp

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