西山 崇
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.50, no.259, pp.129-137, 2011-09-27

This article examines engineering and military ethics in the Japanese Navy during World War II. It focuses on what a group of engineers did from 1944 to 1945 for research and development of MXY 7, the world's only aircraft specifically created and deployed for suicide missions. Contrary to common portrayals of the military operation, I argue that the process was complicated and contested, especially among the engineers. They remained neither monolithic nor fanatic, rationally debating inherently moral issues within themselves. The engineers' detailed calculations, design blueprints, and personal memos during the war testify to this untold story of the war.


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CiNii 論文 -  軍事技術者の戦争心理 : 海軍特別攻撃機「桜花」の事例 https://t.co/fbMGM5m1xq #CiNii
今日読んだもの。ある意味では技術者倫理のケーススタディと言えるのかもしれない。|CiNii 論文 -  軍事技術者の戦争心理 : 海軍特別攻撃機「桜花」の事例 https://t.co/XwVaxzCwy8
CiNii 論文 -  軍事技術者の戦争心理 : 海軍特別攻撃機「桜花」の事例 https://t.co/7BcfsCpijz #CiNii
CiNii 論文 -  軍事技術者の戦争心理 : 海軍特別攻撃機「桜花」の事例 https://t.co/N2zBiG2Qlo #CiNii めも。
名状しがたい気持ちにさせられる論文です。 CiNii 論文 -  西山崇「軍事技術者の戦争心理 : 海軍特別攻撃機『桜花』の事例」2011年。http://t.co/XgR1uAY3 #CiNii

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