福本 俊樹 松嶋 登 古賀 広志
日本情報経営学会誌 = Journal of information and management (ISSN:18822614)
vol.34, no.4, pp.59-70, 2014-08

In recent information systems research, design science that puts importance on practical relevance attracts many scholars' attention. Some IS researchers expect design science to overcome the positivist approach that lost practical relevance in exchange for scientific rigor. Does dismissing positivism, however, truly make design science more relevant? Even if IS researchers would broaden their methods such as compensatory multi-method or multilevel analysis, they are still under traditional philosophy of science as usual. This paper shows how rigorous scientific methods of positivism can ensure scientific relevance to intervention through an examination of behavioral science and action science. The latter has established by Chris Argyris as the new philosophy of science aimed at intervention into practice. In particular, three fundamental methods of positivism are examined: description, causal explanation, and hypothesis testing.


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昨年に投稿した論文が,オープン・アクセスになりました. クリス・アージリスの行動科学,アクション・サイエンスの思想に基づきつつ,科学的研究(とりわけ実証主義的研究)がいかなる実践的有用性を持つのかを論じています. 方法論についての論文ですので,研究者向けの内容ですが,「経営学なんか役に立つの?」という素朴な(しかし真っ当な,私自身も学部生・院生の頃に思った)疑問に対するひとつの回答でもあります. ...

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