井前 讓 品川 健次郎 上田 敦史 小林 友明 翟 貴生
Japan Society for Simulation Technology
日本シミュレーション学会論文誌 (ISSN:18835031)
vol.3, no.1, pp.11-17, 2011 (Released:2011-07-28)

We propose a new approach to obtain the solutions of HJB equations. Firstly, based on a simple but unique idea, we transform the conventional HJB equations into the virtual-time HJB equations (VT-HJB). As the virtual time goes by, the solution of the VT-HJB equations becomes that of the conventional ones. Then, we solve the VT-HJB equations with respect to the virtual time by means of existing differential equation solvers. Lastly, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through numeric experiments with linear and nonlinear control problems.
渡辺 一尊 鈴木 悠人 原田 裕子 齋藤 雅樹 上野 真史 森本 仁 上田 敦史
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.66, no.5, pp.141-147, 2018-05-05 (Released:2018-05-05)

きぼうロボットアームは,親アーム,子アームから構成され,現在は曝露ペイロードの移設などすべてのアーム運用を地上からの遠隔操作で行っている.2015年5月のExHAM 1号機による初回ミッションでは,ExHAMをきぼうエアロックから船外へ搬出し,JEM曝露部上の電気箱Survival Power distribution Box(SPB)のハンドレールに,子アーム特有の力覚制御を使用した押し付け動作により取り付けた.この半年後の2015年11月には,ExHAM 2号機を同様のシーケンスで船外搬出し,JEM曝露部上Exposed Facility System Controller a(ESC a)のハンドレールへの初の取り付けに成功している.本稿では,Ex-HAM 1, 2号機のJEM曝露部への設置,船内回収を定期的に行ってきたきぼうロボットアームの運用実績について述べる.
鈴木 悟史 吉井 正広 中西 洋喜 山隅 允裕 小田 光茂 上田 敦史 渡邊 恵佑 加藤 裕基 星 亜友美 西田 信一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.824, pp.14-00298-14-00298, 2015 (Released:2015-04-25)

Image processing is one of the methods used to measure position/attitude for robot control and there are hopes that it can be applied to space robot missions, including REX-J (Robot EXperiment on ISS/JEM). The REX-J mission involves space robot locomotive function experiments using tethers by JAXA. Measuring the robot's motion accurately is crucial to establishing the new locomotive technology using tethers. With conventional methods, a suitable illumination environment is configured for high-precision image processing and a characteristic marker is attached to the measurement object. However, the two challenges posed for image processing during the REX-J mission are: (1) the illumination of space changes significantly with orbital motion and (2) the robot lacks a characteristic marker. Accordingly, our purpose is to develop a marker less image processing method for the illumination environment of space and measure the robot's position/attitude of the REX-J mission by image processing. The proposed new image processing method involves creating virtual points are created at the intersection of the robot's edge in the image, which are then used as markers for image processing. This method is robust for changes in the illumination environment because it allows the creation of a virtual point, even if the edge is incomplete. The method is applied to the REX-J mission and the measurement accuracy of the robot's position/attitude in the illumination environment of space was confirmed as on the sub-pixel level. Subsequently, the position/attitude of the robot during movement by tethers was measured by image processing. In addition, the error in the robot's position/attitude, as estimated from the length of the tethers, was clarified by the image processing result. Based on these results, the robot's locomotive function by the REX-J mission was verified.