川本 豊
佛教大学大学院紀要. 文学研究科篇 (ISSN:18833985)
vol.38, pp.59-76, 2010-03-01

川本 豊 市川 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.787, pp.2388-2398, 2021

<p> The purpose of this study is to examine the problems about the theory of architecture, using Japanese classical literature as a text, we have taken up representations of dwelling and have conducted architectural discussions of the aspects of spatial phenomena that appear in texts, while taking the previous research by the so-called <i>Kyoto School</i> of architectural theory, led by <i>Masuda Tomoya</i>. Masuda argues that "A house must first be positioned in its landscape". <i>Tanaka Takashi</i>, Masuda's disciple, applied the word "<i>utsusukoto</i>" to the phenomenon of dwelling, and aimed to open up the phenomenon of "<i>scenery</i>" from a new perspective that included the Oriental theory of the body and mind. In this context, Tanaka took up <i>Saito Mokichi</i> and others. </p><p> First in this paper, we would like to begin with the poetry of <i>Tachibana Akemi</i>, a Fukui poet lived at the end of the Edo period, about "dwelling" in own house. <i>Akemi</i> wrote 52 poems titled <i>Dokurakugin</i>, about the joy of living with his family. It can be said that the words in the poems capture the real scenery of the family's poor but peaceful life. We must not overlook the common thread between "dwelling" and "scenery". </p><p> Next, we would like to take up <i>Kaidouki</i>, author unknown, a travelogue of Kamakura period. Here, travel is defined as an act of leaving one's house, and returning to it. The author's view of dwelling could be outlined in his way of life, through the descriptions of the scenery he saw with his own eyes on the way, and the scenes of people's lives, as well as through <i>Kaidouki</i> that expresses self-referentiality in the extraordinary place of travel. Even in the midst of a travel, the author's thought of <i>Miyako</i> as his hometown, his home there, and his family, are a chain of scenery. </p><p> Then the third, take up the Haiku of <i>Inoue Seigetsu</i>, who wandered around <i>Shinano</i> at the end of the Edo period. He is said to have come from a samurai, but lost his family in a disaster. He eventually entered <i>Inadani</i> and stayed there for the rest of his life. It is thought that he is adrift not only in the spatial existence of own dwelling, but also in the temporal existence of his life. The word "wandering " is taken to mean the act of drifting away from one's dwelling, also of moving one's body and mind. So most of <i>Seigetsu's</i> poems are written from the outside of the house to the inside, and it can be said that he wrote about the scenery of the house as seen through shoji and windows. There are also a few poems that depict the inside of a house, which must have been a real scene that shows how much he appreciated his home that he could not have. </p><p> Three phenomena can be contrasted and placed into "housing/dwelling", "travelling/not-dwelling" and "wandering/non-dwelling". Although we usually consider only "dwelling", but we can point out that the depth of "dwelling" becomes clearer by taking up contrasting phenomena such as "travelling" and "wandering ". </p><p> In this paper, we clarify the multidimensional reality of "dwelling" from the perspective of architectural theories of three phenomena, "dwelling", "not-dwelling" and "non-dwelling" in order to comprehensively reveal some aspects of the scenery of dwelling. </p>
竹島 俊一 清水 章 川本 豊 藤村 正哲
pp.1089-1095, 1988-10-15

血清Ca濃度は臍帯血10.4〜11.0mg/dlと母体血より高い濃度を示すが,生後は母体からの供給が中止し,腸管での吸収がまだ不安定であり,腎での活性型ビタミンDの産生も低く,そのためCa濃度が低下し24〜48時間で最低となる.特に未熟児ではこの期間に病的に低下しやすい.また生後1〜2か月の間に低Caによって骨成長が障害される危険性が高い. Mgについて,まれな吸収不全の自験例を示すとともに,低Mgの原因,症状についてつけ加えた.