日本皮膚科学会疥癬診療ガイドライン策定委員会 石井 則久 浅井 俊弥 朝比奈 昭彦 石河 晃 今村 英一 加藤 豊範 金澤 伸雄 久保田 由美子 黒須 一見 幸野 健 小茂田 昌代 関根 万里 田中 勝 谷口 裕子 常深 祐一郎 夏秋 優 廣田 孝司 牧上 久仁子 松田 知子 吉住 順子 四津 里英 和田 康夫
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.125, no.11, pp.2023-2048, 2015-10-20 (Released:2015-10-22)

Here, we present our new guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of scabies which we, the executive committee convened by the Japanese Dermatological Association, developed to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of scabies in Japan. Approval of phenothrin topical use under the National Health Insurance in August 2014 has contributed to this action. Permethrin, a topical anti-scabietic medication belonging to the same pyrethroid group as phenothrin, is already in use worldwide. For making proper diagnosis of scabies, following three points should be taken into consideration: clinical findings, detection of the mite(s) (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis), and epidemiological findings. The diagnosis is confirmed when the mites or their eggs are identified by microscopy or by dermoscopy. As we now have a choice of phenothrin, the first line therapy for classical scabies is either topical phenothrin lotion or oral ivermectin. Second line for topical treatment is sulfur-containing ointments, crotamiton cream, or benzyl benzoate lotion. Gamma-BHC ointment is no more provided for clinical use. If the patient is immunosuppressed, the treatment option is still the same, but he or she should be followed up closely. If the symptoms persist, diagnosis and treatment must be reassessed. For hyperkeratotic (crusted) scabies and nail scabies, removal of thick scabs, cutting of nails, and occlusive dressing are required along with topical and/or oral treatments. It is important to apply topical anti-scabietic lotion/cream/ointment below the neck for classical scabies or to the whole body for hyperkeratotic scabies, including the hands, fingers and genitals. For children and elderlies, it is recommended to apply treatment to the whole body even in classical scabies. The dosage for ivermectin is a single oral administration of approximately 200 μg/kg body weight. It should be taken on an empty stomach with water. Administration of a second dose should be considered at one-week with new lesions and/or with detection of mites. Safety and effectiveness of combined treatment with topical and oral medications are not yet confirmed. Further assessment is needed. Taking preventative measures is as important as treating those infected. It is essential to educate patients and healthcare workers and conduct epidemiological studies to prevent further spread of the disease through effectively utilizing available resources including manpower, finance, logistics, and time. (Jpn J Dermatol 125: 2023-, 2015)
黒須 一見 小林 寬伊 大久保 憲
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.26, no.6, pp.345-349, 2011 (Released:2012-02-03)
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結核患者を受け入れている施設ではN95微粒子用マスクの使用頻度は高く,毎回着用時にユーザーシールチェックを実施し,年1回程度定性的なフィットテストを実施する必要がある.ユーザーシールチェックは,着用者自身の感覚による影響があり,毎回実施していれば適切な使用ができているとはいいきれない.今回,医療機関における正しい呼吸器感染防護具の使用法の促進のため,N95微粒子用マスクの漏れ率に関する検討をおこなった.   JIS規格日本人標準人頭にN95微粒子用マスク9種類を着用させた状態で,労研式マスクフィッティングテスターMT-03型®を用いて漏れ率を各15回測定した.   更に,漏れ率の低値だった製品を選択して,同一製品間の漏れ率のばらつきを検討した.   その結果,国産製品と折りたたみ型製品がカップ型製品よりも漏れ率が低く,より密着性が高かった.微粒子測定器(particle counter)を使用して漏れ率を定量的に示すことで,日本人に適した種類やサイズを示すことが可能となった.   漏れ率の低かった3社製品について,同一製品間のばらつきを検討した結果,同一製品間のばらつきが少ないことが明らかとなった.