司馬 麻未 三好 庸隆 木多 道宏
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.762, pp.1657-1667, 2019-08

<p> This study aims to examine the factors that influence the formation of a good social environment by ascertaining the realities of human relationships formed in shared housing.</p><p> Today, with the increasing number of single households, we are in a situation where there are changes in and influences on the way of living and the functions that a traditional family has been responsible for. It is considered that human connections and mutual support obtained in shared housing further enriches the life of residents.</p><p> The research method included examining the shared house where about 40 people were living in Osaka Prefecture. This included conducting a survey over a period of three years and a case study of participant observation conducted by the author who stayed in the targeted house for a period of eight months. Also, from an interview survey of 17 residents, examined it from the point of view of the formation of a social environment.</p><p> Most of the residents in the targeted shared house desired contact and conversations with the people in the house and were satisfied that it was a shared dwelling where these expectations were realized. The spiritual enrichment in life that arose from the casually exchanged greetings and conversations was an aspect that could not be obtained by staying alone and can be considered to be realized through living in shared housing where one can mutually connect with other people. The richness of life that can be obtained from communication with the people residing here is not something that is obtained from strong human relationships of trust such as in the case of family, but from variable human relationships assuming relocation as the shared house is a temporary residence.</p><p> (1) In the targeted shared house, it was confirmed that human relationships were formed mainly for residents with a residence history of more than six months and less than two years. Relationships and exchanges were found to be influenced by the living history and lifestyle types of the main places of stay. Among human relationships in changeable shared housing where replacement of residents is frequent, it can be considered that the degree of intimacy of the human relationships and the extent of interaction changes depending on the residence history.</p><p> (2) It is considered that the room position and the common space to be used affect the degree of exchange. It was found that in shared housing with a population size of about 30 inhabitants, it is important to have spatial planning which enables one to connect without the relationships getting too close and where it was possible to maintain a sense of distance. In the case study considered in this paper, it was confirmed that residents were living by freely choosing the distance with, and how to connect with, other residents.</p><p> (3) It was confirmed that residents who built close relationships and a high level of interaction had a tendency of sharing food and items with others on a daily basis in the kitchen on the second floor. It is possible that sharing food and items interact with human relationship formation.</p><p> By clarifying the factors that influence the formation of a social environment in shared house, it is thought that this paper demonstrates knowledge beneficial in the formation of a social environment in the life of single households.</p>
玉井 香里 三好 庸隆
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
日本都市計画学会関西支部研究発表会講演概要集 (ISSN:1348592X)
vol.16, pp.13-16, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

昭和30年代以降に建設された住宅団地では居住者の高齢化、建物の老朽化の他様々な問題を抱えている。 本研究では大阪府住宅供給公社の茶山台団地でのアンケート調査結果から、居住者がどのようなこと関心をもち、不安を感じているかを明らかにすることを目的としている。 茶山台団地では高齢者が住みやすいまちづくりが望まれている。特に配食や買い物支援について、今後対策すべき課題と考えられる。併せて災害時への備えや避難に対しての不安を感じている居住者が多いことから、防災組織を整備する必要もあると考えられる。