三木 武寛 大林 由美子 目黒 敬一郎 岡本 雅之 岩崎 昭憲 小川 尊明 三宅 実
小児口腔外科 (ISSN:09175261)
vol.18, no.2, pp.105-108, 2008-12-25 (Released:2011-08-11)

In clinical oral surgery, we often encounter cases of infants who fall down while holding a toothbrush in their mouth and receive an oral injury from a toothbrush. This particular case was that of a 5-year-old girl who accidentally injured her left buccal mucosa with a toothbrush. After the injury, she was immediately brought to the hospital by ambulance. When she arrived at our hospital, the toothbrush was still embedded in the oral wound. We examined her oral wound by computer tomography (CT). We found that the tip of the toothbrush was located in the vicinity of the left medial pterygoid muscle, and there was neither damage from the toothbrush itself nor on the maxillary artery and basal skull. We removed the toothbrush carefully under local anesthesia, and then cleaned the wound by adequate normal saline and administered antibacterial drugs (SBT/ABPC) intravenously. No serious complications were seen after the treatment.It is strongly suggested that in such a case an immediate examination be conducted by CT in order to avoid severe complications and to insure a good healing process.
三宅 康之 有安 早苗 広川 満良 椎名 義雄 郡 秀一 三宅 実甫子 吉沢 梨津好
公益社団法人 日本臨床細胞学会
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871193)
vol.35, no.2, pp.151-155, 1996-03-22 (Released:2011-11-08)

保存尿の免疫細胞化学的検索により, デコイ細胞がポリオーマウイルス感染細胞と断定し得た1例を報告する. 症例は15歳, 女性で, 神経芽細胞腫の治療経過中に尿中にデコイ細胞が観察された. 後日, 尿沈渣保存液中に保存しておいたデコイ細胞の免疫細胞化学的検索にて, ポリオーマウイルス感染細胞であることが証明された. 尿沈渣を保存することの重要性とその活用について述べる.
田村 暢章 三宅 実 小川 尊明 大林 由美子 長畠 駿一郎 羽場 礼次
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.51, no.7, pp.364-367, 2005-07-20 (Released:2011-04-22)
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Malignant tumors rarely arise from jaws cyst. We report a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising from a nasopalatine duct cyst. A 70-year-old man presented with a swelling in the palatal gingiva at the middle of the maxilla. Oral examination showed a 28×25mm swelling with a puncture mark, asmooth surface, and normal color. Radiographic examination revealed a round translucent image measuring 15×12mm in diameter in the middle of maxilla. The image was clearly demarcated. Under general anesthesia, extirpation of the cyst was performed for a diagnosis of nasopalatine canal cyst. Histopathological examination of the resected specimens showed transition of histologically normal cystic epithelium to squamous cell carcinoma. After the first operation, partial resection of the maxilla was performed. Three months after the partial resection, left jugular lymph node metastasis was detected. Partial neck dissection, chemotherapy, and irradiation were performed. Twelve months after partial resection of the maxilla, right jugular lymph node metastasis was found. Radical neck dissection was performed.For 2 years 4 months, there was no disease recurrence. However, the patient died due of pneumonia on April 13, 2002.
榎本 鈴代 長畠 駿一郎 鶴田 敬司 貞森 平樹 三宅 実 合田 恵子
一般社団法人 日本歯科薬物療法学会
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.10, no.1, pp.74-80, 1991-04-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

The effects of eperisone hydrochloride (Myonal®) on 40 patients with temporomandibular arthrosis are evaluated.The results of improvement are as follows : Out of 40 patients, overall improvement was found to be 65 %, pain in improvement was 75.7 %, trismus improvement was 76.2 %, articu-larprocess noises improvement was 27.8 %. Myonal was effective for patients with type I (damage in muscle of mastication), and type II (chronic traumato-disease) was significantly more superior than type III (internal derangements) . The side effects were noted tobe 17.5 %, but there was no specifically serious case, and the cause-and-effect relationship with Myonal was unpredictable.