上 なつき
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2355-2363, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)

The order is to show the role on which women carry out a residence by reading ceremonious factor from the banquet of Yuan Xiao Jie of the annual event in “Jin Ping Mei”. Regarding the banquet of this annual event as a series of ceremonious acts by women in the each space in the residence, the series of ceremonious acts is a ceremony to pray a year's happiness. By completing this ceremony, women support the success of XimenQing and his family.
井上 なつき 穐山 直太郎 柳原 健一 竹ノ谷 亜希子 久保田 俊輝 山口 宗太 森脇 宏人 吉川 衛
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.60, no.4, pp.189-195, 2017-08-15 (Released:2018-08-15)

咽頭異物は耳鼻咽喉科疾患でも日常的に遭遇する疾患であり, 本邦では魚骨異物が多い。 異物の介在部位や大きさにより異物の確認が困難な場合があり, 治療に難渋することも少なくない。 今回, 当科での3年間の咽頭異物60症例のうち, 魚骨異物54例について臨床的特徴を検討した。 年齢は40歳代が最多で, 性別は30歳代と50歳代で女性にやや多い傾向にあった。 検出方法としては, 口腔内からの視診および喉頭内視鏡検査により異物を確認, 同時に摘出可能な症例が多かった。 視診と喉頭内視鏡検査で異物を確認できなかった症例が3例認められ, そのうち1例は初診時の頸部単純 CT 検査でも検出が困難であったが, 後日異物を確認し摘出できた。 その症例の魚骨を用いて CT 検査撮影条件の検討を行ったところ, 通常の CT で行うスクリーニングの撮影条件では検出できない魚骨異物が存在する可能性が示唆された。 したがって, 魚骨異物が疑われた場合は, 一度の CT 検査で異物が検出されなくても注意深く経過を追うことが必要である。 異物の存在が否定されない場合は積極的に CT 再検査を行い, 異物周囲の炎症性変化や膿瘍形成などの随伴する所見も参考に再検出を行うことが重要と思われた。
上 なつき
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.726, pp.1799-1807, 2016 (Released:2016-08-30)

“Jin Ping Mei”, a novel completed during the late Ming Dynasty, revolves around the theme of sexual relations between the wealthy merchant Ximen Qing and his wives and mistresses. The story is set mainly on the limited stage of Ximen's jia or residence and describes the manners and customs of the time in great detail. For that reason, “Jin Ping Mei” has since been used as a historical and folkloric document that centers on the field of the necessities of life vis-à-vis life histories. In this paper, giving attention to the various locations of Ximen's jia from the point of view of residential history, I considered the formal significance of the women's actions at Ximen Qing's funeral and studied the influence that they exerted on the residence. First, if we analyze the layout of the mansion as well as the significance of each location, many interesting facts will come to light. In the Si-He-Yuan House, for instance, there were everyday spaces for women—centered around Shangfang, located north of Hou-Yimen (the “inner-facing” domain)—and spaces usually used by men—centered on Dating, located south of Hou-Yimen (the “outward-facing” domain). Supposing the above, an examination of the actions of the women at Ximen Qing's funeral is worthy, considering the social status of the deceased and the interest in the household among the public. The women's formal acts, the locations, and relationships in which they performed those acts have made this funeral an interesting subject for discussion. As Ximen Qing met his dying hour, he was clad in funeral clothing by his mistress in Shangfang and then brought to Datinng in the “outward-facing” domain. His mortal remains, placed in a coffin, were enshrined in Dating until just before the funeral procession. After the burial, the “Ling” of the deceased, who was called back by “Daotong, ” was sheltered in a mortuary tablet in Shangfang. Afterwards, the women made sure that the “Ling” entered Nirvana through the “Wuqi” ceremony. In other words, the women were responsible for ensuring his final departure to Nirvana in the “inner-facing” domain of them. That is to say, the women were principal actors in the commencement and completion of Ximen Qing's funeral, justifying the motivation of the study.
青野 靖之 村上 なつき
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
生物と気象 (ISSN:13465368)
vol.17, pp.25-33, 2017 (Released:2017-04-10)
6 8

We constructed a simplified method to estimate first flowering dates of cherry tree (Prunus×yedoensis), considering temperature conditions in endodormancy process. We adopted the DTS method, which is an accumulation model of forcing effect of temperatures during developing process, as an estimation model of cherry blossom phenology in this study. In our previous studies, DTS method with fixed (pre-determined) starting dates for each site showed high accuracies for cold regions, whereas low accuracies for warm regions. Such accuracy drop was attributed to the volatility in endodormancy completion in warmer region of Japan, affected by inter-annual variation in chilling temperature during winter season. In order to reduce such error, it had been necessary to calculate chilling hours from hourly temperature data and evaluate the progress in endodormancy releasing process, with complicated conventional procedures. In our new model, an annual discrepancy in starting date of forcing effect from the pre-determined dates, calculated from a simplified procedure in our previous model, were calculated as the product of the correction coefficient, Ci, for each year and a winter temperature normal value above a threshold of chilling effect for endodormancy release, (TDJ-1.5), for each site. Annual correlation coefficient Ci was calculated from averaged winter temperatures at 7 secular observatories in warm region in Japan. Estimated first flowering dates with and without correction of starting dates were compared each other. The estimations by new method kept under about 3.2 days of RMSE. The introduction of new method also reduced RMSE within 3 days into approximately half of stations, applied to verification of new method with relatively long (50-year) period.
上 なつき
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2355-2363, 2015

The order is to show the role on which women carry out a residence by reading ceremonious factor from the banquet of Yuan Xiao Jie of the annual event in "Jin Ping Mei". Regarding the banquet of this annual event as a series of ceremonious acts by women in the each space in the residence, the series of ceremonious acts is a ceremony to pray a year's happiness. By completing this ceremony, women support the success of XimenQing and his family.