中井 和夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1997, no.114, pp.135-150,L13, 1997-03-30 (Released:2010-09-01)

The first Ukrainian state already has lasted five years. But it does not mean the end of long dreamed of statism, but the beginning of hard ways for building a nation.The border of Ukraine has a peculiar character. Almost all border lines were drawn by dividing regions, each of which comprised historically one region. This condition also makes the task of building a nation difficult.In the western part of Ukrainian border, such regions are Galitsia, Carpathian, Bukovina and Bessarabia. If you turn to the east, there are two divided regions, the Donbass and the Slobidska Ukraine.The Ukrainian border was made by dividing regions that caused difficulties in building the Ukrainian nation-state. Because of the dividing the regions automatically made Ukrainian Diaspora or irredenta outside Ukraine. In Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Russia, Ukrainians have been living as a minority group. At the same time the opposite sides, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Russia, consider the regions which were incorporated with Ukraine their irredenta. Between Ukraine and Russia there is another but major border dispute on the Crimean Peninsula.Ukraine herself is divided into two parts, Eastern and Western. The Western part of Ukraine, called Galicia, has some characteristics which are not seen in other parts of Ukraine.On the contrary to the Galicia, eastern and southern parts of Ukraine have different characteristics. The Donbass and Crimea belong to these regions. These regions have strong tles with Russia although they belong to Ukraine. The Crimea, now an autonomous republic in Ukraine, belonged to Russia until 1954. A part of the Donbass was belonged to Russia before the 1917 revolution as the Don Army District.The contrast between the West and the East in Ukraine can be seen on the map. There is an interesting piece of evidence to show the dichotomy between the West and the East. It shows the change of support for the first president Leonid Kravchuk and the second president Leonid Kuchma. In Ukraine we can hear a new Ukrainian proverb, saying, “Ukrainian Presidents born in the East will die in the West”. This proverb well explains the dichotomy between the East and the West in Ukraine.For Nation-building in Ukraine there are some obstacles in terms of integration of people into one consolidated group. Ukraine is divided not only by geography but also by culture and identity.Language problems may be the most visible problem in today's Ukraine. The second obstacle for the integration of the Ukrainian nation-state is religious splits among the people. Ukraine is, of course, a secularized state. But the history of the suppression of national churches such as the Uniate Church (Ukrainian Catholic Church) and Ukrainian Orthodox Church made these churches political factors.Ukrainians have failed to form a nation-state. Russians have also failed to form their own nation-state. Russians have always been a subject of a big empire, first the Russian Empire and next the Soviet Union. Above all things they carried out their mission to build and maintain an empire. Ukrainians, in contrast, are eager to build their own nation-state, not an empire. This is an identity difference between two nationalities. And this difference reflects the dichotomy in Ukraine between the East and the West.The geopolitical position of Ukraine in the International arena has been a factor of difficulties for the building a nation state. For Ukraine, located between the West and the East, between Germany and Russia, inevitably it has been geopolitically in either a buffer zone or a battleground. In the Northern War in 18th century, the Napoleonic War, Crimean War, World War I and World War II, Ukraine was one of the major battlefields. After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union the region which includes the territory of Ukraine became a battlefield between Europe and Russia b
中井 和夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.104, pp.99-116,L12, 1993

The agreement reached in Minsk on 7-8 December 1991 to create a Commonwealth of Independent States was signed by the leaders of three slavic countries. The agreement stated that, "the USSR as a subject of international law and geopolitical reality ceases its existence". Ukrainian president Kravchuk stated that it had prevented the uncontrolled disintegration of the former Soviet Union, but "We cannot allow ourselves to be locked in the Commonwealth, we should go in search of wide ranging relations with other countries", added he. Many Ukrainians regarded CIS more sceptically than president Kravchuk. According to an opinion poll conducted after signing of the Minsk accords, Ukrainians were the most pessimistic of the three founding states.<br>Elected as the first president of Ukraine, Kravchuk shortly succeeded to establish an authoritarian regime. He introduced several new institutions which strengthened his presidential power. By shifting his position from "sovereign communist" to the "fighter for Ukrainian independent statehood" Kravchuk neutralized his former opponents. Also he recruited many key persons from opponents camp to the higher governmental posts. But Kravchuk's authoritarian regime lasted barely one year. New prime minister L. Kuchima challenged Kravchuk in power game and weakened Kravchuk's position last winter. Kravchuk's authoritarian regime was further weakened by the economic crises in Ukraine.<br>Since Ukraine's ratification of its independence in December 1991, its quarrels with Russia grabbed international headlines. During the early months of 1992, Russo-Ukrainian relations reached so low an ebb that many observers felt the big possibility of the Ukraine's retreat from the CIS. However, an reapprochment has taken place. An agreement was reached between the two sides on many of the outstanding areas of conflict at the Dagomys summit meeting in June 1992 between president Yeltsin and Kravchuk. Although there are still many points of conflict between them, relations between them have become quite stable.<br>From the begining Ukraine did not possess strong loyality to the CIS. Ukraine regarded CIS as an economic cooperative organization. Therefore, Ukraine was always against the CIS as a unit of political-military integration. If CIS would be strengthened as a political institution like the former Soviet Union, Ukraine would likely choose the alternative of "exit" from the CIS.<br>Finally, what is the meaning and impact of the independence of Ukraine in the region? From the Baltic to the Black Sea, there are now six new independent states, including Ukraine. These western parts of the former Soviet Union can be called the "New Eastern Europe". thrusts Central Europe (former Eastern Europe) to the west and at the same time pushes Russia to the east.
中井 和夫
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.114, pp.135-150,L13, 1997

The first Ukrainian state already has lasted five years. But it does not mean the end of long dreamed of statism, but the beginning of hard ways for building a nation.<br>The border of Ukraine has a peculiar character. Almost all border lines were drawn by dividing regions, each of which comprised historically one region. This condition also makes the task of building a nation difficult.<br>In the western part of Ukrainian border, such regions are Galitsia, Carpathian, Bukovina and Bessarabia. If you turn to the east, there are two divided regions, the Donbass and the Slobidska Ukraine.<br>The Ukrainian border was made by dividing regions that caused difficulties in building the Ukrainian nation-state. Because of the dividing the regions automatically made Ukrainian Diaspora or <i>irredenta</i> outside Ukraine. In Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Russia, Ukrainians have been living as a minority group. At the same time the opposite sides, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Russia, consider the regions which were incorporated with Ukraine their <i>irredenta</i>. Between Ukraine and Russia there is another but major border dispute on the Crimean Peninsula.<br>Ukraine herself is divided into two parts, Eastern and Western. The Western part of Ukraine, called Galicia, has some characteristics which are not seen in other parts of Ukraine.<br>On the contrary to the Galicia, eastern and southern parts of Ukraine have different characteristics. The Donbass and Crimea belong to these regions. These regions have strong tles with Russia although they belong to Ukraine. The Crimea, now an autonomous republic in Ukraine, belonged to Russia until 1954. A part of the Donbass was belonged to Russia before the 1917 revolution as the Don Army District.<br>The contrast between the West and the East in Ukraine can be seen on the map. There is an interesting piece of evidence to show the dichotomy between the West and the East. It shows the change of support for the first president Leonid Kravchuk and the second president Leonid Kuchma. In Ukraine we can hear a new Ukrainian proverb, saying, "Ukrainian Presidents born in the East will die in the West". This proverb well explains the dichotomy between the East and the West in Ukraine.<br>For Nation-building in Ukraine there are some obstacles in terms of integration of people into one consolidated group. Ukraine is divided not only by geography but also by culture and identity.<br>Language problems may be the most visible problem in today's Ukraine. The second obstacle for the integration of the Ukrainian nation-state is religious splits among the people. Ukraine is, of course, a secularized state. But the history of the suppression of national churches such as the Uniate Church (Ukrainian Catholic Church) and Ukrainian Orthodox Church made these churches political factors.<br>Ukrainians have failed to form a nation-state. Russians have also failed to form their own nation-state. Russians have always been a subject of a big empire, first the Russian Empire and next the Soviet Union. Above all things they carried out their mission to build and maintain an empire. Ukrainians, in contrast, are eager to build their own nation-state, not an empire. This is an identity difference between two nationalities. And this difference reflects the dichotomy in Ukraine between the East and the West.<br>The geopolitical position of Ukraine in the International arena has been a factor of difficulties for the building a nation state. For Ukraine, located between the West and the East, between Germany and Russia, inevitably it has been geopolitically in either a buffer zone or a battleground. In the Northern War in 18th century, the Napoleonic War, Crimean War, World War I and World War II, Ukraine was one of the major battlefields. After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union the region which includes the territory of Ukraine became a battlefield between Europe and Russia b
乙津 祐一 中井 和夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SANE, 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.99, no.389, pp.95-102, 1999-10-25

最近、成層圏(高度20km)に飛行船のようなプラットフォームを浮かべ、移動体通信、放送、データ伝送などに利用しようと言う動きが具体化してきた。郵政省,科学技術庁、通信放送機構共同の5ヶ年計画が動き出したところである。開発しようとしている成層圏システムは,静止衛星に比べて格段に自由空間損失が少なく,移動局側の小型化が可能である。 当社の人工地震による地下資源探査業務においては,末端のセンサシステム(RSU)を通常何キロもケーブルで繋いで,中央のデータ収集装置(CRU)に集めている。ここでは,それを無線化して成層圏プラットフォーム経由で,CRUにデータを収集するシステムを検討した。 当社の地震探査の現場では,RSUが数多く敷設され,それらが移動計測であることから,個々のRSUの回線設定が容易に、短時間で終了する必要がある。また,測定中,雨等でデータが中断することを極力避けたいと言う必然性もある。そのためには,移動通信に使われている2,3GHzが,最適なので,ここでは,無線局の免許が不要な2.4GHz(10mW)を用いて,オンラインデータ収集を検討したのでここに報告する。
中井 和夫 角田 俊平 具島 健二
広島大学生物生産学部紀要 (ISSN:03877647)
vol.26, no.1, pp.p89-98, 1987-11

瀬戸内海の中部で1977年3月から'79年6月までの間に採集した323尾のコイチについて、空胃またはそれに近い状態にあった個体120尾を除き、体長49~435mmの203尾の個体の胃内容物の種類とその個体数を明らかにした。さらにそれらの中で胃内容物が未消化であった個体153尾については、各個体の胃内容物全重量と餌生物の種類別重量を測定した。得られた結果は次の通りである。1) 胃内に出現した生物は魚類、甲殻類(橈脚類、アミ類、クマ類、端脚類、オキアミ類、十脚類、口脚類)、腹足類、頭足類(十腕類)、多毛煩、螠類、藻類であるが、出現頻度、個体数、重量のいずれについても特に多い魚類とエビ類が最も重要な餌生物であり、次いでアミ類が重要である。2) 胃内容物組成は、出現頻度では魚類51%、エビ類52%、アミ類23%、個体数比では魚類17%、エビ類58%、アミ類20%、重量比では魚類46%、エビ類33%、アミ類1%であった。3)コイチの成長に伴って胃内容物の種類組成が変化するとともに、餌生物の種類数は成長とともにやや減少する傾向がある。重要な餌生物は、体長40~79mmの0年魚ではアミ類、小型エビ類(主としてテッポウエビ類、ヒラツノモエビ、エビジャコ、クルマエビ科のエビ1種)、小型魚類、体長80~139mmの0または1年魚では魚類、エビ類(主としてアキアミ、テッポウエビ類)、体長140~199mm の1年魚では魚類、エビ類(主としてテッポウエビ類、エビジャコ)、そして200mm以上の成魚では魚類であって、中でも体長200mm以上の個体になるとイカナゴが極めて重要である。4) 捕食者であるコイチと被食者(エビジャコ、魚類)の大きさとの関係については、大きいコイチほどより大きい餌生物を捕食する傾向が認められる。そして両者の関係は、コイチとエビジャコよりもコイチと魚類との間でより明瞭であって、被食魚類の全長は捕食者であるコイチの体長の約1/5~1/3である。5)瀬戸内海中部に生息するコイチとシログチの胃内容物について比較、検討した結果、両種の食性はほぼ等しく、同海域の底魚群集の中での食地位は魚食性魚類に次いで高位にあり、魚類・甲殻類食性とすることができる。The food habits of Nibea albiflora, which is one of the most important fishing resources in Bisan-seto of the Seto Inland Sea, were studied through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of their stomach contents. Stomachs of 323 fish collected in the central regions of the Sea during the period from March '77 to June '79 were examined, although 120 of them were found to be empty. The stomachs of the remaining 203 fish with a standard length ranging from 49 mm to 435 mm were analyzed individually. The prey items were identified, counted and weighed damp with the total length of the prey (fishes and shrimps: Crangon affinis) being measured. This study is one of a series of studies on the fishery biology of N. albiflora in the Seto Inland Sea. General conclusions obtained in this study are as follows:1) The prey items found in the stomachs were fishes, crustaceans (shrimps, hermit crabs, crabs, mantis shrimps, euphausiids, amphipods, cumaceans, mysids, copepods), gastropods, cephalopods (squid), polychaetes, echiurids (Urechis unicinctus) and algae.2) The most predominant prey items in the stomachs in terms of occurrence were shrimps (52%), fishes (51%) and mysids (23%). In terms of numbers, the most numerous item was shrimps (58%), with mysids (20%) and fishes (17%) being less important. In gravimetric terms, the major prey items were fishes (46%) and shrimps (33%), and U. unicilzctus constituted 12%.0 The main species of shrimp consumed were Acefes japonicus, Aljlzous Brevicristatus, Alpheus japonicus, Latreutes planirostris, Crangon affinis, and a species of penaeid shrimp, but Lucifer reynaudi and Athanas lamellifer were less dominant. The most important species of fish consumed was the sand eel (Amnzodytes personatus).3) The number of prey items in the stomachs decreased gradually with growth of N. albiflora, with the frequency of occurrence and weight of each prey item also changing with the size of the predator. The 203 sample fish were divided into four standard length groups: less than 80 mm, 80-139 mm, 140-199 mm, and greater than 200 mm. The major foods were mysids, small shrimps (mainly alpheid shrimps, L. planirostris, C. affinis, a penaeid shrimp) and small fishes in the < 80 mm size group, fishes and shrimps (mainly Ac. juponicus, alpheid shrimps, C. afjinis) in the 80-139 mm size group, and fishes and shrimps (mainly Ac. japonics, alpheid shrimps) in the 140-199 mm size group. Fishes were the most important prey item in the > 200 mm size group, and sand ell was dominant in the stomachs of N. albiflora greater than 260 mm length.4) The prey size of fishes and shrimp (C. affinis) appeared to increase with incresing predator size. Size preference was more clear in fish prey than shrimp. The total length of fish prey in the stomachs was 1/5-1/3 of the standard length of the predator.