櫻井 秀彦 中島 史雄 多田 裕一郎 芳川 江美 岩橋 芳樹 藤田 健二 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.5, pp.581-591, 2009-05-01 (Released:2009-05-01)
16 5

Various functions expected by patient expects are needed with progress in the system for separation of dispensing and prescribing functions. In this investigation, the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy function were analyzed quantitatively. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 178 community pharmacies. Questions on pharmacy functions and services totaled 87 items concerning information service, amenities, safety, personnel training, etc. The questionnaires for patients had five-grade scales and composed 11 items (observed variables). Based on the results, “the percentage of satisfied patients” was determined. Multivariate analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy functions or services provided, to confirm patient's evaluation of the pharmacy, and how factors affected comprehensive satisfaction. In correlation analysis, “the number of pharmacists” and “comprehensive satisfaction” had a negative correlation. Other interesting results were obtained. As a results of factor analysis, three latent factors were obtained: the “human factor,” “patients' convenience,” and “environmental factor,” Multiple regression analysis showed that the “human factor” affected “comprehensive satisfaction” the most. Various pharmacy functions and services influence patient satisfaction, and improvement in their quality increases patient satisfaction. This will result in the practice of patient-centered medicine.
渡邊 紳一郎 木村 文宏 喜屋武 淳 鈴木 智史 中島 史雄 早川 正道 中村 宏
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.86, no.6, pp.1137-1141, 1995-06-20
11 1

1991年から1994年の間に経験したFournier's gangrene患者5名について, 年齢, 基礎疾患, 誘因, 病変の範囲, 検出された細菌, 治療法及び予後について検討した.患者の平均年齢は47歳で, 基礎疾患として糖尿病2名, 全身性エリテマトーデス1名, 慢性アルコール中毒1名, 末期の多発性骨髄腫1名であった.発症の誘因は創感染が2名, 尿道留置カテーテルが2名であり, 1名では明らかなものはなかった.外科的処置として, 2名に広範囲のデブリードマンを施行し, 後に分割植皮術を要した.3名では, 最小限の壊死組織除去後に罹患部皮下に多数のペンローズ・ドレーンを留置し, 消毒液で洗浄した.このうち2名は病変の発赤, 腫脹が急速に軽減し, 皮膚欠損を残さずに治癒した.1名は末期の多発性骨髄腫患者で全身状態は極めて不良であり, ドレーン留置後, 炎症所見は軽減傾向にあったが, 敗血症, DICを併発して死亡した.外科的処置として広範囲のデブリードマンが一般的に施行されているが, 皮膚欠損を生じることが多く, 皮膚移植の必要性や二次的創感染等の欠点を有する.壊死組織の限局的な除去と皮下への多数のドレーンの留置の組み合わせは, 皮膚欠損も最小限で済み, 治療効果も広範囲のデブリドマンと比べて遜色がなかった.本法は, 広範囲デブリードマンに変えて選択しうる有効な治療法であると思われた.
櫻井 秀彦 川原 昇平 多田 裕一郎 中島 史雄 猪狩 富夫 百瀬 晴彦 近藤 弘之 小森 雄太 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.127, no.7, pp.1115-1123, 2007 (Released:2007-07-01)
24 14

Separation of the dispensing function and the prescribing function, Iyaku Bungyo, has been progressing in Japan. We are now witnessing the advent of a new society where patients select pharmacists and their satisfaction is recognized as one of the healthcare outcome indicators. It is necessary to clarify which factors affect patients' satisfaction with the services provided at community pharmacies and how they do so. A survey was conducted among 104 community pharmacies and their patients around the Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan. The questionnaire comprised 11 items (observed variables), each with a five-grade scale. With the transformed data-oriented pharmacy, the percentage of being not unsatisfactory was examined in two multivariate analyses of the relation and structure of patient satisfaction with a community pharmacy. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with factor analysis (FA) was performed using the observed variables and latent factors. Multiple regression analysis was performed with comprehensive satisfaction as an independent variable, examining the factors that affect comprehensive satisfaction with the pharmacy. The result of the FA indicated three latent factors of instruction on the use of drugs, quality of staff, and environment, based on which SEM model was constructed with a relatively high goodness of fit index. The result of multiple regression analyses indicated almost all variables such as satisfaction with reception by the pharmacist affected the comprehensive satisfaction, but privacy did not show a significant effect. These results, notably the relationship between each variables and latent factors, suggested the importance of higher skills of pharmacists, service qualities at pharmacies, and their functions adjusted to the community.