早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.123, no.3, pp.121-132, 2003-03-01 (Released:2003-03-26)
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By October 2002, the separation of prescribing and dispensing in Japan had already been implemented for 28 years since the system was inaugurated in 1974. Although the separation rate reached 44.5% in 2001, the questions, “Is the separation necessary in Japan?” or “Has the system been working successfully?” are often heard. These questions are raised because people have not noted the advantages of the system yet, and because the separation itself has many problems or shortcomings. These questions are not only from pharmacists, but also from physicians, patients, or medical and educational institutions. If the problem concerns pharmacists, it is assumed to stem from their lack of ability required for the separation. A breakthrough for an early solution of the problem will be found in a change in education, which includes a range of clinical subjects and long-term clinical practices.
櫻井 秀彦 中島 史雄 多田 裕一郎 芳川 江美 岩橋 芳樹 藤田 健二 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.5, pp.581-591, 2009-05-01 (Released:2009-05-01)
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Various functions expected by patient expects are needed with progress in the system for separation of dispensing and prescribing functions. In this investigation, the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy function were analyzed quantitatively. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 178 community pharmacies. Questions on pharmacy functions and services totaled 87 items concerning information service, amenities, safety, personnel training, etc. The questionnaires for patients had five-grade scales and composed 11 items (observed variables). Based on the results, “the percentage of satisfied patients” was determined. Multivariate analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between patient satisfaction and pharmacy functions or services provided, to confirm patient's evaluation of the pharmacy, and how factors affected comprehensive satisfaction. In correlation analysis, “the number of pharmacists” and “comprehensive satisfaction” had a negative correlation. Other interesting results were obtained. As a results of factor analysis, three latent factors were obtained: the “human factor,” “patients' convenience,” and “environmental factor,” Multiple regression analysis showed that the “human factor” affected “comprehensive satisfaction” the most. Various pharmacy functions and services influence patient satisfaction, and improvement in their quality increases patient satisfaction. This will result in the practice of patient-centered medicine.
櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 高木 美保 中川 明子 我藤 有香 荒川 行生 早瀬 幸俊
vol.6, no.1, pp.3-21, 2011

<B>目的</B>:保険薬局に勤務する薬剤師と事務職の組織や職務に対する意識と安全意識を調査し,それらの関連性を職種や他の属性で比較検討した.<br><B>対象と方法</B>:関西圏に基盤を置くチェーン薬局41店舗でアンケート調査を実施した.非管理職の薬剤師(n=180)と事務職(n =127)を対象とし,組織や職務に関する30の質問項目とミス対策などに関する38の質問項目を設定,それぞれ5件法で回答を求めた.職種別に因子分析を行い,抽出された因子を比較検討した後,共分散構造分析と重回帰分析で組織や職務に対する意識と安全意識の関連性について検討した.重回帰分析では,過誤対策委員経験の有無や雇用形態による影響を,ダミー変数を用いて確認した.<br><B>結果</B>:因子分析では,組織や職務に関する設問から5因子が,安全意識に関する設問から5因子が抽出された.薬剤師と事務職では因子の構成項目が若干異なった.共分散構造分析では,薬剤師と事務職ともに組織や職務に対する意識が安全意識に影響を与えていることが明らかとなった.重回帰分析では個々の因子およびダミー変数で影響に違いがあることが明らかとなった.<br><B>考察</B>:安全意識を高めるためには,まず良好な職場風土を醸成し,組織への評価を高めること,次いで職種,雇用形態,過誤対策委員の経験の有無などの違いを考慮した組織管理姿勢を検討する必要性が裏付けられた.
櫻井 秀彦 恩田 光子 中川 明子 藤本 佳乃子 奥田 勅子 岡山 浩之 荒川 行生 早瀬 幸俊
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.3, pp.118-123, 2013 (Released:2013-12-27)

Objective: This study quantitatively analyzes the factors causing dispensing errors in community pharmacies and explores the characteristics of these factors and their order of importance.Design and Methods: We collected data records on the contents and causes of dispensing errors as reported between April and July 2009 by a total of 320 pharmacists at 56 stores of two pharmacy chains (15 stores in Hokkaido and 41 stores in the Kansai area).  We focused on the following three types of dispensing error: 1) “measurement error”, 2) “wrong drug dispensing error” and 3) “wrong dosage form specification error”.  We conducted multiple regression analyses and discriminant analyses with occurrence frequency of each type of error as dependent variables and count frequency of each causal factor as independent variables.Results: The result of the multiple regression analyses indicated that the primary causes of the three types of errors in order of strength of the regression coefficients were as follows.  For “measurement error”: 1) pharmacist’s wrong assumption and 2) calculation error; for “wrong dosage form specification error”: 1) insufficient confirmation of prescription and 2) pharmacist’s wrong assumption; for “wrong drug dispensing error”: 1) pharmacist’s wrong assumption and 2) insufficient confirmation of prescription.  The results of the discriminant analysis indicated that only for the discriminant coefficient between “wrong dosage form specification error” and “wrong drug dispensing error” no significant difference in the mean was found (p=0.539).Conclusions: Results show that partly different factors cause “measurement error” as compared with the two other types of dispensing errors.  In addition, while basically the same factors were found to cause “wrong drug dispensing error” and “wrong dosage form specification error,” there was a difference in the order of importance of these factors.  This study uncovered differences in terms of causal factors affecting each dispensing error type.
櫻井 秀彦 川原 昇平 多田 裕一郎 中島 史雄 猪狩 富夫 百瀬 晴彦 近藤 弘之 小森 雄太 早瀬 幸俊
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.127, no.7, pp.1115-1123, 2007 (Released:2007-07-01)
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Separation of the dispensing function and the prescribing function, Iyaku Bungyo, has been progressing in Japan. We are now witnessing the advent of a new society where patients select pharmacists and their satisfaction is recognized as one of the healthcare outcome indicators. It is necessary to clarify which factors affect patients' satisfaction with the services provided at community pharmacies and how they do so. A survey was conducted among 104 community pharmacies and their patients around the Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan. The questionnaire comprised 11 items (observed variables), each with a five-grade scale. With the transformed data-oriented pharmacy, the percentage of being not unsatisfactory was examined in two multivariate analyses of the relation and structure of patient satisfaction with a community pharmacy. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with factor analysis (FA) was performed using the observed variables and latent factors. Multiple regression analysis was performed with comprehensive satisfaction as an independent variable, examining the factors that affect comprehensive satisfaction with the pharmacy. The result of the FA indicated three latent factors of instruction on the use of drugs, quality of staff, and environment, based on which SEM model was constructed with a relatively high goodness of fit index. The result of multiple regression analyses indicated almost all variables such as satisfaction with reception by the pharmacist affected the comprehensive satisfaction, but privacy did not show a significant effect. These results, notably the relationship between each variables and latent factors, suggested the importance of higher skills of pharmacists, service qualities at pharmacies, and their functions adjusted to the community.
本間 克明 酒井 律子 武島 晶子 島森 美光 早瀬 幸俊
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.124, no.10, pp.693-697, 2004-10-01

生活環境の改善や医学の進歩等により, わが国の平均寿命は平成13年では男性78.07年, 女性84.93年となり, 1)世界有数の長寿国となっている. そして, 65歳以上の高齢者人口は平成12年でおよそ2200万人と総人口の17.4%を占めており, 平成27年には26%台となり, さらに平成42年には29.6%, 平成62年には35.7%に達すると推計されている. 2)このような急速な高齢化の進展や疾病構造の変化等によりわが国の医療をとりまく環境は大きく変化しており, それに伴い国民医療費は年々増大し, 平成11年度には約30兆円に到達した. 年齢階級別国民医療費を平成12年度で見ると, 65歳以上の医療費が約12兆円で, 実に50%を占めるに至っており, これを1人当たりの医療費で見ると, 15歳から44歳が約7万円, 45歳から64歳が約19万円であるのに対して, 65歳以上では約54万円, 70歳以上では約63万円, 75歳以上では約70万円と15歳から44歳及び45歳から64歳の医療費に比べて, それぞれ約3倍から10倍高くなっている. 3)この原因としては高齢者は受診率が高く, また重症化し易く, かつ治療には長期間かかることなどが考えられている.
佐島 進 櫻井 秀彦 我妻 拓哉 佐藤 陽介 早瀬 幸俊
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.3, pp.118-124, 2015-11-30 (Released:2015-12-18)

Objective: Many studies on patient satisfaction are conducted in community pharmacies.  In contrast, the present study assess the community pharmacy function and to the best of our knowledge, appears to be the first to evaluate the professional functions of pharmacists.Methods: In September 2010, in 1 week, we conducted a survey that focused on pharmacists’ professional abilities.  I subjected the responses to factor analysis and covariance structure analysis.Results: We obtained 2,506 effective responses (appropriately completed and returned questionnaires) of the 4,633 questionnaires originally distributed.  Data of seven dimensions were obtained for factor analysis.  In all, the various information provision services rendered by a pharmacist were not significant.  According to the covariance structure analysis, “safety” (a pharmaceutical management item) and “responsiveness” (a complimentary element) were significant factors.  Differences in the degree of influence were confirmed for each parameter in the analysis, depending on the parameter.  In addition, the information provision services were significant during the acute period.Conclusion: Because the information provision services were not significant, the influence of “asymmetric information” warrant further analysis according to the specialty.  I believe that it is necessary to examine asymmetric information in greater detail in the future.  In addition, I think that an interventional study that is based on these results is also necessary.