望月 直人 串崎 真志
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第84回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PB-001, 2020-09-08 (Released:2021-12-08)

高敏感者(highly sensitive person: HSP)と自閉スペクトラム症(autism spectrum disorder: ASD)はいずれも感覚の敏感さをもつため,両者の併存や判別が議論になる。教養科目・教職科目の心理学を受講する大学生141名(男性53名,女性87名,その他1名,M=21.6歳,SD=3.15)に,①Highly sensitive person尺度短縮版(Aron, et al., 2010)11項目7件法,②エンパス尺度(Nine-item EmpathScale: 串崎,2019)9項目7件法,③自閉性指数(Autism-Spectrum Quotient: AQ-J-10, Kurita, Koyama & Osada, 2005)10項目4件法,④認知的フュージョン質問紙(CognitiveFusion Questionnaire (CFQ): 嶋他,2016)7項目7件法,⑤心理的非柔軟性(Acceptance andAction Questionnaire-II: 嶋他,2013)7項目7件法,⑥対人反応性指標(Interpersonal Reactivity Index,日道他,2017)を実施した。重回帰分析の結果,AQに対しては,男女共に共感(情動直感・想像性)の係数が負であり,CFQは関連していなかった。HSPに対しては,予想に反して,男性においてCFQの係数が正で,共感(共感的関心)の係数が負であった。なおHSP尺度とASDは正の相関があり(r=.25),両者の併存を視野に入れた研究が必要である。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.11, pp.11-17, 2020-03

Sensory-processing sensitivity is a personality trait of processing information (e.g. auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory) more strongly and deeply than others. Previous research has found individuals with high sensory-processing sensitivity (highly sensitive person: HSP) have a personality with intuitive dominant function categorized by Carl Jung. The present study investigated the hypothesis if the highly sensitive persons have a tendency to imagine intuitive words on word association test. University students (N = 15) were asked to take part in the Watchword technique (Daniels, 1992). After that, they completed the Highly Sensitive Person Scale-Short form and Nine-item Empath Scale. Results showed that there was no difference between high and low HSP groups in the number of intuitive words, but individuals with high sensory-processing sensitivity felt right about interpretations of watchword keys. Further research is needed to confirm and expand these findings.
黄 夢荷 串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.12, pp.1-5, 2021-03

サイコパシーは,反社会的な特性と行動を含むパーソナリティ障害であり(Hare & Neumann, 2009),他者を操作する特徴がある。先行研究では,サイコパシー傾向は他者操作方略と正の相関がある(下司・小塩,2019)。本研究は,サイコパシー傾向と他者操作方略の関連を,共感性と愛着スタイルの影響という観点から検証した。中国で参加者319名の調査を行った結果,サイコパシー傾向と親密性回避,見捨てられ不安との間に正の相関が得られた。また,パス解析の結果から,サイコパシー傾向の自己指向的反応が高くなることで,すべての他者操作方略が高くなること,親密性回避が高いほど,卑下的操作を行うことも明らかになった。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.10, pp.1-9, 2019-03

Several studies have reported significant relationships between sensory-processing sensitivity and personality. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if the sensory-processing sensitivity have a tendency for contagion-mimicry association, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion and the frequency of draws in paper-rock-scissors would increase. Participants (study 1: N = 46, study 2: N = 48) were asked to pair with partners and report how much they (themselves and partners) currently felt lonely, hungry, and tired on a 7-point scale. After that, they played rock-paper-scissors twelve times. Results showed that the frequency of draws was predictred by sensory-processing sensitivity and the score of empathic accuracy in study 1, however, the finding was not replicated in study 2. The relevance of sensory-processing sensitivity, empathic accuracy, and motor mimicry were discussed.
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.8, pp.1-12, 2017-03

Empathic accuracy is the degree to which a perceiver is able to accurately infer the specific content of another person's successive thoughts and feelings. It involves both processes of cognitive empathy and emotional contagion and enhances motor mimicry (automatic imitation/synchronization). Four experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if the motor mimicry associates a process of empathy, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion would increase the frequency of draws in paper-rock-scissors. Participants (study 1: N=88, study 2: N=88, study 3: N=88, study 4: N=72) were asked to complete the emotional contagion subscale and the odor awareness scale (study 2 to 4 only) and report how much they currently felt lonely, active, and tired on a 7-point scale. They were paired with partners and rated on how much they thought the partner had a current feeling of loneliness, energy, and fatigue by just looking at his/ her face. Consistent with the hypothesis, study 1, 3, and 4 showed that the frequency of draws increased as the dyadic scores of empathic accuracy increased.相手の思考や感情の内容を正確に推測する能力の程度を,共感の正確性という。本研究では,共感の正確性が高いほど,じゃんけんで引き分けやすいかどうかを検証するために,4 つの実験を実施した。大学生の参加者(研究1 : N = 88, 研究2 : N = 88, 研究3 : N = 88, 研究4 : N = 72)が,情動伝染尺度及び匂い気づき尺度に記入し,自分と相手の気分(孤独・活気・疲労の程度)を7 段階で評定した。研究1,3,4 では,仮説に一致して,共感の正確性の二人の合計が高いほど,じゃんけんで引き分けが出やすくなっていたが,仮説と反対の結果もみられた。共感の正確性と動作模倣について考察した。