串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.11, pp.11-17, 2020-03

Sensory-processing sensitivity is a personality trait of processing information (e.g. auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory) more strongly and deeply than others. Previous research has found individuals with high sensory-processing sensitivity (highly sensitive person: HSP) have a personality with intuitive dominant function categorized by Carl Jung. The present study investigated the hypothesis if the highly sensitive persons have a tendency to imagine intuitive words on word association test. University students (N = 15) were asked to take part in the Watchword technique (Daniels, 1992). After that, they completed the Highly Sensitive Person Scale-Short form and Nine-item Empath Scale. Results showed that there was no difference between high and low HSP groups in the number of intuitive words, but individuals with high sensory-processing sensitivity felt right about interpretations of watchword keys. Further research is needed to confirm and expand these findings.
北村 英哉
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.9, pp.21-34, 2018-03

本研究はJSPS科研費助成,基盤研究(C)13610167「画像による説得的コミュニケーションの処理様式を規定する要因についての研究」(研究代表者:北村英哉)に基づいたものである。In this study, I investigated the effects of affect and multi-facet thinking style (MFTS) on the processing of persuasive messages in ads. First, the MFTS scale was constructed and its validity was tested. When MFTS was high, participants did not rely on and attribute the cause of an event to powerful others. And under the hypothesis that negative mood would facilitate a deliberative thinking style and rejection of a groundless message, an experimental study using TV shopping movie was executed. The results showed that those with higher MFTS scores were especially rejecting of rapid, groundless movie ads, although affective influence on thinking style was not observed. The validity of an effective MFTS scale was confirmed and affective influences were discussed.本研究ではメッセージ処理の自動的/熟慮的処理の2つの処理様式を取り上げ,これを規定するメッセージの受け手の感情状態および個人差変数である多面的思考傾向,認知欲求を取り上げた。研究1では多面的思考尺度を構成し,多面的に考えない者が事象の原因を権威ある他者のせいだと帰属しがちであることが確認された。研究2では,認知欲求が熟慮的思考様式の現れである複雑な刺激の中の矛盾する情報への着目の程度に影響を与え,不一致情報の再生を高めることが確認された。研究3において動画による説得的コミュニケーションである広告を刺激として速い動画,ゆっくりとした動画の2種類と文章広告を比べ,感情状態と個人差変数との関わりを調べた。その結果,多面的思考傾向は信憑性に欠ける速い動画メッセージへの評価を低下させることが示された。感情の効果は十分見られなかったが,今後刺激の感情価を勘案した研究計画の必要性が示された。
前田 由貴子 佐藤 寛
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.59-66, 2018-03

This study aims to investigate the relationship among autistic traits, metacognition, and communication skills. Three-hundred and nine undergraduate students completed the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ); the ENDCOREs scale, which measures general communication skills; and the Adults' Metacognition Scale. We used Structural equation modeling to evaluate the hypothetical model. Autistic traits had a significant negative effect on metacognition and communication skills. Metacognition had a significant positive effect on communication skills. These results suggest that autistic traits negatively affected communication skills directly and indirectly via metacognition. Further, these results suggest that undergraduate students with autistic tendencies tend to have low communicative and metacognitive abilities. This study suggests that autistic students' poor metacognition is a mediator of communicative difficulties.自閉スペクトラム症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, 以下ASD)傾向,メタ認知,コミュニケーション・スキルの変数間の関連を明らかにするために,大学生309名を対象にAQ, ENDCOREs,成人用メタ認知尺度を用いて調査を実施した。ASD傾向とメタ認知がコミュニケーション・スキルに与える影響を検討するために,構造方程式モデリングによる解析を行ったところ,ASD傾向からメタ認知とコミュニケーション・スキルに対して有意な負のパスが示され,メタ認知からコミュニケーション・スキルへ有意な正のパスが示された。このことから,メタ認知が低くなるとコミュニケーション・スキルも低くなり,ASD傾向の大学生が抱えるコミュニケーションの問題には,メタ認知が介在している可能性が示唆された。
仲嶺 実甫子 竹森 啓子 佐藤 寛
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.13-19, 2018-03

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-compassion on help-seeking and stress response. Six-hundred seventeen junior high school students (315 men and 302 women) participated. Results suggested that high "positive attitude" and "fear and disinclination" forhelp-seeking associated with stress response. These results indicated that increasing positive attitude for help-seeking would not be able to lead improved mental health, but decreasing fear and disinclination for help-seeking would improve it. Self-compassion has negative impact for fear and disinclination for help-seeking, but doesn't increasing positive attitude for help-seeking. increasing self-compassion will elicit adaptive help-seeking for improving mental health.本研究ではセルフ・コンパッションと被援助志向性およびストレス反応の関連について,中学生617名(男性315名,女性302名)を対象とする質問紙調査によって検討した。その結果,被援助志向性のうち他者に援助を求めることに対する抵抗感・期待感のどちらもストレス反応に促進的な影響をあたえることが示された。つまり,他者に援助を求めることに対する期待感を高めるだけでは精神的健康の向上にはつながらず,抵抗感を低減させることが精神的健康の改善を促すと考えられる。セルフ・コンパッションは他者に援助を求めることに対する抵抗感に抑制的に働くが,期待感には促進的に働かないことが示唆されており,セルフ・コンパッションを向上させることは,精神的健康を改善するうえで適応的な援助要請につながると考えられる。
黄 夢荷 串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.12, pp.1-5, 2021-03

サイコパシーは,反社会的な特性と行動を含むパーソナリティ障害であり(Hare & Neumann, 2009),他者を操作する特徴がある。先行研究では,サイコパシー傾向は他者操作方略と正の相関がある(下司・小塩,2019)。本研究は,サイコパシー傾向と他者操作方略の関連を,共感性と愛着スタイルの影響という観点から検証した。中国で参加者319名の調査を行った結果,サイコパシー傾向と親密性回避,見捨てられ不安との間に正の相関が得られた。また,パス解析の結果から,サイコパシー傾向の自己指向的反応が高くなることで,すべての他者操作方略が高くなること,親密性回避が高いほど,卑下的操作を行うことも明らかになった。
福市 彩乃 田口 香澄 菅村 玄二
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.11, pp.39-47, 2020-03

従来,購買行動の研究は,対人販売場面を仮定するものが多かったが,券売機やセルフレジなどの機械化が普及し始めるにつれ,こうした社会的変化に消費者がどのように対応していくかに関心がもたれるようになってきた。本研究では,映画館のチケット販売場面で,有人窓口と自動券売機の選択行動について性別と年齢層の観点から検討した。関西圏のある映画館で,既定の時間帯にチケットを購入した639名(男性310名,女性329名)を観察し,性別と年齢層で分類した。その結果,女性や中年層では販売形態の選択に差が見られなかったが,男性や若年層は自動券売機を,高齢層は有人窓口を選択する人数が有意に多かった (ps < .02) 。自動券売の歴史は古いが,映画館のタッチスクリーン式の自動券売機では,今日でも高齢層は有人窓口を利用しやすいという結果になった。今後も継続的に同様の研究をすることで,顧客と販売者の双方にとって有益な広告戦略や顧客教育につながる資料となりうる。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.10, pp.1-9, 2019-03

Several studies have reported significant relationships between sensory-processing sensitivity and personality. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if the sensory-processing sensitivity have a tendency for contagion-mimicry association, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion and the frequency of draws in paper-rock-scissors would increase. Participants (study 1: N = 46, study 2: N = 48) were asked to pair with partners and report how much they (themselves and partners) currently felt lonely, hungry, and tired on a 7-point scale. After that, they played rock-paper-scissors twelve times. Results showed that the frequency of draws was predictred by sensory-processing sensitivity and the score of empathic accuracy in study 1, however, the finding was not replicated in study 2. The relevance of sensory-processing sensitivity, empathic accuracy, and motor mimicry were discussed.
阿部 晋吾 太田 仁 福井 斉
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.11, pp.1-9, 2020-03

Dark Triadとは,マキャベリアニズム,サイコパシー,自己愛傾向の3つの総称である。これまでのDark Triadに関する研究は,大学生以上を対象とした研究が主流である。本研究では,799名の高校生を対象に調査を実施し,Dark Triadの因子構造を確認するとともに,性別,学年,進路による差についても検討し,大学生以上を対象に行われた従来の研究の知見との比較を行うことを目的とした。また,合わせて援助要請との関連についても検討した。その結果,Dark Triadにおいては階層的な因子構造が高校生サンプルにおいても確認された。また,マキャベリアニズム,サイコパシーは援助要請に対してネガティブな関連がみられるのに対して,ナルシシズムはポジティブな関連がみられた。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.8, pp.1-12, 2017-03

Empathic accuracy is the degree to which a perceiver is able to accurately infer the specific content of another person's successive thoughts and feelings. It involves both processes of cognitive empathy and emotional contagion and enhances motor mimicry (automatic imitation/synchronization). Four experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if the motor mimicry associates a process of empathy, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion would increase the frequency of draws in paper-rock-scissors. Participants (study 1: N=88, study 2: N=88, study 3: N=88, study 4: N=72) were asked to complete the emotional contagion subscale and the odor awareness scale (study 2 to 4 only) and report how much they currently felt lonely, active, and tired on a 7-point scale. They were paired with partners and rated on how much they thought the partner had a current feeling of loneliness, energy, and fatigue by just looking at his/ her face. Consistent with the hypothesis, study 1, 3, and 4 showed that the frequency of draws increased as the dyadic scores of empathic accuracy increased.相手の思考や感情の内容を正確に推測する能力の程度を,共感の正確性という。本研究では,共感の正確性が高いほど,じゃんけんで引き分けやすいかどうかを検証するために,4 つの実験を実施した。大学生の参加者(研究1 : N = 88, 研究2 : N = 88, 研究3 : N = 88, 研究4 : N = 72)が,情動伝染尺度及び匂い気づき尺度に記入し,自分と相手の気分(孤独・活気・疲労の程度)を7 段階で評定した。研究1,3,4 では,仮説に一致して,共感の正確性の二人の合計が高いほど,じゃんけんで引き分けが出やすくなっていたが,仮説と反対の結果もみられた。共感の正確性と動作模倣について考察した。
武部 匡也 佐藤 寛
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.67-73, 2018-03

This study investigated the relationship between emotion regulation, dormitory life, and subjective adjustment of the first year undergraduate students from the viewpoint of person-environment fit. Participants were 17 dormitory students and 50 students who did not live in the dormitory. We carried out the investigation twice, that is, one month and three months after the student enrollment. Results suggested that reappraisal (reinterpretation of the event generating emotion) and suppression (inhibition of emotion expression) were the key factors responsible for increasing the subjective adjustment of dormitory student. It may be important for the first year undergraduate students to assess and improve emotion regulation skills to better adjust to dormitory life.本研究では,大学新入生の感情制御能力と寮生活が入学後の適応感に与える影響を検討することを目的とした。大学1年生の寮生17名と一般大学生50名の計67名を対象に,入学後1ヶ月と3カ月の2回にわたって調査を実施した。その結果,一般大学生において感情制御能力は適応感に影響を与えなかったものの,寮生では再評価方略と抑制方略の能力の高い対象者が適応感を向上させていた。本研究の結果から,入寮前の大学新入生を対象に感情制御能力をアセスメントし,感情制御能力の向上に焦点化した適応支援を実施することで入寮後の適応を促進できる可能性が示唆された。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.47-57, 2018-03

Several studies have reported significant relationships between the season of birth and personality. An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis if winter births have high scores on sensation seeking, or a tendency for morningness chronotype, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion and the frequency of draws in paper-rock-scissors would increase. Participants (N = 130) were asked to pair with partners and report how much they (themselves and partners) currently felt lonely, hungry, and tired on a 7-point scale. After that, they played rock-paper-scissors twelve times. Results showed that the score of empathic accuracy and the frequency of draws were not influenced by sensation seeking, however, some of the results uggested a possibility of the winter birth effect on contagion-mimicry association. The relevance of emotional disturbance of winter births, empathic accuracy, and motor mimicry were discussed.誕生季節がパーソナリティと関連するという研究が報告されている。もし冬生まれの刺激追求が高いなら,あるいは,もし冬生まれが朝型のクロノタイプをもっているなら,共感の正確性が上がり,じゃんけんで引き分けやすくなるだろう,という仮説を検証した。大学生の参加者(N=130)が二人組を作り,現在の孤独・空腹・疲労の程度を,お互いに7段階で評定した。その後,じゃんけんを12回行った。刺激追求は共感正確性や動作模倣を促さなかったが,冬生まれの男性においては,共感正確性と動作模倣が関連し,伝染-模倣説を支持していた。冬生まれの情動的不安定さと共感正確性,動作模倣について考察した。
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.35-46, 2018-03

Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if eye closure facilitates bottom-up processing, then empathic accuracy in emotional contagion and the frequency of draws in paperrock-scissors would increase. Participants (study 1: N = 94, study 2: N = 84) were asked to pair with partners and report how much they (themselves and partners) currently felt lonely, hungry, and tired on a 7-point scale with eyes-closed or eyes-open conditions. After that, they played rock-paper-scissors twelve times. Results showed that the frequency of draws and the score of empathic accuracy did not increased in eyes-closed condition, however, some of theresults suggested a possibility of eye closure effect. The relevance of eye closure, empathic accuracy, and motor mimicry were discussed.もし閉眼がボトムアップ処理を促進するなら,目を閉じることで,共感の正確性が上がり,じゃんけんで引き分けやすくなるだろう,という仮説を検証するため,2つの実験を実施した。大学生の参加者(研究1 : N=94, 研究2 : N=84)が二人組を作り,閉眼または開眼で,現在の孤独・空腹・疲労の程度を,お互いに7段階で評定した。その後,じゃんけんを12回行った。閉眼は共感の正確性や動作の模倣を直接促さなかったが,一部の結果はその可能性を示唆した。閉眼・共感の正確性・動作模倣のモデルについて考察した。
仲嶺 実甫子 伊藤 義徳 甲田 宗良 佐藤 寛
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.9, pp.1-11, 2018-03

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a compassion-based psychological intervention increased the social skills and satisfaction with school. Participants were 159 junior high school students, and the program involved four-session interventions with 50 minutes per session in a classroom setting. On the basis of cluster analysis of the pre-during-post scores of self-reported compassion for others, participants were divided into three groups: (a) decrease, (b) maintain high score, and (c) increase. The students whose compassion scores increased from low to high had multiplied commitment skill, which is a subscale of social skills, and increased total score of satisfaction with school after the intervention. The self-compassion score of that group also increased in the intervention season when compared to the students whose compassion scores decreased. These results suggested that the students whose compassion scores increased had increased social skills, satisfaction with school, and self-compassion.本研究ではコンパッションの促進を目的としたプログラムを実施し,コンパッションの向上に伴って社会的スキル,学校適応感,セルフ・コンパッションの向上が見られるかを検討した。対象は中学校1年生の4学級159名であった。プログラムは学級単位で1回50分,合計4回にわたって行われた。介入前後のコンパッション合計得点に基づくクラスター分析を行った結果,参加者は得点の変化の傾向によって下降群,高得点保持群,上昇群の3群に分類された。上昇群は社会的スキルの下位尺度である積極的スキルが介入期間中に増加していた。自己へのコンパッション得点に関しては,介入期間中に下降群の得点が減少しているのに対して,上昇群は増加していることが示された。以上のことから,コンパッションが促進された生徒は社会的スキルとセルフ・コンパッションが向上することが示された。
富田 拓郎
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.3, pp.27-32, 2012-03

This review addressed issues on relationship between career development and adolescent mental health. Recently, in Japan, lots of college students are having a trouble getting a job and job shortage is major social issues. Although career development and mental health have potential reciprocal effect, little has been empirically investigated this effect. This article pointed out the two possible perspectives to the research on the relationship. First, the researchers and practitioners should understand not only identity formation and developmental issues but also psychological adaptation and various emotional problems concerning career development. Second, in college education, university faculty with mental health professionals should intensively and comprehensively support college students with special need (e.g. developmental and psychiatric disorders). Finally, future directions on this research were discussed.
本元 小百合 山本 佑実 菅村 玄二
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
vol.5, pp.29-38, 2014-03

We reviewed previous empirical research on skin sensations within the context of the embodied cognition or embodiment theory, and discussed its possible mechanisms and limitations. A number of studies have revealed that tactile and thermal sensations could influence one’s cognition and behavior, especially in social context (e.g., trust, empathy, and helping). We argued that this was probably because physical contact is essentially associated with security and intimacy, since it develops interpersonal schemata in early and later developmental stages. Our basic idea may well be supported by ethological, evolutionary, developmental, and neurological perspectives. The methodological limitations, including issues of replicability and generalization, were discussed.
関口 理久子
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.7, pp.7-16, 2016-03

This study was designed to investigate the positive bias and the fading affect bias (FAB) during recall of emotional autobiographical memory, and the differences of these biases among undergraduate students (N=85) by the Self-esteem scale, the Psychological well-being scale, the Thinking about life event scale, and the Big Five scale. This study also examined whether reconstruction of emotional autobiographical memory might correlate to false recall and false recognition generated by the DRM paradigm. The result revealed the followings. 1) Difference between positive estimation and negative estimation of negative experience was smaller than that between those of positive experience. 2) Correlation analysis showed that during recall of positive experience, emotional intensity positively correlated to positive estimation, and negatively correlated to negative estimation. 3) Self-esteem and extroversion positively correlated to recall of positive autobiographical memory and emotional estimation of it. 4) False recall ratio and false recognition ratio did not correlate to any measure of reconstruction of emotional auto-biographical memory. Taken together, these results suggest that younger adults generally show reconstruction of positive experience from negative one, and that the reconstruction of emotional autobiographical memory and the association memory error by the DRM paradigm do not appear to be equivalent.
脇田 貴文 栗田 宜明 冨永 直人 加藤 欽志 紺野 愼一 福原 俊一 柴垣 有吾
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.7, pp.17-33, 2016-03

To identify the sources of hope for patients with chronic disease, a semi - structured interview was conducted with patients middle-aged and older, whose disease types and levels of activities of daily living limitations varied. Six patience - three with chronic kidney disease, one with rheumatoid arthritis, one with spinal cord injury, and another with lumbar spinal canal stenosis - were interviewed by a psychologist and an internist. It was determined that their sources greatly differed depending on individual circumstances, such as types and severity of disease, sources of joy and happiness, family structure, employment status, relationship with friends, etc. However, it also showed a stylization of hope dependent on individual experience; in other words, there was a tendency for patients to redefine their source of hope by setting attainable goals to match their limitations, or acknowledging what they have achieved and finding hope in maintaining their current state. We have determined that the sources of hope are comprised of two categories: [foundation and process of finding hope] and [specific goals and sources]. The former consists of: [stylization dependent on experience], [method and will], [use of external information], [intrinsic foundation], and [extrinsic foundation]. The latter consists of: [health], [source of joy and happiness], [family], and [social connections].
串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.7, pp.1-6, 2016-03

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis if a sniff of others' body odor was comfortable then it could promote their motor mimicry. Participants( N = 52, 68, 102 respectively) were asked to pair up with a person sitting around and to rate each others' hands on the favorability of their skin, shape warmth, and odor. Then they played a paper-rock-scissors game twelve times. Results showed that the frequency of draws in the game was not influenced by the partners' scent but slightly increased as the difference between the two evaluations of odor likability increased. The findings suggest the body odor can play a certain role in developing an empathic bond.
山本 哲也 佐藤 寛 串崎 真志
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.5, pp.51-56, 2014-03

This article was intended to showcase an interdisciplinary approach—including psychology, psychiatry, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, molecular biology, and genetics. This approach might have the capability of facilitating a more mechanistic understanding of the neural basis of mental events and improving mental well-being, as well as diagnosis and treatment of mental disease. We suggest that future research will be key to performing multilevel integrative research in psychology.