丸井 博
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.42, no.11, pp.700-712, 1969

石炭不況はますます深刻の度合いを深め,大手炭鉱会社といえども軒並み赤字経営で,巨額の国家資金の援助の支えでようやく息をついている状況である.現状では石炭の採掘・販売のみでは,経営の黒字は期待できないeこのことは常磐炭田でも例外ではない.低品位の一般炭を主体にしているだけに,むしろ事態は一層深刻化しているといえる.<br> 常磐炭田において独占的な生産比重をもつ常磐炭鉱(株)も,繁栄期の7割にあたる約7000人の従業員で,繁栄期を上廻る年間約260万の出炭量をあげているものの,経営は久しく赤字で無配を続けている.そこで他の大手炭鉱会社にみられるように,常磐炭鉱においても経営の多角化,すなわち他部門を兼営することによって石炭部門の赤字を埋め,総合的には経営を黒字にもっていこうとする傾向を強く押し出さざるをえなくなっている.本研究はこの実態を明らかにし,常磐炭田の地域性とどのように関連しそいるかを解明しようとするものである.<br> 常磐炭鉱は以前からかなりの系列会社をもっていたが,近年はとくにこの拡充に力を入れているmこれらの系列会社は,残炭鉱区の処理,石炭の輸送・販売,倉庫,機械製作,火力発電,石炭製品,食品,観光などの分野に分れているが,炭鉱経営上から派生してきたものが多い.そして,これらの系列会社の性格を分析していくと,石炭生産にともなう独特な系列会社発生のメカニズムが明らかにされるe同時にエネルギー革命に直面した炭鉱会社が,系列会社をクッションにして,これをどのように受け止めようとしているかがわかる.
丸井 博
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.25, no.2, pp.240-253, 1973

The writer has studied the development and the present conditions of the small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River flowing south at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The results of this study are as follows.<br>1) There are 21 small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River (Fig. 4), but their facilities are old and supply only a part of demand of electricity for the electric light and industrial power in this region. However, their cost of electricity production is low because the repayment of facilities has already ended. In addition, they are maintained as the urgent electricity in case of troubles of the long-distance transmission lines to this region from the hydroelectric or thermalelectric plants in other regions.<br>2) The first hydroelectric plant along the Shiba River was the Inogashira Hydroelectric Plant built in 1910. The completion of this plant was the one step to the modern hydroelectricity production in the Shizuoka Prefecture. The reason why the hydroelectric plant was built first along the Shiba River in the Shizuoka Prefecture was that there were a lot of sites for hydroelectricity production and the developing paper and pulp industry at the southern foot of Mt. Fuji demanded much electricity.<br>3) Four electric companies competed sharply for the production and supply of hydroelectricity along the Shiba River and the Fujisuiden Company held a dominant position. But, after all most hydroectric plants belonged to the Tokyo Electric Power Company which supplied electricity to Tokyo and amalagmated the Fujisuiden Company.<br>4) All the hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River whose capacities are from 250 KW to 4, 000 KW are conduit type. About 70 per cent of the 590-meter water head from the highest plant to the lowest one is used for genera-tion (Fig. 5).<br>5) The area of the Shiba River was early reclaimed as the agricultural land and at present the water rights for both irrigation and electric generation are much complicated (Fig. 8). The hydroelectric plants obtained the water rights for electric generation by paying various compensations, but the electricity production by a lot of plants decreased to a degree during the period of irrigation to the paddy fields from May to July, because irrigation rights take precedence. This kind of reduction of electricity production is far larger than the seasonal reduction (Fig. 6).
丸井 博
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.25, no.2, pp.240-253, 1973-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The writer has studied the development and the present conditions of the small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River flowing south at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The results of this study are as follows.1) There are 21 small hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River (Fig. 4), but their facilities are old and supply only a part of demand of electricity for the electric light and industrial power in this region. However, their cost of electricity production is low because the repayment of facilities has already ended. In addition, they are maintained as the urgent electricity in case of troubles of the long-distance transmission lines to this region from the hydroelectric or thermalelectric plants in other regions.2) The first hydroelectric plant along the Shiba River was the Inogashira Hydroelectric Plant built in 1910. The completion of this plant was the one step to the modern hydroelectricity production in the Shizuoka Prefecture. The reason why the hydroelectric plant was built first along the Shiba River in the Shizuoka Prefecture was that there were a lot of sites for hydroelectricity production and the developing paper and pulp industry at the southern foot of Mt. Fuji demanded much electricity.3) Four electric companies competed sharply for the production and supply of hydroelectricity along the Shiba River and the Fujisuiden Company held a dominant position. But, after all most hydroectric plants belonged to the Tokyo Electric Power Company which supplied electricity to Tokyo and amalagmated the Fujisuiden Company.4) All the hydroelectric plants along the Shiba River whose capacities are from 250 KW to 4, 000 KW are conduit type. About 70 per cent of the 590-meter water head from the highest plant to the lowest one is used for genera-tion (Fig. 5).5) The area of the Shiba River was early reclaimed as the agricultural land and at present the water rights for both irrigation and electric generation are much complicated (Fig. 8). The hydroelectric plants obtained the water rights for electric generation by paying various compensations, but the electricity production by a lot of plants decreased to a degree during the period of irrigation to the paddy fields from May to July, because irrigation rights take precedence. This kind of reduction of electricity production is far larger than the seasonal reduction (Fig. 6).