乾 順子 イヌイ ジュンコ Inui Junko
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 社会学・人間学・人類学研究室
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
no.34, pp.39-54, 2013

本稿の目的は、既婚女性の人生満足度に着目し、過去における性別分業意識と働き方が、既婚女性の中高年期の人生満足度にどのような影響を与えるかを明らかにすることである。一時点における生活満足度と従業上の地位・性別役割分業意識との関連については、意識と働き方が一致しているもの、つまり分業賛成と無職、分業反対とフルタイムであるものの生活満足度が高いという分析結果がある。しかし、パートという分業意識と一致しているかどうかが不明確な就業形態については、その関連が明らかにされてはいなかった。また、人生後期の人生を振り返っての満足感と、変更不可能な過去の意識と働き方の関連についての分析もこれまでなされてこなかった。これらは、日本における既婚女性のパート就業率の高さやその多様さを鑑みても、今後の女性就業や雇用政策、家族政策などを考える上でも重要な課題であると考えられる。そこで本稿では、1982 年と 2006 年の2 時点で実施されたパネル調査データを使用し、過去の分業意識と働き方がその後の中高年期の人生満足度に対して影響を与えるかについての分析を行った。その結果、過去の分業意識をコントロールしても、「パート型」のものの人生満足度が最も低かった。さらに、分業意識と職業経歴の交互作用を検討したところ、平等志向の強い「パート型」のものにおいてさらに人生満足度が低くなることが明らかとなった。This study clari es how married women's gender role attitudes and career patterns in the past affect their life satisfaction in their middle and advanced ages. It has been found that when working styles are consistent with their gender role attitudes, their degrees of life satisfaction increase. For example, housewives who have traditional gender role attitudes and full-time working wives who have non-traditional gender role attitudes tend to be satis ed with their lives. However, the relationship between gender role attitudes and part-time workers' life satisfaction has not been clari ed. Meanwhile, cross-sectional data does not clarify the causal relationship between gender role attitudes and work status. In order to explore their relationships, the present study uses longitudinal data from a sample of 152 wives who were interviewed both in 1982 and 2006. Using multiple regression analysis, the author states that the degree of retrospective life satisfaction of "part-time type career pattern workers" is lowest during the second wave, controlling for their gender role attitudes during the rst wave and other socio-economic variables. Furthermore, "part-time type career pattern workers" who have more egalitarian gender role attitudes are the least satis ed with their lives.
乾 順子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.59, no.2, pp.39-56, 2014-10-31 (Released:2019-05-24)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the changes in the division of household labor and the structure of housework between husbands and wives in Japan using nationwide survey data. In recent years, work-life balance policies have been promoted in Japan and men’s working hours have been reduced. Therefore, it is believed that the division of housework between husband and wife has become more equal. To ensure gender equality in the future, it is important to understand the factors encouraging or preventing equality in the division of household labor. In previous studies, several theories, which can be described as the demands hypothesis, relative resources hypothesis, time constraints hypothesis, and gender ideology hypothesis, have been presented as explaining the determinants of who does housework. In this study, I explore two factors—women’s work outside their home and gender role attitudes—and their relationship with the division of housework. This is intended to test the hypothesis derived from feminism and proposed by the dual labor market theory. Through analyses using the second and third Japanese national family surveys (NFRJ03 and 08), we find that gender equality in the home has advanced slightly. The increased number of wives with regular employment appears to have caused the proportion housework done by husbands to increase by 2003. However, by 2008 the gender role attitudes of wives appeared to have a greater effect on the division of housework.In summary, the position of men and women in the labor market has been made equal as a result of social change, but because of the continuing influence of gender role attitudes, it seems that equality of housework burdens does not yet accompany this gender equality in the workforce.
乾 順子
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.59, no.2, pp.39-56, 2014

The purpose of this article is to clarify the changes in the division of household labor and the structure of housework between husbands and wives in Japan using nationwide survey data. In recent years, work-life balance policies have been promoted in Japan and men's working hours have been reduced. Therefore, it is believed that the division of housework between husband and wife has become more equal. To ensure gender equality in the future, it is important to understand the factors encouraging or preventing equality in the division of household labor. In previous studies, several theories, which can be described as the demands hypothesis, relative resources hypothesis, time constraints hypothesis, and gender ideology hypothesis, have been presented as explaining the determinants of who does housework. In this study, I explore two factors—women's work outside their home and gender role attitudes—and their relationship with the division of housework. This is intended to test the hypothesis derived from feminism and proposed by the dual labor market theory. Through analyses using the second and third Japanese national family surveys (NFRJ03 and 08), we find that gender equality in the home has advanced slightly. The increased number of wives with regular employment appears to have caused the proportion housework done by husbands to increase by 2003. However, by 2008 the gender role attitudes of wives appeared to have a greater effect on the division of housework.In summary, the position of men and women in the labor market has been made equal as a result of social change, but because of the continuing influence of gender role attitudes, it seems that equality of housework burdens does not yet accompany this gender equality in the workforce.
乾 順子 イヌイ ジュンコ Inui Junko
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 社会学・人間学・人類学研究室
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
vol.34, pp.39-54, 2013-03-31

本稿の目的は、既婚女性の人生満足度に着目し、過去における性別分業意識と働き方が、既婚女性の中高年期の人生満足度にどのような影響を与えるかを明らかにすることである。一時点における生活満足度と従業上の地位・性別役割分業意識との関連については、意識と働き方が一致しているもの、つまり分業賛成と無職、分業反対とフルタイムであるものの生活満足度が高いという分析結果がある。しかし、パートという分業意識と一致しているかどうかが不明確な就業形態については、その関連が明らかにされてはいなかった。また、人生後期の人生を振り返っての満足感と、変更不可能な過去の意識と働き方の関連についての分析もこれまでなされてこなかった。これらは、日本における既婚女性のパート就業率の高さやその多様さを鑑みても、今後の女性就業や雇用政策、家族政策などを考える上でも重要な課題であると考えられる。そこで本稿では、1982 年と 2006 年の2 時点で実施されたパネル調査データを使用し、過去の分業意識と働き方がその後の中高年期の人生満足度に対して影響を与えるかについての分析を行った。その結果、過去の分業意識をコントロールしても、「パート型」のものの人生満足度が最も低かった。さらに、分業意識と職業経歴の交互作用を検討したところ、平等志向の強い「パート型」のものにおいてさらに人生満足度が低くなることが明らかとなった。