井口 正俊 Masatoshi IGUCHI
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09130756)
vol.21, no.1, pp.1-37, 2006-05

「隠喩」(metaphora)は,非本来的な意味へと適応される語の転用である。たとえば,類から種への,種から類への,ある種から他の種への,あるいはまた,類比に即して〈kata to analogon〉の転用である」(アリストテレス『詩学』1457b 21)「わたしは口を開いて譬を語り,いにしえからの謎を語ろう」(旧約聖書『詩篇』78)「隠喩的なものは,形而上学の内部にのみ存する」(ハイデガー『根拠律』)「隠喩はしたがって,いつもその死を自分自身のうちに宿している。そしてその死はまた,疑いなく哲学の死でもある」(J・デリダ『哲学の余白』-白けた神話-)「エスのあったところで,自我は生成しなければならない」(フロイト『続・精神分析入門講義』第31講義-精神的人格の解体-)
栗田 利雄 三橋 重信 金綱 久明 井口 正俊 代田 忠 トリフイジョ エレラ
紙パ技協誌 (ISSN:0022815X)
vol.36, no.2, pp.301-310, 1982

<I>Agave Tequilana</I> has been cultivated in Mexico for the manufacture of an alcoholic drinks well known as &ldquo;Tequila&rdquo;. For this purpose, the root stock of the plant is commercially used by cutting off leaves from the plant.<BR>In the course of &ldquo;Tequila manufacture process&rdquo;, a large quantity of fibrous residue is expelled out of the process as waste by pressing the cooked root stock. The leaves of the plant have not been utilized and left in the plantation as waste material.<BR>In this paper, both of the fibers obtained by decorticating from the leaves (sample A) and fibrous residue (sample B) were investigated for their pulping and paper-making properties, mainly on physical properties in relation to beating.<BR>From the results of this investgation, it was found that : <BR>(1) The fibrials in sample A showed parallel orientation to the fiber axis, and those in sam-ple B showed helical arrangement with respect to fiber axis.<BR>(2) The average length and width in fiber cells were in value of 1.7 mm, 10.3 um for sample A and 0.8 mm, 25.5 pm for sample B, respectively.<BR>(3) The fiber cell in sample A had a thicker cell wall and a narrower lumen compared with those in sample B.<BR>(4) sample A contained a very high quantity of soluble material in 1% NaOH solution, however, the contentes of total-cellulose, &alpha;-cellulose and lignin were in low value. In contrast, sample B contained high contents of total-cellulose, &alpha;-cellulose, pentsan and lignin.<BR>(5) Alkaline sulfite cooking process was applicable successfully to the both samples. But more rigorous condition was required in these samples than would be expected from the chemical constituents of both samples.<BR>(6) The pulp yield of sample A was very low compared with sample B. It was attributed to the low contents of total-cellulose and a-cellulose of raw material.<BR>(7) The brightness of pulp from sample B was low. It might suggest that some lignin remains in this pulp.<BR>(8) The water retention values and the bulk densities of the pulps from sample A increased rapidly on beating. It might suggest that an internal fibrillation in pulp fiber of sample A occurs more easily on beating.<BR>(9) The opacity of papers made from both samples decreased slowly on beating, and the tendency was not so remarkable. As a whole, these values remained at a high level compared with papers made from beaten conventional chemical wood pulps.<BR>(10) The breaking length, burst factor and tear factor of papers from sample A were in a high values than those of sample B. The breaking length and burst factor of papers from sample A were in comparable with papers made from beaten conventional chemical wood pulps, and the tear factors were superior to them.
井口 正俊 Masatoshi IGUCHI
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09130756)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-22, 2005-08

井口 正俊
西南学院大学国際文化論集 (ISSN:09130756)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-42, 2014-09-02

「…人々は,此の世は再びばらばらの原子の粒子に帰ったと感じているのである。総てが粉々の破片となって,あらゆる統一が失われた。総ての公正な相互援助も,総ての相関関係も喪失した。王様も,家臣も,父親も,息子も忘れ去られてしまった」ジョン・ダン「一周忌の歌・此の世の解剖」「ある誰かがやってくる, 私ではない誰かが, そして発言する:"私は絵画における特異な言語〈l'idiome〉に関心がある"…そもそも絵画は一つの「言語」〈langage〉であり…しかも絵画芸術におけるその言語の, いかなる何ものにも還元されない"単独なるものあるいは特殊なるもの"に関心があるのだ,と。」(J・デリダ『絵画における真理』)