井谷 善則
大阪教育大学紀要 (0xF9C4)教育科学 04 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
no.22, pp.109-117, 1974-02

As an attempt to make clear the mechanism of the maternal and filial affections in a disordered family, I made a survey of the mechanism of school phobia. A primary factor is maternal excessive cares of children or home education. In this attempt, the following aspects are considered important as the basis of further studies of family ties: 1) We refuse to trust others with our judgements of value. 2) We confront diversity of value. 3) We worry ourselves about want of feelings of worth and a measure of value. In this paper these three aspects are reviewed and to consider the mechanism of a family it is found that these aspects play a important role to bring the domestic felicity.
井谷 善則
大阪教育大学紀要 第4部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
no.20, pp.153-161, 1971

In order to make education for the handicapped fruitful, it is important for both sides, us and the handicapped children, to make efforts. On the one side, we must prepare the means to find vents for the children by directing their mental and physical energies into something valuable to them which tend rather to stagnate unconsciously. On the other, the wills or volitions are absolutely necessary in themselves. When we see the bottoms of severe lives trying to burn themselves for their lives, despite of being placed upon the limited situations, we can feel sympathy for the severity of their lives and understand them. By doing so, we can understand peculiarities of the handicapped children and come in contact with their existence without passing by their sides. And we see the lives wishing for others' warm looks, which are trying to burn themselves and struggle hard to express themselves. Thoughts and practices of education of the handicapped sprout there. It is not as a result that we valued them for their usefulness or our consciousness of their special valuation. In this education for the handicapped, letting reveal weaknesses and shortcomings of actual children, we try to realize holy things, beautiful things, true things, and good things in them. In education for the handicapped thoughts of humanism should be acting vividly. How has the system of valuation in human history or universal history been made up? It is also the matter in the ideas of education for the handicapped that there have been the things having no value of existence and there will be in the future in universal history. It is the same thing with judging the value of our existence and doing the value of the handicapped children's lives. In order to let the handicapped children who were born with heavy burdens into the organic solidarity of human beings rightly, a deep consciousness of social solidarity is necessary. If not, they only become draught horses with heavy burdens. The rule of social solidarity is to know how to lighten the torments of our neighbours, and not to suspend to help them. The problems of the handicapped children can not be placed as matters of individual misfortunes or domestic ones.
井谷 善則
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.32, no.1, pp.57-76, 1983-09-30

ダーウィンの進化論は自然科学領域の研究成果として歴史的に高く評価されるものである。同時に,この進化論の中にある自然淘汰,適者生存,優勝劣敗,生存闘争等々の考え方は,生物の社会のみならず人間の社会のあり方の原型でもあると解釈され,社会思想に大きな影響を与えた。しかし,この考え方を基盤とする社会ダーウィニズムは障害児教育の視点からはとうてい承服できないものである。そこで,本稿では社会ダーウィニズムの基盤となっている進化論そのものの欠陥を,棲み分け論,分子進化中立説,ゲラダヒヒ社会などを参考にしながら指摘した。進化論そのものの難点に光を当てることにより,社会ダーウィニズムの基盤の弱さを明きらかにした。一方,社会ダーウィニズムは,進化論の生物学的正誤とは別個に,思想として一人歩きをしている一面がある。そこで独立した思想としての社会ダーウィニズムに対して,人間の文化のあり方からの対応を考えた。その場合,発展社会から減速社会への転換を計ろうとしている現在,特に障害児の生き方が示唆に富むものであることを指摘した。そして,障害児や老人をくみこんだ多元的価値社会が,真に,人間性を擁護するものであると把えた。これらの問題を踏まえて,本稿において,障害児教育と社会ダーウィニズム超克の問題の核心と周辺を考察した。Wenn Wir die natürliche Auslesetheorie aus dem sonderpädagogischem Gesichtspunkt betrachten, dann gibt es neue Gesichtspunkt. Es handelt in diesem Essay sich vor allem um 7Akzente. -die Entwicklungslehre von Charles Darwin -die soziale Selektionstheorie -"habitat segregation" von Kinji IMANISHI -"neutral mutation-random drift hypothesis" von Motoo KIMURA -das soziale Zusammenleben ohne Rangordnung und Machtbereich von Theropithecus gelada -die Kontinuität und Nichtkontinuität mit der Tierwelt und dem Kulturleben -die menschliche Gesellschaft mit der Pluralität Die Entwicklungslehre von Charles Darwin ist in der öffentlichen Schätzung gesunken. Aber die soziale Selektionstheorie ist hochgeschätzt. Die natürliche Auslesetheorie, das Gesetz des Überlebens der Tauglichsten haben auf den Pädagogik einen grossen Einfluss gehabt. Doch wir der Entwicklungslehre von Charles Darwin kritisch gegenüberstehen. Wir sollen der Lehre nicht mehr gehorsam sein. "Habitat segregation", "neutral mutation-random drift hypothesis" und Kulturwissenschaft werfen die bisherige Theorie von Darwin um.