今野 彰
一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会
圧力技術 (ISSN:03870154)
vol.41, no.6, pp.335-344, 2003 (Released:2003-12-30)

H-II launch vehicle, the large Japanese launcher placing a 4000kg class satellite into GTO, failed in the two flights of No. 5 and No. 8, after the successful 29 flights from N-I to H-II. Both failures were caused by malfunction of the cryogenic engine, the second stage engine LE-5A or first stage engine LE-7, respectively. The incidents, the causes, and the corrective actions of these failures are reported in detail in this paper. The failures brought us the precious experiences and a lot of lessons and learn. Important lessons are related with small amount of products such as a launch vehicle, which happen to fail for uneven quality by handcraft. To solve this problem, it is noted that critical manufacturing process should be distinguished to control very important characteristics of products, and that all specifications on critical processes should be determined on well-grounded technical data. In development phase, the design margin of important characteristics should be assured by testing the varied nature within defined specifications. H-IIA flew successfully in its maiden flight on August 29, 2001 to put LRE (laser Ranging Experiment) into GTO precisely. The author believes that this success results from great efforts of many engineers and researchers who learned the precious lessons of H-II failures. Rocket technology will make progress to be matured by a lot of lessons and learn from failure.
只野 真 佐藤 政裕 日下 和夫 佐藤 正喜 熊川 彰長 長谷川 恵一 高橋 秀明 今野 彰 青木 宏 名村 栄次郎 Tadano Makoto Sato Masahiro Kusaka Kazuo Sato Masaki Kumakawa Akinaga Hasegawa Keiichi Takahashi Hideaki Konno Akira Aoki Hiroshi Namura Eijiro
航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory (ISSN:13474588)
vol.1464, 2003-06

今野 彰三
経営実務研究 (ISSN:18805345)
vol.2020, no.15, pp.57-96, 2020 (Released:2022-02-17)

The period from 1990 to 2010 after eruption of the economic bubble is called a lost 20 years. In another words, after this lost 20 years, it is a beginning of post-industrial era. The aim of this paper is to try to clarify a structural change of an organization culture after post-industrial era, in lieu of change of executives’ consciousness of SMEs in Japan. This paper is achieved through analysis of actual cases of how to find out valuable resource which must be succeeded for future and how to succeed them. In addition, this paper referred to a new management overcome the issues for restructuring the businesses resource who former management had established till then. For this purpose, it is reflected upon opening-business and closing-business ratio of enterprises verifying with normal and standard enterprises. In another word, a retiring executive how to find out their management value and to succeed their management resources and businesses. At the same time, it is important that a successive executive try to solve and manage the issues so that they would re-structure the business. Until then, as preceding research and practical books had already referred the necessary preparation and procedure regarding to management transfer and alteration of generation. However, under the fact of aging of the executives, it has been concerns of spreading valuable and management resources such as their own technology, know-how and machinery, and undertaken against the countermeasures. As result of these concern and countermeasure, there are the following three points to be noted. No.1 would be that there would be full of fetters of the past success story behind for the technology transmission. No.2 would be that the top executive in fact is too old to evaluate the management resources and judge the management value respective upon closing the enterprise, No3 would be, as the axis of the open-innovation theory, that new conscious of role of responsibility to support new transmission of business. These trends result in establishment of new co-operation among Industries, Universities and Public bodies” in loose as new business transmission. One of the features of this paper is to try to look at these issues as circulating industrial society in the aspects of regional co-operation linkage. Through these studies, it may be possible to show the vision of what these SMEs should be by such analysis as various standing points of the Executive’s Consciousness and Opening and Closing of Enterprises of SMEs.
長谷川 恵一 熊川 彰長 日下 和夫 佐藤 政裕 只野 真 今野 彰 青木 宏 名村 栄次郎 渥美 正博
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
宇宙技術 (ISSN:13473832)
vol.2, pp.25-34, 2003 (Released:2003-12-06)

山出 吉伸 加藤 千幸 山田 和豊 大西 順也 今野 彰
Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo
生産研究 (ISSN:0037105X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.43-48, 2018-01-01 (Released:2018-01-30)

乱流の高精度予測および自動メッシュ作成を特長とする格子ボルツマン法(Lattice Boltzmann Method,LBM)ベースの流体解析システムFrontFlowX(FFX)を開発している.FFX のプロトタイプに対し,計算精度,計算性能およびメッシュ作成機能に関するベンチマークテストを実施した.計算精度に関しては,Cavity 流れおよび一様等方性乱流に関するベンチマークテストを実施した.計算性能に関しては京のほぼフルノードを用いた2.2 兆グリッド規模のメッシュを用いたweak-scale ベンチマークテストを実施した.最後に,複雑形状に対するメッシュ作成ソフトの性能を評価するためイルカモデルまわり流れを500 億グリッド規模のメッシュデータで解析した.