荒木 敦子 伊藤 佐智子 宮下 ちひろ 湊屋 街子 岸 玲子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.3, pp.313-321, 2018 (Released:2018-09-29)
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In recent years, the birthrate has been continuously declining in Japan. The main causes of the decline are social factors. On the other hand, there is increasing evidence that many environmental chemicals show endocrine disrupting properties. Thus, we hypothesized that exposure to these chemicals would also be a causal for the fertility crisis. In this review, we examined current evidence that focused on environmental chemical exposure in utero and its association with reproductive hormones in children. We have included the findings from a prospective birth cohorts, the Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children’s Health Sapporo cohort. According to the literature, environmental chemical levels in utero, such as polychlorinated biphenyl, dioxins, perfluorinated chemical substances, phthalates, and bisphenol A were somewhat associated with the levels of reproductive hormones, such as testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, inhibin B, and insulin-like factor-3 in cord blood, in early childhood and adolescence. The literature also suggests the association between exposure to these chemicals and brain-sexual differentiation or the anogenital distance, which suggests the disruption of androgen shower during the developmental stage in the fetal period. There are still knowledge gaps on whether these hormones at an early stage affect the pubertal development and reproductive functions in later life. In addition, alternative chemicals are produced after banning one type. The health effects of alternative chemicals should be evaluated. Effects of exposure to a mixture of the chemicals should also be examined in future studies. In conclusion, the prevention of environmental chemical hazards in relation to human reproductive function is important. It would be one of the countermeasures to the falling birthrate caused by fertility issues.
岸 玲子 荒木 敦子 宮下 ちひろ 伊藤 佐智子 湊屋 街子 小林 澄貴 山﨑 圭子 アイツバマイ ゆふ 三浦 りゅう 田村 菜穂美
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.164-177, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

Since “Our Stolen Future” by Theo Colborn was published in 1996, global interest on the impact of chemical substances, such as the endocrine-disrupting action of chemicals, has increased. In Japan, “The Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children’s Health: Malformation, Development and Allergy” was launched in 2001. It was a model of Japan Environment and Children’s Study of the Ministry of the Environment. In a large-scale, Hokkaido cohort, we obtained the consent of 20,926 mothers at the organogenesis stage with the cooperation of 37 obstetrics clinics in Hokkaido. We tracked the effects of endocrine disruptors on developmental disorders. In a small-scale Sapporo cohort, we observed in detail the neuropsychiatric development of children with the consent of 514 mothers in their late pregnancy. We examined how prenatal exposure to low concentrations of environmental chemicals affect the development of organs and the postnatal development of children. Maternal exposure to POPs, such as PCB/dioxins and perfluorinated alkyl substances, has affected not only children’s birth size, thyroid functions, and sex hormone levels, but also postnatal neurodevelopment, infection, and allergy among others. The associations of short-half-life substances, such as DEHP and BPA, with obesity, ASD, and ADHD have been investigated. Gene-environment interactions have been found for smoking, caffeine, folic acid, and PCB/dioxin. In 2015, our center was officially designated as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health and Prevention of Chemical Hazards, and we continue to the contribute to the global perspectives of child health.