坂田 利家 倉田 一夫 伊藤 和枝 藤本 一真 寺田 憲司 衛藤 宏 松尾 尚
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.40, no.4, pp.271-277, 1987 (Released:2010-02-22)
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行動療法としての食事確立療法に固形食化超低エネルギー食を導入し, 8名の中等度肥満患者の減量効果およびその維持について検討した。全治療期間, すなわち初診時より治療後12カ月までの平均体重減少は-20.6±7.8kg, 入院による併用療法実施期間中では-5.7±0.7kg, 退院後12カ月間の維持期間でも-4.3±2.5kgであった。空腹感および血清脂質類は正常化され, 脂肪細胞容積の縮小と体総脂肪量の減少を認めた。この減量効果とその維持はこれまでのどの成績よりも優れていた。以上の本併用療法による好結果は両療法の治療的相乗効果による。なかでも, 超低エネルギー食を液体食に代えて固形食化したことで, 低エネルギー摂取でも咀嚼法を実施でき, したがって十分な満腹信号を視床下部中枢へ送れたと考えられること, また, 今回用いた栄養組成がβオキシ酪酸の血中濃度を至適に上昇させたため, 空腹感を抑え摂食量を減少させたことなど, これらが認知能の変容を起こさせるのに重要な要因になったと考えられた。
佐々木 香苗 今田 拓磨 伊藤 和枝 古賀 里利子 坂田 利家 曲田 清彦 浦田 宏二
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.62, no.4, pp.227-234, 2004-08-01 (Released:2010-02-09)

The intake of dietary fat, especially saturated fatty acid, has noticably increased in Japan as a result of the Westernization of eating habits. Itoh et al. have shown that the postprandial insulin release in healthy young women was stimulated by meals rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA). Vanadium is known to be a trace element that mimics the biological effect of insulin. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the effect of mineral water containing vanadium on the insulin insensitivity induced by a diet rich in SFA.Twenty healthy young women participated in this crossover study. We used two kinds of mineral water containing approximately 60μg/l of vanadium (water A and B). The subjects were assigned to two groups of 10 subjects each forrespectively ingesting water A and water B. Vanadium-free mineral water was used as a control. Each subject ingested each type of water and a diet rich in SFA for 8 days. Fat constituted 30% of the total energy in the ratio of saturated fatty acid (S): monounsaturated fatty acid (M): polyunsaturated fatty acid (P)=5:4:1. On the last day, the plasma glucose level and serum insulin, triglyceride, and free fatty acid levels were measured at 0, 30, 60 and 120min after the evening meal.Water A reduced the serum insulin level in comparison with the control value 120min after the meal. A similar effect was observed with water B. The postprandial plasma glucose level showed no significant difference between the control and mineral water containing vanadium.Our results suggested that mineral water containing vanadium had a beneficial effect on the insulin insensitivity induced by a diet rich in SFA.