大城 直雅 松尾 敏明 佐久川 さつき 與儀 健太郎 松田 聖子 安元 健 稲福 恭雄
Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine
Tropical medicine and health (ISSN:13488945)
vol.39, no.2, pp.53-57, 2011-06-01

In this paper we report two incidents of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) that occurred in 2008 on Kakeroma Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. A family consisting of father (42 y.o.), mother (39 y.o.), daughter (11 y.o.) and son (6 y.o.), as well as a friend of the family (male, 78 y.o.) consumed sliced flesh (sashimi) and developed typical symptoms of CPF 4-5 h later: diarrhea, vomiting, and paresthesia of the extremities. Additionally, the two male adults (42 and 78 y.o.) developed mild hypotention (84/48 and 94/40 mmHg, respectively) and bradycardia (36 and 50 bpm, respectively) and were rushed to the ER of the nearest hospital, located on an adjacent island. The implicated fish were caught together off the west coast of the island and were identified as <i>Variola louti</i> and <i>Lutjanus monostigma</i> based on analysis of 16S rRNA gene coded on mtDNA. Remnants of the implicated fish and other fish caught on the same occasion were examined by the official mouse bioassay method (MBA), which defines the minimum amount of CFP toxin needed to kill a male mouse of ddY strain of 20 g body weight within 24 h as one mouse unit (MU). A significantly high toxicity was detected in the <i>V. louti</i> (0.2 MU/g) eaten by the family and the <i>L. monostigma</i> (0.8 MU/g) eaten by the elderly man. Other specimens of <i>Lethrinus nebulosus</i>, <i>Variola albimarginata</i>, <i>Lutjanus gibbus</i> (2 specimens), <i>Aphareus rutilans</i>, and <i>Sphyraena forsteri</i> (2 specimens) were found to be nontoxic (< 0.025 MU/g).<br> The medical records regarding island inhabitants (ca. 1,500) kept at Kakeroma Tokushukai Clinic, the only medical facility on the Island, and also at Setouchi Tokushukai Hospital, a nearest hospital on an adjacent island (Amami) revealed 6 CFP outbreaks involving 13 cases between 2005 and 2008. The estimated frequency of CFP was 10.0 incidents/10,000 persons/year and the morbidity rate was 21.7 cases/10,000 persons/year. The symptoms and signs observed in the patients and the implicated fish species, <i>L. monostigma</i> and<i> V. louti</i>, were typical of CFP in this region.
富川 拓海 國吉 杏子 伊藤 史織 佐久川 さつき 石川 輝 齋藤 俊郎 小島 尚 朝倉 宏 池原 強 大城 直雅
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.63, no.5, pp.190-194, 2022-10-25 (Released:2022-11-03)

シガテラ魚類食中毒は,シガトキシン類(CTXs)を含有する魚類による動物性自然毒食中毒で,主に熱帯・亜熱帯で発生している.日本では,沖縄県を中心に発生報告があるが,日本本土の太平洋岸産魚類による食中毒事例も散発的に発生し,原因魚種のほとんどがイシガキダイOplegnathus punctatus の老成個体である.イシガキダイにおけるCTXsの含有状況を調査するために,本州,四国,九州,奄美,沖縄,および小笠原の沿岸産176個体(標準体長:13.1~60.0 cm,体重:100~6,350 g,年齢:0~11歳)を収集し,LC-MS/MSによる分析を実施した.そのうち沖縄産2個体(全試料の1.1%)からCTXsが検出され,沖縄産14個体に限定した検出率は14%であった.CTXsが検出された2個体の魚肉中の総CTX含量は,0.014 μg/kgおよび0.040 μg/kgであり,いずれも米国FDAの推奨値0.01 μg CTX1B equivalent/kg以上であったが,ヒトの最小発症量(10 MU, CTX1B換算で70 ng)に達するには,1.5 kg以上の摂食が必要であるため,シガテラ魚類食中毒発症のリスクは高くないと考えられる.沖縄産イシガキダイのCTXs組成はCTX1B系列のみで,バラフエダイやバラハタなどの肉食魚が含有するCTX1Bおよび52-epi-54-deoxyCTX1Bに加えて,渦鞭毛藻が産生するCTX4AおよびCTX4BがCTX1Bと同程度のレベルで検出された.なお,CTX3C系列は検出されなかった.