佐川 馨
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.64, pp.13-27, 2009-03

The purpose of this research was to investigate the transition of "Japanese Music" in the "Course of Study for Music" . This paper analyzed how the Course of Study had been revised between the one for elementary school in 1968 and the revised one for high school in 1978. This research presented two findings. First, every time the Course of Study was revised, the importance of learning "Japanese music" was emphasized, which led to the development of the common teaching materials and the publication of relevant guide books. Second, if the teachers themselves do not appreciate "Japanese Music", the teaching of "Japanese Music" will be neither developed nor matured. It is important to reconfirm the idea and the meaning of the teaching of the other areas of music education as well as the teaching of "Japanese Music". And it is significant to consider the contents of teacher training.
佐川 馨
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.66, pp.63-71, 2011-03

This paper takes up the two songs of the Prefecture-"Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" and "Song of the People of the Prefecture"一and aims, in its first part, to deal with the history leading up to the establishment of the 80-year-old "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" in the back drop of the first half of the Showa Era(1926-1989), in an effort to clarify the relationship between the establishment of the prefectural songs and the development of education in the local area. The following is a summary of the results of this research.1. Between the time that words for the prefectural songs were elicited from the public for entry into competition and the time that decisions on the selection and establishment of the songs were made, there was only a short span of time, which was a rare case as a project by a municipality.2. Tokyo Music School, which was entrusted with the composition of the music for the songs, spent only 9 days from the receipt of the request to the selection and revision of words, to the composition of music and to the dispatch of its products.3. The words selected for the songs shared common features in that they all incorporated the nature, the industry and the history, along with the various achievements by forerunners in the area-which has traces of influence from "songs of geography and history."4. The governor of the prefecture at the time of the establishment of the prefectural songs was Hiroki Hiekata, whose previous job was the head of the Department of Internal Affairs at Kanagawa Prefectural Government and from this fact it is very likely that he arranged the establishment of the prefectural songs for Akita modeling after his pilot project of establishing a prefectural song for Kanagawa Prefecture.5. The local education in Akita Prefecture in the early years of the Showa Era owes a great deal to Michitoshi Odauchi, a native of Akita City, to say nothing of the prefecture's pioneer efforts of various kinds and thus, the "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" was born out of the prefecture's policies toward education and enlightenment of its people as well as the successful development of education in the local community.
佐川 馨
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.62, pp.93-102, 2007-03

The purpose of this research was to investigate the transition of "Japanese Music" in the "Course of Study for Music". This paper analyzed how the Course of Study had been revised between the tentative plan in 1947 and the revised one for high school in 1960. This research presented two findings. First, "Japanese Music" had been incorporated since the tentative plan in 1947. Second, every time the Course of Study was revised, the importance of learning "Japanese music" was emphasized, which led to the development of the common teaching materials and the publication of relevant guide books. However, if the teachers themselves do not appreciate "Japanese Music" , the teaching of "Japanese Music will be neither developed nor matured. It is important to reconfirm the idea and the meaning of the teaching of the other areas of music education as well as the teaching of "Japanese Music".
佐川 馨
秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要 (ISSN:13449214)
no.28, pp.33-43, 2006-04

本研究では,秋田県の学校音楽教育における「日本の音楽」の指導に関する教師の意識,授業での取り扱い,和楽器や指導資料の整備状況等についてアンケート調査を行った. その結果,秋田県においては「日本の音楽」の指導を好意的に捉えている教員が多く,「日本の音楽」に関する自分自身の知識・技能を高めたいと願っていることが分かった.また,授業での取り扱いは多いが,指導にあたっては自分の音楽経験に自身がもてず,苦手意識をもっていること,評価するための知識や音楽的感性などが充分ではなく,生徒の変容を的確に捉えられていない状況にあること,指導や教材研究に必要な和楽器や資料の整備が大きく遅れていること,などの問題点が明らかとなった.
佐川 馨 Sagawa Kaoru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.66, pp.63-71, 2011-03-01

This paper takes up the two songs of the Prefecture-"Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" and "Song of the People of the Prefecture"一and aims, in its first part, to deal with the history leading up to the establishment of the 80-year-old "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" in the back drop of the first half of the Showa Era(1926-1989), in an effort to clarify the relationship between the establishment of the prefectural songs and the development of education in the local area. The following is a summary of the results of this research.1. Between the time that words for the prefectural songs were elicited from the public for entry into competition and the time that decisions on the selection and establishment of the songs were made, there was only a short span of time, which was a rare case as a project by a municipality.2. Tokyo Music School, which was entrusted with the composition of the music for the songs, spent only 9 days from the receipt of the request to the selection and revision of words, to the composition of music and to the dispatch of its products.3. The words selected for the songs shared common features in that they all incorporated the nature, the industry and the history, along with the various achievements by forerunners in the area-which has traces of influence from "songs of geography and history."4. The governor of the prefecture at the time of the establishment of the prefectural songs was Hiroki Hiekata, whose previous job was the head of the Department of Internal Affairs at Kanagawa Prefectural Government and from this fact it is very likely that he arranged the establishment of the prefectural songs for Akita modeling after his pilot project of establishing a prefectural song for Kanagawa Prefecture.5. The local education in Akita Prefecture in the early years of the Showa Era owes a great deal to Michitoshi Odauchi, a native of Akita City, to say nothing of the prefecture's pioneer efforts of various kinds and thus, the "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" was born out of the prefecture's policies toward education and enlightenment of its people as well as the successful development of education in the local community.