松本 奈緒 MATSUMOTO Naho
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.71, pp.59-69, 2016-03-01

This study shows students' conception of rhythmical dance class with developmental teaching devise to usemovement variations in creating group dance work through cards and XBOX 360 Kinect dance application atUniversity dance class. The subject were nine students of third grade, most of them already had experienced withprior dance class experience at school before, who liked dance but did not think be evaluate themselves to be goodat dance based on a pre-study questionnaire. Method was inductive analysis students' free comments throughballoon method handling by one dance education specialist. From 154 students' comments big 74 concept and 10small concept emerged as results. In this study, it was found that developmental teaching devise with cards andKinect dance application led student from conceptual understanding to gave them the ability to do a variety ofmovements on cue, repeat it many times, and understand some points in comparison with model's movement. Asrhythmical dance characteristic, students expressed their conceptions about dance such as dance as whole bodyvigorous exercise, understanding how to move, difficulty in movement, awareness of body and body parts,movement in relation to rhythm and mood, motivation for independent and continuous study, peer leaningeffectiveness about various movement and expression with other person. A limitation of this way of learning is thelack of a step-by-step guide in mimicking the movements. As the class progressed, students' conception ofmovement shifted from just affection to deeper thinking and understanding about movement variation and how tomove, and finally reach to attaining feeling of accomplishment. Negative thinking and difficulty with unison,moving to music, and creating group dance work emerged but it caused from deeper thinking about movement andhow to move, thus it must being connected to productive movement leaning.
外池 智 TONOIKE Satoshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.70, pp.1-18, 2015-03-01

In this study, study on the inheritance of telling war experience from study promoted from fiscal2009 war ruins of the2012 fiscal year promoting continuing research, and to announce the end. Being expanded throughout the country today in these studies, coming after 70 years, reduction of the direct experience of war and battlefield experience in the archives of the war ruins and war experience narratives inherited programs regarding went content configuration for basic research and analysis. Especially in the latter case, the Hiroshima, for example, Hiroshima citizens Bureau by a-bomb experiences tradition of training projects, as case 3 of the , Nagasaki national peace Memorial Hall for the atomic bomb victims radiation exposure experience record readings project / readings volunteer training and dispatch Nagasaki case 2 of the and taken volunteer training by the Okinawa prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, Okinawa Prefecture case study 4 . However, these are rather deployed as part of a citizen, is not necessarily limited to school education. So, what peace education is conducted in the present study, based on previous research, school education teacher training, or its present research and analysis to like. Featured continued pioneering initiatives for peace education as a specific case study, Hiroshima City and Nagasaki City, Naha city, I want to analyze and attention to the positioning of peace education in teacher training, structure, curriculum and teaching materials.
外池 智 TONOIKE Satoshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.70, pp.1-18, 2015-03-01

In this study, study on the inheritance of telling war experience from study promoted from fiscal2009 war ruins of the2012 fiscal year promoting continuing research, and to announce the end. Being expanded throughout the country today in these studies, coming after 70 years, reduction of the direct experience of war and battlefield experience in the archives of the war ruins and war experience narratives inherited programs regarding went content configuration for basic research and analysis. Especially in the latter case, the Hiroshima, for example, Hiroshima citizens Bureau by a-bomb experiences tradition of training projects, as case 3 of the , Nagasaki national peace Memorial Hall for the atomic bomb victims radiation exposure experience record readings project / readings volunteer training and dispatch Nagasaki case 2 of the and taken volunteer training by the Okinawa prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, Okinawa Prefecture case study 4 . However, these are rather deployed as part of a citizen, is not necessarily limited to school education. So, what peace education is conducted in the present study, based on previous research, school education teacher training, or its present research and analysis to like. Featured continued pioneering initiatives for peace education as a specific case study, Hiroshima City and Nagasaki City, Naha city, I want to analyze and attention to the positioning of peace education in teacher training, structure, curriculum and teaching materials.
對馬 達雄 TSUSHIMA Tatsuo
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.60, pp.51-64, 2005-03-31

Welchen Einfluss ubte der Nationalsozialismus als zuvor pragende Kraft nach 1945 in der westlichen Besatzungszone im Bereich der Erziehung aus, und welche Zusammenhange konnen aufgezeigt werden? Diese Fragestellung ist sehr wichtig, weil die Bewaltigung der nationalsozialistischen "Vergangenheit" eine Hauptaufgabe der Bildung seit 1945 war und blieb. Diese Frage wurde ursprunglich bereits von oppositionellen Gruppierungen im Rahmen des burgerlichen Widerstandes wahrend der NS-Zeit gestellt. Ein zentrales Motiv der Gruppen war das Ziel, ein "geistiges Erwachen" fur die Zeit nach einem Umsturz des Hitler-Regimes herbeizufiihren. In diesem Sinne kann der zivile Widerstand als stark menschenbildend charakterisiert werden, wobei eine vom christlichen Humanismus gepragte ethische Ideologie zur Neuerziehung der Bevolkerung ein zentrales Anliegen war. In der vorliegenden Arbeit mochte der Autor am Beispiel des Widerstandes versuchen, bisher unbewaltigte Probleme der Erziehung in der Nachkriegszeit aufzuzeigen und Erklarungsansatze zu formulieren, wobei vor allem Bezug auf die sogenannte Westzone genommen wird. Der Inhalt ist wie folgt ; Einleitung I Zur Periodisierung der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte und die sogenannten "Lizenzzeitschriften" II Kirche, Christliche Erziehung und die Familie 1 "Rechristianisierung" der Nachkriegsgesellschaft - Kontinuitat im Zeichen der Ideen des Widerstandes in der Kriegszeit 2 "Umerziehung", Religionsunterricht und die Familie Schlusswort
紺野 祐 走井 洋一 小池 孝範 清多 英羽 奥井 現理 KONNO Yu HASHIRII Yoichi KOIKE Takanori SETA Hideha OKUI Genri
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.68, pp.75-86, 2013-03-31

The term “Education” is widely settled in modern social life. This term has infiltrated as which everyone can use very generally, therefore the meaning or the concept of the term “Education” is not so clear. Of course, in the past pedagogical studies, the effort to investigate the definition of the term “Education” has been positively performed to some degree. But many assertions of these studies were that which might not pass an analytical examination and that were without general validity. However, things concerning the Education habe come to be shared socially and problems of it are being discussed seriously in our society. So to strengthen the basics for the plentiful theoretical communications on the Education, it is necessary for us to investigate the essence of Education by appropriately analyzing the definition of the term “Education”. So this paper aims at submitting the “explicative definition” of the term “Education”. That is, this paper tries to specify an realistically actual perspective of the term “Education”, with confirming in what meaning the term “Education” has been used in some specific communities on the history of educational thought, and therewith making the concept of the “Education” more accurate. (This paper is a second part of our study.)
前原 和明 武澤 友広 八重田 淳 MAEBARA Kazuaki TAKEZAWA Tomohiro YAEDA Jun
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:24334952)
no.75, pp.81-86, 2020-03-01

職業リハビリテーションにおける精神障害者に対する自己理解を促す支援実施に対する専門性の影響を検討した。職業リハビリテーションの支援者(障害者職業カウンセラー及び就業支援担当者)155 人に対する自己理解を促す支援行動の調査結果を用い,支援行動に関する因子毎に算出した実施程度得点を目的変数,就労支援経験年数及び所持資格を説明変数とした重回帰分析を支援対象者の障害種別(統合失調症,気分障害)で実施した。障害毎に障害者職業カウンセラーと精神保健福祉士の資格が異なって影響していた。所持資格の影響力は精神保健福祉領域における知識及び視点,所属機関の支援内容の違いに依存すると考えられた。精神障害者の自己理解の支援実施に向けては,知識や視点の違いを踏まえた多職種連携が必要であり,今後は医療機関も含めた多職種連携の観点から調査及び具体的な事例の検討が必要である。The effect of the expertise on the support of the self-understanding for the psychiatric disorders in the vocational rehabilitation was examined. Using the results of a survey on support action to promote selfunderstanding among 155 vocational rehabilitation supporters (Vocational counselors for persons with disabilities and persons in charge of employment support), multiple regression analysis was conducted for each disorder category (Schizophrenia and mood disorders) of the support subjects, using the implementation level score calculated for each factor related to support action as an explanatory variable, years of employment support experience, and possession qualifications. The qualification of vocational rehabilitation counselor and Psychiatric social worker influenced each disorder differently. The effect of the possession qualification seemed to depend on the difference between knowledge and viewpoint in the mental health welfare field and support content of the belonging organization. In order to support the self-understanding of persons with psychiatric disorders, multidisciplinary cooperation based on differences in knowledge and viewpoints is necessary. In the future, it will be necessary to conduct surveys and case studies from the viewpoint of multidisciplinary cooperation including that of medical institutions.
佐川 馨 Sagawa Kaoru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.66, pp.63-71, 2011-03-01

This paper takes up the two songs of the Prefecture-"Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" and "Song of the People of the Prefecture"一and aims, in its first part, to deal with the history leading up to the establishment of the 80-year-old "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" in the back drop of the first half of the Showa Era(1926-1989), in an effort to clarify the relationship between the establishment of the prefectural songs and the development of education in the local area. The following is a summary of the results of this research.1. Between the time that words for the prefectural songs were elicited from the public for entry into competition and the time that decisions on the selection and establishment of the songs were made, there was only a short span of time, which was a rare case as a project by a municipality.2. Tokyo Music School, which was entrusted with the composition of the music for the songs, spent only 9 days from the receipt of the request to the selection and revision of words, to the composition of music and to the dispatch of its products.3. The words selected for the songs shared common features in that they all incorporated the nature, the industry and the history, along with the various achievements by forerunners in the area-which has traces of influence from "songs of geography and history."4. The governor of the prefecture at the time of the establishment of the prefectural songs was Hiroki Hiekata, whose previous job was the head of the Department of Internal Affairs at Kanagawa Prefectural Government and from this fact it is very likely that he arranged the establishment of the prefectural songs for Akita modeling after his pilot project of establishing a prefectural song for Kanagawa Prefecture.5. The local education in Akita Prefecture in the early years of the Showa Era owes a great deal to Michitoshi Odauchi, a native of Akita City, to say nothing of the prefecture's pioneer efforts of various kinds and thus, the "Song of the People of Akita Prefecture" was born out of the prefecture's policies toward education and enlightenment of its people as well as the successful development of education in the local community.
石井 照久 井田 秀奈美 ISHII Teruhisa IDA Honami
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:24334952)
no.75, pp.7-15, 2020-03-01

In research field, the systematics of angiosperm is changing from new Engler system which is mainly based on morphology of plant to APG III・IV system which is mainly based on DNA sequences. Illustrated books published most recently and that on the website almost are based on APG III・IV system. We found new Engler system still in the textbooks and the guideline for education in a junior high school. In such circumstances, junior high school student doubt which system is true. In this paper, new educational subjects based on APG III・IV system are also proposed, in which includes observation of the coplate (key feature) in angiosperm. 被子植物の分類は,形態に基づく従来の新エングラー体系から,DNA の塩基配列に基づくAPGIII・IV 体系へと移行しつつあり,最新の図鑑やインターネット図鑑は後者に準拠している。 本研究で中学校理科の教科書における植物に関する記載を調べた結果,依然,新エングラー体系に基づいて記載されていることが判明した。また,中学校理科の指導内容も新エングラー体系に沿っていた。このような現状では,中学生が新しい分類体系に触れると混乱が起こる可能性が高いと考え,本研究ではAPGIII・IV 体系に基づいた新規の授業も開発した。開発した新規授業は,APGIII・IV 体系の被子植物の分類で,要となっている花粉の溝の観察を行うことが特徴である。
熊地 需 佐藤 圭吾 斎藤 孝 武田 篤 KUMACHI Motomu SATO Keigo SAITO Takashi TAKEDA Atsushi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
vol.67, pp.9-22, 2012-03-01

The research paper herein investigated into the current conditions and issues related to children without mental retardation but enrolled in special support schools for intellectually disabled persons across Japan. The objectives of the research are three: (1) how many such children with developmental disorders but without mental retardation are enrolled in special support schools for intellectually disabled persons; (2) the reasons why such children have been transferred to or enrolled in these schools; (3) the issues at special support schools where such children are enrolled. The research findings showed that such children were enrolled in nearly half of the schools, specifically, 141 of 313 schools. Also, the number of such children was 689 (1.7%) out of 39,813 children in 313 schools. Regarding the reasons for enrollment/transfer, the majority of the reasons are associated with secondary emotional difficulties triggered by developmental disorders, such as poor academic performance and learning difficulties, inability to adapt and deal with other people, and school refusal or hikikomori. The special support schools examined are facing problems in supporting and dealing with such children with developmental disorders and a large number of issues regarding expertise of their school faculty members and school support system for such children.
森田 信博 MORITA Nobuhiro
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:13485288)
no.58, pp.65-73, 2003-03-01

The purpose of this study is intended to investigate progress of Budos(japanese military arts, chiefly Kendo and Judo) in Akita prefecture in Meiji era. The national institute of gymnastisc insistes upon normal gymnastics for school physical education. After 1886 military gymnastics were used inschools as teaching materials, too. But traditional Budos were not adopted as indispensable teaching materials in Meiji and Taisho era. Conclusions of this study are following.1. Tradional Budos were adopted as teaching materials in number of lower secondary school in Akita.And after 1906 Budos were used as indispensable materials.2. Budos were more popular as extra-curricular activities(club) that extensively executed interclass and interschool matchs.3. The participants of interschool Budo meeting (Kendo and Judo) increased every year. This meetingwas most important aim among all students in Akita.4. The encouragement plans for Budos in Akita made Budos more popular in School and local society.