新上 和正 下川 信祐 倉持 裕
vol.58, pp.289-290, 1999-03-09

山上 ユリ子 亀岡 恵子 江成 里衣 倉持 裕子 成瀬 宇平
松山東雲短期大学研究論集 (ISSN:03898768)
no.20, pp.p191-204, 1989-12

Study on the dietary habits and life of zen monks at zen monastery Empuku-ji was conducted to clarify the health conditiouns zen monks. As giho Nishikata,great master of Empuku-ji once said. "temples and monasteries were said to be 100 years behind the time, but now they are in the van of the time,"the rusults of our study reveal the value of zen diet which has beendeveloped with much wisdom. The results obtained can be summarised as follows; 1) the energy consumption of zen monks was quite high both on routine labor days and the days called ohzesshin. This high energy consumption is one characteristic of the dairy life of the zen monks at the zen monastery studied. 2)The dietary habits at a zen monastery closely resembled those of vegan vegetarians. The deietary inteke of zen monks from their regular meals was not suffcient for their necessary dietary allowance. 3) In addition to their regular simple means, they have a special meal almost once in every five days. This shows thier traditional dietary pattern of having meals at a zen monastery,which has been succeeded over 700 years.4) The health conditions of zen monks were good. 5) Most of their guest meals and meals for special occasions had a large number of dishes with a small quantity for each. These vegetarian deiets were of high nutritive value,and a variety of foods were assorted in each dish to give relish to its color, savor anr aroma. 6)Zen vegetarian diet was characteristically composed of tactful combination of so called " five cooking materials" , "five colors", "five savors", and that are "hot and cold" and "hand and soft".
倉持 裕子 長谷川 啓子 山本 弘美 河村 満
日本失語症学会 (現 一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会)
失語症研究 (ISSN:02859513)
vol.16, no.2, pp.188-196, 1996

Wernicke 野 (左上側頭回後部) の梗塞性病変により典型的 Wernicke 失語を呈した2症例の読字・書字障害を検討した。小学校1~3年生で学習する教育漢字一文字およびそれに対応する仮名語,ならびに仮名一文字 (清音46字) の音読と書き取り検査を施行した結果,2症例とも,漢字・仮名のいずれにおいても音読のほうが書き取りより良好であった。漢字・仮名語の音読・書き取りいずれにおいても,課題字 (正答字) と音韻が類似した誤りが多く認められた。これは, Wernicke 失語の口頭言語における特徴である "音韻の選択障害" と "音韻の聴覚的処理障害" が,文字言語においてもみられたものと考えられた。仮名一文字の書き取りにおいても2症例は類似した傾向を示し,正答字に余分な文字を付け加えて書く反応 (付加反応) が多くみられた。書き取りにおける付加反応は, Wernicke 失語の口頭言語での特徴である, "流暢な多弁傾向" を反映しているものと考えられた。