河内山 真理 有本 純
教育総合研究叢書 = Studies on education (ISSN:18829937)
no.10, pp.131-140, 2017-03-31

本研究は、中学校用の教科書ガイドにおいて、どのような発音表記が用いられているかを明らかにすることを目的としている。1 年次用の教科書ガイドのすべてがカタカナによる表記を用いており、またこの表記法は出版社によって差異があった。同様に中学生を主たる対象にした初級英和辞典でも多くが異なったカナ表記を用いているため、ガイドと辞典の出版社が異なると、学習者が混乱する可能性が非常に高いという問題点が浮かび上がった。辞典も併用するなどの熱心な学習者ほど混乱する可能性があり、主として自宅学習に用いられる教材としては、厄介な問題を抱えていると言える。また、学校での指導者たる教員は、こうした学習参考書の現状を補う発音指導を行うことが必要になるだろう。辞典の出版社が共通認識を持つことも必要と考えられる。カナ表記そのものが教科書では用いられておらず、継続性がないという事実が、学習上の大きな問題であり、その点からも発音記号を指導しておくことが必要と考えられる。
河内山 真理 有本 純
教育総合研究叢書 = Research Institute for Education, Kansai University of International Studies (ISSN:18829937)
no.15, pp.123-133, 2022-03-31

河内山 真理 有本 純 中西 のりこ
外国語教育メディア学会機関誌 (ISSN:21857792)
vol.50, pp.119-130, 2013 (Released:2017-07-28)

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. One is to investigate how many courses on pronunciation teaching are taught in teacher's license course in order to be an English teacher in junior or high school in Japan. Two is to examine how many of these courses treat pronunciation teaching. To teach pronunciation properly with confidence, teachers should acquire three elements of pronunciation teaching, i.e., knowledge on phonetics, pronunciation ability, and skills on teaching pronunciation. The data were gathered examining the courses and their syllabi. The findings show that 40% of the courses do not offer the pre-service teachers any opportunities to acquire knowledge, ability, or teaching skills on pronunciation. Moreover, further investigation of the syllabi that do provide pronunciation-related topics shows that the courses that focus on the teaching skills are very limited. This can be one of the reasons why English teachers do not have much confidence in teaching pronunciation. As far as pronunciation is concerned, some changes are necessary in teacher's license courses, that is, to focus on the three elements of pronunciation teaching.
田部 豊 内山 真理 嶋田 遼 鈴木 研悟 近久 武美
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.849, pp.16-00458-16-00458, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

The vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) is expected as a potential candidate for the next generation secondary batteries with large capacity because of its characteristics: flexible design of charging and discharging capacities, superior responsiveness and safety, and other advantageous characteristics. This study investigated the effects of active species transport in the electrolyte on the current density distribution and the cell performance of a VRFB experimentally and analytically. A method for measurements of the current density distributions along the electrolyte flow direction was developed using five segmented current collectors in flow through type electrodes. In this method, the segmented current collectors were kept equipotential by adjustable resistances. The experimental results showed that the current density during discharging decreases along the flow, and the difference between at the up and down streams becomes larger with higher current density, lower flow rate, and lower state of charge. The effects of electrolyte flow conditions at the negative electrode are larger than those at the positive electrode. An analytical model for evaluations of the active species transport and its contribution to the various types of overpotentials was also developed based on the experimental results. It was shown that the model can simulate the measured cell overpotentials and current density distributions quantitatively. In the model results, under the low current density conditions in this study, the current density distribution is caused mainly by the concentration overpotential due to decrease in active species concentration in the electrolyte flow, while the concentration overpotential at the electrode surface is kept relatively uniform and has a larger effect on an increase in total cell overpotential. As the current density increases, the distribution of the concentration overpotential at the electrode surface also becomes more uneven, and the largest overpotential at the downstream induces further deterioration of the cell performance.