植田 章夫 後藤 一輔 福原 篤 森 亮太 小松 史 達谷 英文 千野 武廣
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Implantology (ISSN:09146695)
vol.11, no.4, pp.521-533, 1998-12-30

HAP implants bond directly with bone, the load and distribution of occlusal force differs from that of natural teeth, which have physiological motility. More specifically, we considered the occlusal force is a key measure of the restoration of chewing ability. We performed a clinical investigation of the restoration of chewing ability and changes over time in peripheral gingiva in patients that had received HAP-coated dental implants (SUMICIKON®)The results and implications can be summarized as follows:
植田 章夫 後藤 一輔 福原 篤 森 亮太 小松 史 達谷 英文 千野 武廣 Ueda Akio Goto Kazusuke Fukuhara Atsushi Mori Ryota Komatsu Fuhito Tatsuya Hidefumi Chino Takehiro
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Implantology (ISSN:09146695)
vol.11, no.4, pp.521-533, 1998-12-31

HAP implants bond directly with bone, the load and distribution of occlusal force differs from that of natural teeth, which have physiological motility. More specifically, we considered the occlusal force is a key measure of the restoration of chewing ability. We performed a clinical investigation of the restoration of chewing ability and changes over time in peripheral gingiva in patients that had received HAP-coated dental implants (SUMICIKON®)The results and implications can be summarized as follows:
山岸 眞弓美 北村 豊 矢ケ崎 崇 中嶌 哲 千野 武廣 安東 基善 枝 重夫
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.35, no.7, pp.1886-1889, 1989

A pigmented nevus is defined as a harnartomatous proliferation of the melaninproducing cells (nevus cells). It is a relatively rare disease, especially in the oral mucosa. In this report, the authors present a case of a pigmented nevus of the gingiva, and review 18 cases of pigmented nevus in the region of mucous membrane or lip as previously reported in Japanese medical literature.<BR>The patient, a 63-year-old woman, was referred by her dentist complaining of denture instability due to swelling of the gingiva. About six months ago, she first noted the swelling on the left mandibular gingiva, in the area of the cuspid. The swelling gradually enlarged. At the time of oral examination, a well-defined pigmented swelling about the size of a red bean was noticed.<BR>Having been clinically diagnosed as fibroma, the lesion was surgically excised with little difficulty.<BR>A histopathological study revealed it to be an intramucosal pigmented nevus.<BR>Postoperative healing was uneventful and there has been no evidence of recurrence after a lapse of 1 year and 8 months.
植田 章夫 中嶌 哲 川上 敏行 千野 武廣
一般社団法人 日本有病者歯科医療学会
有病者歯科医療 (ISSN:09188150)
vol.5, no.2, pp.126-131, 1997

今回, 潰瘍性大腸炎のため長期にわたり副腎皮質ホルモン剤を投与されていた潰瘍性大腸炎患者に発生した下唇癌の1症例を経験した。原発巣の制御はなし得たが, 早期に頸部リンパ節転移ならびに遠隔転移が出現し, 死の転機をとった。本症例では副腎皮質ホルモン剤の長期投与が免疫機構に異常をきたし, 転移を含め, その予後に影響をおよぼしたものと考えられた。