新小田 春美 末次 美子 加藤 則子 浅見 恵梨子 神山 潤 内村 直尚 樗木 晶子 西岡 和男 大久保 一郎 松本 一弥 南部 由美子 加来 恒壽
福岡醫學雜誌 (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.103, no.1, pp.12-23, 2012-01-25 (Released:2013-06-19)

Purpose : To find the relationship between parents' sleeping and living behaviors and their children's sleeping habits, and to investigate factors specifically related to children staying up late in recent Japan. Methods : During regular health check-ups of children at three local health centers in the city A, we recruited the parents of one-and-half-year-old and three-year-old children to participate in the Child Sleep Cohort Project (ChiSCoP). Parents of 184 children who consented to participation were mailed three questionnaires by placement method. These are "sleeping diary for 10 days," "sleeping and lifetime rhythm survey," and "emotional behavior assessment scale (CBCL : Child Behavior Checklist 2rd/3rd edition)," of which valid data on 178 children were collected over two years and analyzed. Analysis : Participants' demographic data, perceived and actual sleeping and living habits, and bedtime patterns were compared among the groups classified by bedtime of children. Bedtimes were classified as early (before 21 : 00), normal (21 : 00 to 21 : 59), and late (after 22 : 00). Using one-way analysis of variance with two (early vs. late) and three bedtime categories, significant differences were found among the three bedtime categories about childcare environmental factors (meal, daytime activity, TV, nap, and bath). So we performed logistic regression analysis with "late bedtime" as the dependent variable and scores of environmental factors (upper or lower than median values) as independent variables in a stepwise manner to eliminate collinear variables and to obtain adjusted odds ratios. Results : 1) Among the 178 children, 96 and 82 were recruited during the physical check-up for one-and-half-year-old and three-years-old, respectively. There were 49, 72, and 57 children in the early, normal, and late bedtime groups, respectively, and no significant difference in attribute factors was found. 2) In children of the early bedtime group, proportions of those with "efforts to establish good life rhythm" (P < 0. 0001), "efforts to cultivate sleeping habits" (P < 0. 0001), and "keeping a regular bedtime" (P < 0.05) were significantly higher, as well as for children who had more than 105 minutes of "daytime nap" compared to children who had less (P < 0.05). 3) Children's bedtimes were significantly correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays" (r = 0. 33) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0. 33). Children's wake-up times were also correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays and weekends" (r = 0. 49) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0.34), which indicates that children's wake-up times had relationship with mother's sleeping and life habits. 4) Later "wake-up time on weekends" (odds ratio = 4.9) and "regular bedtime hour" (odds ratio = 3.53) were found to be the determinant of late bedtimes of children. Conclusions : To encourage earlier bedtimes in children, it is important to take he mother's sleeping and living habits into account and to maintain a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule across weekdays and weekends.
森岡 俊夫 森田 恵美子 神宮 純江 南部 由美子 新谷 早苗
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.31, no.3, pp.197-202, 1981

福岡市博多保健所において昭和50年度から同54年度までの間に実施された3歳児歯科健診時の各種資料を基に, 同期間における3歳児健診受診状況ならびにう蝕罹患状況の推移, さらには, 保育環境および保健所の実施した母子保健活動とう蝕罹患状況との関連を検討した。健診受診率およびf歯率ほこの期間毎年有意に増加し, う蝕罹患者率および一人平均df歯数は有意に減少した。なお, う蝕罹患型別罹患者率については有意な増減は認められなかった。<BR>昭和54年度においては, 被健診児が第1子である方が第2子以下よりう蝕罹患者率が有意に低率であり, また, f歯串は保育園非就園児が就園児より, そして祖父母と同居している方が核家族より有意に高率であった。<BR>また, 同保健所管内で保健所が行なう母子保健活動の度合は異なった地区別のう蝕罹患状況の変化を昭和50年と54年について比較すると, う蝕罹患者率および一人平均df歯数はそれぞれ母子保健が推進された地区においてより高い改善傾向がみられた。