新小田 春美 末次 美子 加藤 則子 浅見 恵梨子 神山 潤 内村 直尚 樗木 晶子 西岡 和男 大久保 一郎 松本 一弥 南部 由美子 加来 恒壽
福岡醫學雜誌 (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.103, no.1, pp.12-23, 2012-01-25 (Released:2013-06-19)

Purpose : To find the relationship between parents' sleeping and living behaviors and their children's sleeping habits, and to investigate factors specifically related to children staying up late in recent Japan. Methods : During regular health check-ups of children at three local health centers in the city A, we recruited the parents of one-and-half-year-old and three-year-old children to participate in the Child Sleep Cohort Project (ChiSCoP). Parents of 184 children who consented to participation were mailed three questionnaires by placement method. These are "sleeping diary for 10 days," "sleeping and lifetime rhythm survey," and "emotional behavior assessment scale (CBCL : Child Behavior Checklist 2rd/3rd edition)," of which valid data on 178 children were collected over two years and analyzed. Analysis : Participants' demographic data, perceived and actual sleeping and living habits, and bedtime patterns were compared among the groups classified by bedtime of children. Bedtimes were classified as early (before 21 : 00), normal (21 : 00 to 21 : 59), and late (after 22 : 00). Using one-way analysis of variance with two (early vs. late) and three bedtime categories, significant differences were found among the three bedtime categories about childcare environmental factors (meal, daytime activity, TV, nap, and bath). So we performed logistic regression analysis with "late bedtime" as the dependent variable and scores of environmental factors (upper or lower than median values) as independent variables in a stepwise manner to eliminate collinear variables and to obtain adjusted odds ratios. Results : 1) Among the 178 children, 96 and 82 were recruited during the physical check-up for one-and-half-year-old and three-years-old, respectively. There were 49, 72, and 57 children in the early, normal, and late bedtime groups, respectively, and no significant difference in attribute factors was found. 2) In children of the early bedtime group, proportions of those with "efforts to establish good life rhythm" (P < 0. 0001), "efforts to cultivate sleeping habits" (P < 0. 0001), and "keeping a regular bedtime" (P < 0.05) were significantly higher, as well as for children who had more than 105 minutes of "daytime nap" compared to children who had less (P < 0.05). 3) Children's bedtimes were significantly correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays" (r = 0. 33) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0. 33). Children's wake-up times were also correlated with "mother's wake-up time on weekdays and weekends" (r = 0. 49) and "mother's bedtime on weekdays" (r = 0.34), which indicates that children's wake-up times had relationship with mother's sleeping and life habits. 4) Later "wake-up time on weekends" (odds ratio = 4.9) and "regular bedtime hour" (odds ratio = 3.53) were found to be the determinant of late bedtimes of children. Conclusions : To encourage earlier bedtimes in children, it is important to take he mother's sleeping and living habits into account and to maintain a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule across weekdays and weekends.
松本 一弥 笹川 七三子 川森 正夫
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.20, no.2, pp.81-93, 1978 (Released:2011-03-04)
7 5

A survey was made on nurses working in a certain university hospital, with regard to night shifts and short off-duty period incorporated in the system. Of the 115 nurses working in the wards studied, 84 were working a three-shift system, 18 a two-shift system and 7 a permanent night shift system. The three-shift system consisted of a day shift (8.30-16.30), an evening shift (16.30-0.30) and a night shift (0.30-8.30), which was performed in a very irregular way with no fixed cycle of rotation. The number of night shifts averaged 10 per month for nurses working by the three-shift system, and 20 for nurses in permanent night duty. According to the rotation schedule, each nurse was obliged to have off-duty periods of about 8 hours about 5 times a month on the average and to work two consecutive night duties once or more a month, while nurses working the permanent night duty had two consecutive services 10.7 times a month. Results of time study of nurses revealed that a large portion of time was spent for contact with patients, either directly looking after them or indirectly assisting medical treatments, and that during most of the duty hours the working posture was either standing, walking, or forward bending. The frequency of fatigue complaints after a shift was higher in the order of day shift < evening shift < night shift. Especially after the night duty, symptoms of drowsiness and dullness and symptoms of difficulty in concentration increased markedly. It was shown that the drowsiness-dullness symptoms were always higher in frequency after a day shift following an off-duty period of 8-hour than that following off-duty hours of 16 or more hours. In the case of a night duty, the fatigue complaints were more frequent after a shift following an 8-hour or 16-hour off-duty period. As for flicker fusion frequency (CFF) and body temperature changes in different shifts, they remained at extremely low levels during a night shift, and especially low between 4.00-6.00 a.m., both CFF and body temperature being elevated afterwards. At the end of a night duty, however, CFF was 2-3 Hz lower than before a day shift. The decrease of the CFF level in the late afternoon of a day-shift was more marked after a shift following an off-duty period of 8-hour than after a shift following longer off-duty hours. In the case of night duty, the lowering rate was in the descending order of 8, 16 and 24 hours of the off-duty period, the CFF level being the lowest between 4.00-6.00 a.m. When the nurses had to take the next shift after a short off-duty period of 8 hours, they were in debt of sleeping hours, which otherwise could be paid off by a following night sleep. Further the meal time of shift workers was very irregular on days of evening- or night-shift, reduction in frequency of meals per day being frequent among them. On the basis of the results obtained, it is concluded that nurses are adversely affected by the frequent short off-duty period and consecutive night shifts and that their shift system should be corrected so as to avoid these conditions.
松本 一弥 斎藤 良夫 松井 知子 川森 正夫
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.22, no.3, pp.184-193, 1980-05-20

The present survey was carried out on the service of guards in the form of night duty in the shift system in order to elucidate the problems involved. Number of subjects was 148. Out of these, 85 worked under the alternate-day shift system whose average age was 42 years, 47 worked under the permanent night duty system of average age of 50 years, and the remaining 16 were on the normal duty of the average age of 45 years. Under the alternate-day shift system, the portal-to-portal time is 24 hours from 10:00a.m. to the same time of the next day from which about 3.O-3.5 hours are exempted for taking a nap. In the permanent night duty it is from 18:00 or 19:00 to 09:00 or 10:00 of the next day, the portal-to-portal ranging 13-16 hours, usually 15-16 hours. The normal duty covers 8 or 9 hours from 10:00 to 17:00 or 18:00, but with incidental night duty of several hours per month. The problems of the alternate-day shift system and of the permanent night duty system were as follows: (1) Under those two systems, the total monthly portal-to-portal time was 312 hours with additional overtime, the mean becoming 397 hours a month in the alternate-day shift system and 405 hours in the permanent night duty system. These are considerably longer than the working time (249 hours) of the normal duty. (2) As for the frequency of the consecutive night shift, it occurred more than twice at the rate of 23% a month in the alternate-day shift system, and some experienced even 7 consecutive night shifts. Under the permanent night duty system, night duty occupied the greatest part in a month (97%), 3 to 5 consecutive night duties being most usual with an exceptional case of 19 consecutive night duties. (3) Number of night duties per month is 16.1 per month on the average under the alternate-day shift system, while 23.2 under the permanent night duty system. (4) The incidence of the spell of the portal-to-portal exceeding 24 hours was 43% per month under the alternate-day shift system. The longest was 72 hours. Under the permanent night duty system, the incidence of the spell of 19 hours or more was about 15%, and the spell of 24 hours or more occurred at the rate of 9%. (5) From the shift formation point of view, the interval between the preceeding or succeeding spell was sometimes null, but it was usually 8-10 hours. The incidence of the former per month was 4.7 times under the alternate-day shift system and 2.7 times under the permanent night duty system. Incidences of the latter under the two systems were 2.0 and 15.1 times, respectively. (6) Number of holidays per month was 3.0 under the alternate-dayshift system, and, 1.1 under the permanent night duty system. Under the normal duty system, it was 4.6. (7) Number of sick absenteeism with medical certificate was 13 in a year (15.3% of the total employees) under the alternate-day shift system, and 7 (14.9% of the total) under the permanent night duty system. As regards diseases which were the reason of absenteeism, 6 were circulatory, 4 respiratory, 4 digestive, each 1 was musculoskeletal, of connective tissue, hepatic, hemopoietic and mental. Except one patient suffering from a respiratory disease and another suffering from a musculoskeletal disease, all were aged 40 years or over. Under the normal duty system there was no sick absenteeism. (8) Number of workers retired in the past one year was 30 under the alternate-dayshift system, 43 under the permanent night duty system, and 1 under the normal duty system. Ratios of the number of retired workers against those in service were 35, 91 and 6% under the three systems, respectively. In the alternate-day shift and permanent night duty systems, and especially in the latter, the number of retired workers tended to be larger among the middle- and old aged. From these results the following items were considered important: Introduction of such countermeasures as reasonably controlling the total work hours, decrease in the number of days of night duty, reor
三宅 晋司 佐藤 望 赤津 順一 神代 雅晴 松本 一弥
Japan Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.32, no.5, pp.239-249, 1996

室温のゆらぎ条件 (28~30℃: 1/fゆらぎに基づくもので, 平均45分の短周期ゆらぎと平均90分の長周期ゆらぎ) と28℃で一定の定常条件で温度制御を行い, 終夜睡眠ポリグラフおよび体表面皮膚温を測定した. さらに, 起床時に主観的睡眠感と温熱感の調査を行った. 被験者は健康な男子大学生12名で, 適応夜3夜の後, 3条件の実験を無作為の順序で行った. 睡眠時間は8時間 (11時30分就床, 7時30分起床) とし, 睡眠中はトランクスのみの裸の状態で寝具の使用も禁止した. 有効な10名についての結果では, 定常条件において stage IIの出現率が長周期ゆらぎ条件よりも多いことが示された. また, REM+徐波睡眠の全就床時間に対する割合を睡眠質の指標とした場合, ゆらぎ条件と定常条件間で有意差が認められ, ゆらぎ条件のほうがやや良い睡眠であることが示唆された. その他の各種睡眠パラメータおよび主観的睡眠感では条件間で有意差は認められなかった.
新小田 春美 姜 旻廷 松本 一弥 野口 ゆかり
九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02862484)
vol.29, pp.97-108, 2002-03

本研究は, 産前7週から産後15週間にわたって連続した26名の母親と出生から14週齢の乳児12名および年齢・産歴をマッチングした12名の非妊産婦(対照群)の睡眠日誌の解析から, 産後の母親の睡眠・覚醒行動の変化や夜間における母親と乳児の覚醒行動の同期性および母親の夜間覚醒と疲労感との関連性などについて検討した。母親の夜間中途覚醒は, 乳児の授乳・排泄などの世話に殆どが費やされていた。出産後の早い週ほど夜間睡眠の乱れが大きく, 乳児の睡眠・覚醒リズムの発達に伴って母親の中途覚醒時間も暫時減少した。母親の頻回の中途覚醒は, 産後9週ないし10週頃まで持続するが, 産後14週に至っても対照群に比し有意に増大していた。入眠状態, 熟眠感, および起床気分の不調の訴え率は, 妊娠末期から産後7週ないし8週頃まで有意に高かった。疲労感の訴え率は, 産後10週頃まで高いレベルを維持しその後やや減少したが, 産後15週にいたっても対照群に比して有意に高かった。「頭が重い」, 「眠い」, 「目が疲れる」, 「肩がこる」の訴えスコアーは, 産後どの週にあっても有意に高かった。以上の結果から, 母親の夜間陸眠の乱れは, 産後の早い週ほど大きく, 乳児の睡眠・覚醒リズムの発達にともなって, 暫時改善されていくとは言え, 疲労は産後15週に至っても残存するものと推測された。
松岡 成明 久澄 太一 吉水 卓見 福井 仁 松本 一弥
昭和病院雑誌 (ISSN:18801528)
vol.1, no.1, pp.7-11, 2004 (Released:2005-05-20)

松本 一弥
杏林医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03685829)
vol.11, no.4, pp.327-341, 1980

交代制勤務者を対象として, 平常夜間睡眠と夜勤直後の昼間睡眠ポリグラフムを記録し, 両者を比較検討した結果, 以下のことが明らかとなった。夜勤あけ直後の昼間睡眠では, 就床時間全睡眠時間の短縮, 中途覚醒の増加, REM睡眠潜時の短縮, 初回REM睡眠持続時間の延長, S_3やS_4睡眠潜時の有意な延長等がみられた。また, 昼間睡眠では10名の対象者中3名に入眠時のREM睡眠の出現, 即ちSleep onset REM periodの特異的現象が認められた。さらに, 昼間睡眠では夜間睡眠に比して, 入眠より2時間ないし3時間におけるREM睡眠量の増加とS_4睡眠量の有意な減少, あるいはREM睡眠の出現が睡眠の前期から中期にかけて多いなど夜間睡眠の分布と異なる現象が明らかとなった。これらのことより, REM睡眠はcircadian rhythmに依存し, S_4は入眠前の覚醒時間の長さに依存して出現するものと推論された。一方, 脈拍数は夜間睡眠に比して昼間睡眠でそのレベルが高く, また睡眠段階との関連で内的非同期化がみられた。