福地 義之助 原沢 道美 半田 昇 吉川 政己
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.7, no.5-6, pp.266-271, 1969-12-31 (Released:2010-02-23)

A case of chronic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in a seventy two year old male was presented with pertinent clinico-pathological findings.The patient had worked in a shell ornament firm over fifty years when he developed exertional dypnea, cough and yellowish sputum. The chest X ray film taken at the time of his first visit to this clinic already showed diffuse bilateral linear and reticular shadow with partial conggregation. Pulmonary function study disclosed marked restrictive ventilatory disturbance and impairment of diffusion with mild hypoxemia. Dyspnea became progressively worse with each episode of recurrent respiratory infection, although supportive treatment with various antibiotics, bronchodilators and oxygen administration brought him temporal amelioration of symptoms. The patient eventually died of pulmonary insufficiency and heart failure secondary to intractable respiratory infection three years after the initial examination.Cardinal pathologic findings were chronic interstitial pneumonitis and cor plumonale which were compatible with clinical and laboratory data. Microscopic findings of the lung consisted of variable degrees of hyaline membrane formation, interstitial fibrosis and edema, chronic cellular infiltation, bronchiolectasis and abnormal proliferation of bronchiolar epithelium. These pathological changes were taken as rather indicative of chronic pneumonitis than established fibrosis. The significance of the patient's longstanding exposure to the shell dust was discussed in view of the etiology of so-called idiopathic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and postulation for possible mechanism of its contribution to the development of those pathologic findings was made.
成瀬 信子 小川 安朗 藤田 拓男 折茂 肇 大畑 雅洋 岡野 一年 吉川 政己
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.5, no.6, pp.487-490, 1968-11-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

2才から91才にいたる81人の健康男子の毛髪を5才ごとに区切り, 各群5人を選び, 1人5本の試料について, 洗浄後, 蒸留水で十分湿潤し, テンシロンIII型万能引張り試験器で切断荷重, 切断伸長率, 切断仕事量および立ち上りのヤング率を測定した. 毛髪の直径は60~140μの間に分布し, 15才前後をピークとして, 以後加齢とともに漸減の傾向を示し, 二次曲線, または, 15才ごろまでは上昇以後下降する2本の直線の合成として表現される. 年齢と切断荷重, 年齢と切断仕事量の推移もほぼ同様である. これに反し, ヤング率は, 20才ごろまでは減少し, 以後加齢とともに徐々に上昇する二次曲線への回帰が統計的に有意である. 加齢の指標の一つとして, 毛髪の物理的性状の研究は有用である.