吉村 寿人 飯田 敏行
The Japanese Journal of Physiology (ISSN:0021521X)
vol.2, pp.177-185, 1951 (Released:2011-06-07)
24 32

Factors governing individual differences of temperature reaction to cold found by Lewis were studied by estimating reaction index devised in the first part of this study. Main results obtained are as follows:1. The reaction was found even a few days after birth and developed rapidly with lapse of days. The high reactivity in childhood was lessened in puberty and again it rose in young adult, after which it decreased gradually with the progress of age.2. A female adult seemed to show a little lower reactivity than a male.3. Native countries and racial specificity were proved to have an intimate relation with the reactivity, and a main factor of the influences was deduced to be the effect of training to cold.4. The Orochons were found to have the highest reactivity among all nations in Manchuria, and thus protecting themselves from frost-bite, adapted to their nomadic life in a cold country. The reactivity of Japanese adults recently came to Manchuria was the lowest of all the natives, while that of Japanese children was about the same with those of the native (the Mongols and the Chinese) children.5. A validity of training effect reported by Takahashi was ascertained, and it was proved that the effect was more remarkable on the youth than on the adult.6. Subjects of low reactivity were proved to show frequently high sympathetic tonus. Thus the tonus of autonomic nervous system had an intimate bearing with the reactivity.7. Main internal factors causing individual differences of the reaction were presumed to be differences of the following three: the morphological constitution, especially of blood vessels, the nervous control (activities) and other physiological properties of the skin. The experimental results mentioned above were explained from this point of view.
吉村 寿人 飯田 敏行
The Japanese Journal of Physiology (ISSN:0021521X)
vol.1, pp.147-159, 1950 (Released:2011-06-07)
29 29

1. There were found marked individual differences in the vascular reaction to cold reported by Lewis which protects the temperature fall of fingers or toes in severe cold. The difference should be an essential factor in constitutional difference of resistance against frost damage.2. A method was devised to determine the temperature reaction to cold by dipping the middle finger of the subject in ice water for 30 minutes, and measuring its skin temperature, and to compare the reactivity of the subject with one another by evaluating the so-called. “resistance index of frost bite” from the temperature curve thus determined. The method was called “a point test of the resistance against frost bite”.3. The resistance index estimated by the method was fairly reproducible, as far as the experimental conditions were constant. When measuring repeated attempts should, however, be avoided unless after several hours, and to have such living conditions before and during the measurement that do not cause changes in the thermoregulatory function.4. A marked seasonal change was found in the temperature reaction of one and the same subject, which increased in summer, and decreased in winter. The change was found to be mainly due to the change of room temperature. Even at the same room temperature, however, the reaction differed a little in summer and winter, i. e. is accelerated in the former when compared with the latter. The difference is probably due to an acclimatization of the vasomotor centre, in which the tonus changes to dilation of the skin vessels of extremities in summer, and constriction in winter.5. Influences of environmental temperature were examined in detail and it was found that the reactivity was accelerated by rise in room temperature in proportion with the magnitude of the reactivity itself. This fact can be explained by the fact that the reactivity of vessels is controlled by the tonus of the vasomotor, especially of the vasodilator, which changes with the environmental temperature.6. Effects of humidity on the temperature reaction was proved to exist, but not so marked as those of room temperature.7. Making use of the above experimental results, a method was devised to eliminate the errors in the temperature reaction due to the change of room temperature, and to evaluate the resistance index at the standard temperature of 20°C. from measurements at other temperatures. It was found that 81%-94% of values thus corrected coincided with those actually measured at 20°C. withinthe scope of experimental error, when the room temperature was between 15C°C. to 25°C.
吉村 寿人 山岡 誠一 平松 戊辰 森島 正彦 蜂須賀 弘久 吉岡 利治 池田 嘉代 立石 睦子 田中 典子 斎藤 晋哉 服部 加代子
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
栄養と食糧 (ISSN:18838863)
vol.14, no.3, pp.230-236, 1961-09-30 (Released:2010-11-29)

In order to study the preventive and therapeutic effect of the amino acids administration for the sports-anemia caused by excessive sports trainings, the exercising albino-rats and sports-players in training were administered with amino-acids, and its effect on their blood composition was examined.The results obtained were as follows:When the albino-rats were forced to keep running for 14 days the“sports-anemia” appeared; progress of this anemia could be inhibited by the administration of threonine or its ferrous salt.Sports-players taking hard training can be prevented or recovered from the anemia by the long-period administration of composite amino-acids or threonine ferrous salt.
吉村 寿人
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.13, no.4, pp.602-640, 1976-03

吉村 寿人
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.4, no.3, pp.357-377, 1982-09-01

この総説は昭和54年7月11日に産業医大において行った講演の記録に若干加筆したものであって, 日本において行われた国際生物学事業IBPの「ヒトの適応能」部門の内の気候適応研究班の行った研究の成果に著者が京都府立医大在任中に季節生理総合研究班の中で行った研究成果を織りまぜてまとめたものである. その内容は先ず適応とは何かと言う問題を解説して, これに自然的適応と文化的適応のあること, また自然適応の中にも生理的適応と適応分化(遺伝的適応)の区別のあることを明らかにした. そして人間のもつ気候適応を中心としてその「しくみ」について解説し, 生理的適応にもその生まれ育った土地の気候や職業などによって適応には色々のパターンの差を生ずること, 殊に長期に渉る適応と短期の気候適応とはそのパターンがまるで違ってくることを明らかにした. そしてCoon et al.(1950)の説をもとにして人類の気候適応の結果生じたモンゴロイドの人種的特性について述べ, 彼らが寒さに強い適応能をもち, アジア人陸より, アメリカ大陸に渡ってその全土に分布して, 独特の文化を建設したことを述べた. そして最後にアメリカ大陸のモンゴロイドがコロンブスのアメリカ大陸発見によって西欧民族によって亡ぼされた中で, 同じモンゴロイドに属する日本民族のみがよく独立国家として発展し世界の先進工業国家として独自の文化を保つに到ったかの理由についてJohn Hallの歴史観を論評しつつ, 日本人の精神文化的適応性と日本の国土の立地条件等の特性を指摘して解説した.(1982年5月13日 受付)