吉田 純子
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.60, no.2, pp.147-157, 2013-12

宮崎駿のアニメ・フィルムは、『千と千尋の神隠し』(2002)で金熊賞(2002)やアカデミー賞(2003)を受賞して以来、グローバルに観客の心を捉えてきた。批評家大塚英二は、『もののけ姫』(1997)をジョセフ・キャンベルの標準化された英雄の旅(原質神話)の枠内で論じて、この作品がウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーとの提携によって、メディア・グローバリゼーションの波に乗ったと主張する。それは宮崎が「スターウォーズ / キャンベル」タイプの英雄の神話的冒険の基本パターン(離別・イニシエーション・帰還)に従って物語構造を変えてしまったからであると言う。しかし、『もののけ姫』には、物語構造にいくつかの変型があり、母性的要素が充満していることはその一つである。文化人類学者メアリー・ダグラスは、身体を社会の象徴と見ながら、「社会構造に内在すると信じられている能力や危険が凝縮して人間の肉体に再現されている」と述べている。本稿は、宮崎の『もののけ姫』『千と千尋の神隠し』『崖の上のポニョ』(2008)での豊かな身体的表象に注目し、多様な身体とそれらを養い、再生させる母胎のような容れものが、いかに社会的関係を象徴的に表しているかを検証する。注目すべきは、宮崎作品が様々な既存テクストーフランスの文芸おとぎ話「美女と野獣」、アーシュラ・K・ル=グィンの「ゲド戦記」、クリスチャン・アンデルセンの「人魚姫」「雪の女王」、そして日本の民話「安珍と清姫」などーと間テクスト性をもつことである。また、宮崎の作品は、日本の観衆にノスタルジーを喚起する馴染み深い日本的な場所に設定されている。ディズニー配給による宮崎作品のグローバル的流通は、商品売り上げの増大だけが目的なのだろうか。本稿は、ポストコロニアル視点からこの疑問を取り上げ、宮崎による彼自身の「文化の場所」の創出について検証する。
吉田 純子
no.5, pp.211-225, 1998-10-01

L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz has been widely read since its first publication in 1900 and variously interpreted by critics. However, most interpretations have focused on Dorothy's journey to find her way back home, not on the journey of the male characters, ie., the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. Unlike Dorothy's journey, which was accidentally started by the tornado, the males' journeys seem to have been started for reasons. These "males" think they have to meet the Wizard of Oz to ask him for a brain, a heart, and courage, respectively. The examination of the above motivations will lead us to consider that there are two types of journeys in the story.The two different types often have been confusingly discussed as though there were only a sigle journey. However, from the viewpoint of gender, we should discuss them separately. First, Dorothy's journey is forced on her by the tornado, not initiated through her own will, and her quest is closely related to the notion of female sphere, home. In addition, even while Dorothy is in Kansas in the opening pages, she is portrayed as an innocent child full of mirth, in contrast to her adopted family who are portrayed as exhausted and dried up due to the climate and their hard lives as pioneers. Meanwhile, the male characters think they lack essential elements in their personalities, which makes them less than whole. Their compulsive desire to become whole can be explained by their lots in the story: they eventually become rulers in society. Therefore, Dorothy as an innocent, fearless, joyful and thoughtful girl is dispatched to the imaginary land to help the uneasy males seek and establish their gender identity.As Neil Earle points out, the atmosphere in The Wizard of Oz reflects the prevailing unease in the proto-modern world of the 1890s of America. It was the period when rapid social and technological change was reaching epidemic proportions, and farmers and urban workers suffered from recurring economic depressions due to the unregulated system of capitalism.Seen from the perspective of gender, the ailing male characters embody the uneasiness of masculinity in modern patriarchal America at the turn of the century. The ideal manhood of early pioneers in the woodlands and later on the prairies which had been embodied by "American Adam" in the New World "Eden" was no longer wholesome because the rapid industrialization and urbanization caused a change in the conception of ideal masculinity. This masculinity crisis can be clearly seen in the complaints of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion.During the same period, America was pursuing an expansionist policy on the international front because the American frontier had closed at home. In other words, the expansion of American territory and its economy heavily depended on the exploitation of ethnic and cultural "others" both inside and outside the country. It was no coincidence that the Colombian Exposition was held in Chicago in 1893. As was shown in the various glittering exhibitions in the urban wonderland called the "White City," this world fair was the landmark of the spreading American dream. Three years before the fair was the gruesome massacre of Native Americans of the Sioux tribe at Wounded Knee. Five years after the fair, America expanded its territory by defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War.Obviously, the manhood of the Wizard of Oz is closely connected with his domination over the Emerald City. In the same way, the "manhood" of the American empire was on display in the sparkling exhibitions of the Columbian Exposition. Taking America's exploitative and expansionist attitude toward "others" into consideration, the dazzling wonderland can be seen as "deceptive and illusionary" like the wizard's magic after all.As a journalist, Baum was naturally alert to both international and domestic affairs. Moreover, he had moved to Chicago just before the world fair. How he felt about American civilization can be easily imagined from the words of the Wizard of Oz when his identity is finally disclosed as a humbug. The Wizard apologetically said, "I am a good man, though I am a bad wizard." Baum as a liberal Easterner still believed, or tried to believe, in the manifest destiny of America, but he must have been beginning to feel uneasy about America's masculine identity.
吉田 純子 石橋 隆治 西尾 眞友
金沢医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:03855759)
vol.30, no.4, pp.420-426, 2005-12
