三浦 欽也
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.59, no.2, pp.63-73, 2012-12

"Kawaii", which is often translated as "cute" in English, is a word specific to Japanese modern and popular culture. In this paper, we attempted to characterize the items that female students feel to be "kawaii". First, we had female students list items that they would call "kawaii" , together with a list of terms that they would use to describe each item. From all the collected descriptive terms, we selected the twenty-seven terms that were most frequently used. Secondly, we had a separate group of female students list "kawaii" items similarly, and had them decide the degree of suitability of each of the twenty-seven descriptive terms for all the items. As a result of a cluster analysis of the data, these "kawaii" items were divided into three groups. It was observed that one group consists of items concerning the so called baby-schema, another group consists of items concerning personal adornment and the other consists of items possessing characteristics of both of the former two groups. Thirdly, we also analyzed the same data using factor analysis, and obtained three factors. One factor concerns baby-schema, another factor concerns personal adornment and the other concerns personal evaluation. We also examined the differences among the three groups in average scores of the factors using ANOVA, the results of which support former observations about the characteristics of the three groups.
余 六一 任 萍
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.41-47, 2008-06

河西 秀哉
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.59, no.1, pp.49-61, 2012-06

The article aims to identify the role of choruses and what they achieved in the Asia- Pacific War. Japan had employed all national powers toward the Asia-Pacific War. To achive victory, the citizenry needed to mobilize and collect all available resources, including the ue of song. These songs were not considered art; instead, they were used as a proactive tool to increase unity in the workforce. In addition, the Great japan Patriotic Industrial Association, which brought laborers into the all-out war effort, was proactively engaged in welfare movements. It was through this effort that musicians were able to contribute during the war. Musicians consistently aimed to socialize music and attempted to popularize music through the welfare movements. From the perspective of the war effort, their use of choruses was regarded as a tool for increasing workplace unity. Their logic was to use music to eliminatte the classism in the workplace, which reflected an ieal behaind the war effort in general.
戸江 哲理 Tetsuri TOE
神戸女学院大学論集 = Kobe College studies (ISSN:03891658)
vol.68, no.1, pp.103-117, 2021-06

山内 祥史
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.32, no.2, pp.1-52, 1985-12
浜下 昌宏
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.54, no.2, pp.49-58, 2008-01

The basic research subject of this paper is on the question as to why Japanese humanities, in particular, philosophy and aesthetics had been so much focused on German scholarship in the Meiji era. As preliminaries, I try to trace several factors leading to German origins to make a rough sketch of them, (1) The Iwakura mission experienced similar conditions to Japan in Germany: a developing nation for the nation-state, the emperor system with a constitution, etc. (2) ITO Hirobumi made the greatest effort to devise the Meiji constitution following the advice from Professor Lorenz von Stein who was willing to support Japanese for their political and legal development. (3) AOKI Shuzo was the key person for the pro-Germany group in Japan. He was clever enough to understand Europe and European's virtues not only in terms of scholarship but also of customs and society. (4) Most Japanese students who became leaders of a distinct field, mostly in the field of the humanities, studied at the University of Berlin. It would be interesting to know the reason, when there were a lot of eminent universities in Germany. Japanese access to Germany, in particular to Prussia, would have been resulted from some psychological or political foundations.
小松 秀雄
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.54, no.2, pp.153-164, 2008-01

In the eighties of the 20th Michel Gallon, John Law and Bruno Latour have constructed the theory of actor-network in the field of science and technology studies. Then in the nineties Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger have proposed the theory of situated learning and community of practice. In the first chapter of this paper I intend to consider the theory of 'hybrid collectives (communities)' and the concept of 'translation' which M.Gallon (French sociologist) has developed in his theory of actor-network. Gallon has criticized traditional sociologists for 'social constructionism'. And in the second chapter I investigate the situational approach and theory of community of practice while I take up the literatures such as "Situated Learning" (1991.) and "Communities of Practice" (2002.). In the final chapter I attempt to apply the theory of actor-network and the concept of community of practice to the downtown area (Yamabokocho) of the Gion Festival (Gion Matsuri) of Kyoto in the modem society.
川島 智生
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.54, no.2, pp.59-89, 2008-01

I ascertained the following unsolved facts: formation, architectural character and architects of public architecture built in modern Okinawa prefecture. The history of its formation can divide into western-style design and reinforced-concrete design. If so, reinforced-concrete buildings were built in almost same time as those in the mainland, although western-style architectures were formed 20 years later after western-style architectures were built in the mainland. In the early of Meiji period, Japanese-style architecture was introduced in Okinawa prefecture and in the late of the era architecture that was influenced by European-historical style was introduced there. In Taisho period, architecture that was focused on Ryukyu climate was introduced in the prefecture. The reason of this fact is that red roof tiles were used for the architecture. They are traditional in Okinawa prefecture. Architects were Goichi Takeda, William Merrell Vories, who had based their projects in Kansai area.
程 亮
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.59, no.2, pp.23-34, 2012-12

Since ancient times, Japanese people have believed that people could be overtaken by strong emotions such as Kitsunetsuki (possessed by a fox spirit). Through the investigation of the heritage of this folk belief in Kitsunetsuki, Japanese traditional values and intellectualities can thus be grasped Based on the oral traditions in modern times. which have been obtained from the Kaii-Yokai Densho Database mede public in the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, this essay taking statistical folklore methodology is an attempt to conduct a statistical study of Kitsunetsuki records in early modern periods and modern times, conduct a comparative analysis by correlating the types of Kitsunetsuki with other factors such as regional destribution temporal distribution and the cult of Inari, and consequently elucidate the different types of this fox belief in early modern periods and modern times. In early modern periods, this fox belief, in combination with Inari,circulated in the form of the cult of Inari; in modern times during periods of great social and economic reform and hightened public apprehension, the cult of Inari faded away, and this fox belief,in its combination with the belief in spitits possessing human beings,took on the form of belief in Kitsunetsuki。In this way, the fox belief varies with Japanese people's aspirations and social demands, as do its images and modalities accordingly.
吉田 純子
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.60, no.2, pp.147-157, 2013-12

宮崎駿のアニメ・フィルムは、『千と千尋の神隠し』(2002)で金熊賞(2002)やアカデミー賞(2003)を受賞して以来、グローバルに観客の心を捉えてきた。批評家大塚英二は、『もののけ姫』(1997)をジョセフ・キャンベルの標準化された英雄の旅(原質神話)の枠内で論じて、この作品がウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーとの提携によって、メディア・グローバリゼーションの波に乗ったと主張する。それは宮崎が「スターウォーズ / キャンベル」タイプの英雄の神話的冒険の基本パターン(離別・イニシエーション・帰還)に従って物語構造を変えてしまったからであると言う。しかし、『もののけ姫』には、物語構造にいくつかの変型があり、母性的要素が充満していることはその一つである。文化人類学者メアリー・ダグラスは、身体を社会の象徴と見ながら、「社会構造に内在すると信じられている能力や危険が凝縮して人間の肉体に再現されている」と述べている。本稿は、宮崎の『もののけ姫』『千と千尋の神隠し』『崖の上のポニョ』(2008)での豊かな身体的表象に注目し、多様な身体とそれらを養い、再生させる母胎のような容れものが、いかに社会的関係を象徴的に表しているかを検証する。注目すべきは、宮崎作品が様々な既存テクストーフランスの文芸おとぎ話「美女と野獣」、アーシュラ・K・ル=グィンの「ゲド戦記」、クリスチャン・アンデルセンの「人魚姫」「雪の女王」、そして日本の民話「安珍と清姫」などーと間テクスト性をもつことである。また、宮崎の作品は、日本の観衆にノスタルジーを喚起する馴染み深い日本的な場所に設定されている。ディズニー配給による宮崎作品のグローバル的流通は、商品売り上げの増大だけが目的なのだろうか。本稿は、ポストコロニアル視点からこの疑問を取り上げ、宮崎による彼自身の「文化の場所」の創出について検証する。
手嶋 昭子
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.77-88, 2008-06

The purpose of this paper is, through showing an overview of the Sexual Assault Services (SAS) conducted in BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre in Canada, to present some implications that will make an effective program for victims of sexual assault in Japan. This paper's author participated in the training program against sexual violence held in Vancouver, Canada, in August 2007. The paper is mainly based on the findings obtained in that program. We Japanese gradually began to recognize the prevalence of sexual assault for these days, but regrettably we don't have any sufficient programs for providing services and social support to victims of sexual assault. I suspect that services providing for the victims have been varied according to the personnel of health care professionals and law enforcement agencies, and such difference may lead to inconsistent response toward the sexual assault cases and victims' emotional trauma. On the contrary, the SAS provides patient-centered, comprehensive health care and support services for sexual assault survivors, and with patients' consent, obtains standardized forensic evidence for legal purposes. The SAS constructs a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors, and counselors. The team members collaborate with other health care facilities, community support services, and police and prosecutors. Their approach is, so to speak, the women's-centered. They are struggling to maintain their feminist perspective within the social system which is tolerant of sexual violence against women. The feminist approach, in other words, the survivors' centered approach is very suggestive because it has not been paid much attention in Japan before. Professionals that face sexual assault cases such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, counselors, and researchers, should be careful not to be paternalistic and should take survivors' needs first. In this context it is desirable that our society think seriously to introduce a pilot program like the SAS as soon as possible.

4 0 0 0 論集

中川 徹夫
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.59, no.2, pp.93-102, 2012-12

When the binary solution, whichi is composed of a solute and a solvent, is diluted with its solvent, volume is not conserved; the total volume of an original solution and an added solvent is not equal to that of its diluted solution. This phenomenon is well known, however, it has been never quantitatively discussed from the viewpoint of science education. In this paper, the method of estimating the volume of a diluted binary solution is first derived. The volume of a diluted solution is obtained from volumes and densities of an original solution and an added solvent and from the density of the diluted solution. Densities of the original and diluted solutions are calculated using an empirical equation, which is a power function of the mass fraction of a solute. Successively, our method is applied to D-glucose and sucrose aqueous solutions in order to examine volume changes in diluting these solutions with water at 20℃, The concentration ranges of original D-glucose and sucrose aqueous solutions are 0-0.6000 and 0-0.8000 mass fractions of solutes respectively. The volume ratios of the original solution to the added solvent are 1.000 mL: 5.000mL, 2.000mL:4.000mL, 3.000mL:3.000mL, 4.000mL:2.000mL, and 5.000mL:1.000mL, For both aqueous solutions, volumes decrease over the 0.2500 solute mass fraction range, and they reach minimum values (5.983mL for D-glucose and 5.963mL for sucrose aqueous solution) at the ratio 3.000mL: 3.000mL. Although these volume changes are too small to be detected using our microscale experiments, the obvious volume decreases are recognized after diluting original solutions Estimating volumes of diluted aqueous solutions is very simple and easy, and it is concluded that our method is useful as teaching material for high school science.
石谷 真一
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.52, no.2, pp.103-123, 2005-12-20

This report tried to study on imaginary companions from the viewpoint of the Depth psychology. Imaginary companions are invisible imaginary object, which children sometimes play with or talk with. In this report first, the author surveyed post studies on imaginary companions. Second, the author compared imaginary companions with stuffed objects which were found and played by children, on which he has investigated toward female university students by inquiring their favorite objects in childhood. In consequence, imaginary companions were found out to have analogy with stuffed toys, and thought to be a part of general imaginative activity in childhood. In the latter half of this paper, the author discussed about imaginary companions in the viewpoint of the Depth psychology, especially the psychoanalytic theories and the theory of analytical psychology. Imaginary companions were considered to be symbolic expressions of children's unconscious phantasy, especially to be projection of their internal object in Kleinian psychoanalytic theory. Imaginary companions were also considered to be transitional objects in Winnicottian theory, or to be a selfobject in Kohutian theory. Furthermore, in Jungian perspective, the relation with imaginary companions were sometimes analogous with active imagination, so that it was thought to be an interaction with unconscious psyche. In consequence of the comparative study and the theoretical study on imaginary companions, imaginary companions are thought not to be mere fantasy but an imaginative activity accompanied with unconscious. Imaginary companions are adaptive and healthy, but are often used to dissolve inner confliction, to relieve inner pain, or to facilitate ego development of children.
横田 恵子 Keiko YOKOTA
神戸女学院大学論集 = Kobe College studies (ISSN:03891658)
vol.68, no.2, pp.107-117, 2021-12

社会学的調査の一手法であるライフストーリー・インタビュー法は、インタビュアーとインタビュイーの相互作用を重視する。本稿は、対話的構築主義の立場から編まれたテキスト集(「医師の語り(2009)」)を二次分析する別稿に先立って用意された論考であり、インタビューテキストの二次分析の前に考慮すべき点を論じたものである。第一に、社会学的研究テーマとして「医師の語り」が重要であることを示しつつ、分析対象の聴き取り調査で対話的構築主義が採用されたことを反省的に検討する。次に、社会学的インタビューを記録する際に、現在多く採用されている準科学的な手続きが抱える限界について考える。「記述スタイル」に他の方法・可能性があると考えるなら、その解決策の一つとして「エクリチュール・フェミニン」が採用可能なのではないか、という検討を行う。最後に、"誰が経験を語る資格があるのか" と言う当事者性の問題と、災禍記憶の継承の関係について考える。「個人的な記憶と過去の集合的な記憶の関係」は、集合的記憶論が再び参照される現在、ライフストーリー読解の分析軸としても重要な二つ目の補助線となるだろう。The life story interview method, a research tool in Sociology studies, emphasizes the interaction between the interviewer and interviewee. This paper discusses points that need to be considered beforehand when conducting a secondary analysis of "the narratives of doctors involved in the treatment of HIV infection," through dialogical constructivism. The first point intends to prove that, as a sociological research theme,medical doctors' narratives are variable. The second point raises the issue that the current method of ecriture, which describes the interview results, is problematic. Here, the author examines the possibility of using "écriture feminine" as one of the solutions. Finally, the paper discusses, "who is qualified to talk about experiences? " and"the relationship between personal memories and collective memories of the past." These issues, which are based on the theory of collective memory, must be understood as the axis of analysis when analyzing the interviews. (This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K02055.)
高岡 素子
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.61, no.2, pp.157-165, 2014-12

辰巳 桂子 出口 弘 長尾 ひろみ 杉浦 元亮 ジョン ヒョンジョン 生田 奈穂 橋爪 寛 松縄 順子 川島 隆太
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.89-104, 2008-06

One of human-being specific activities, interpreting (oral translation), has been adopted as a popular method to enhance second language acquisition lately. The question, however, how interpreting is executed in human brains, remains largely unknown. In this paper, we present our fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) experimental results to investigate how cerebral cortices are activated when subjects are engaged in interpreting exercises. Twenty-one healthy, right-handed university student subjects participated in this study. We directly compared English to Japanese consecutive interpreting (EJ) to Japanese to English consecutive interpreting (JE) using subtraction method, as well as with sentence reconstruction tasks in Japanese (JJ) and English (EE), and with resting condition (Rest, or baseline). The direct subtraction analysis between EJ and JE left only a limited area: left superior temporal gyrus remained. In JE minus EJ (masked by EJ-Rest: P<0.05image), right and left precentral gyri, left thalamus, left and right superior temporal gyri, and left middle temporal gyrus are left, suggesting that JE recruited more extensive regions in comparison with EJ, despite that all sources of sentence recorded and used as stimuli were constructed to be at the same level of difficulty, either directly taken from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) -authorized popular textbooks used in Japanese public junior high schools, or translation of such sources. The conditions EJ, EE, and JJ showed very similar patterns of cortical activation, indicating that the conditions recruited similar brain regions: left and right superior temporal gyri, mainly left middle temporal gyrus,, left inferior frontal gyrus (opercular part and triangular part), left temporal lobe's lateral surface, and mainly left supplementary motor areas. EJ and JE commonly activated Inferior frontal gyri (opercular part and triangular part) and supplementary motor areas in both hemispheres. Kawashima (2004) reports that even a different-activity-related cortical activation serves as a preparatory activity for the individuals' following activity and enhances learning or delays development of dementia in older subjects. From the results, we infer that EE and JJ sentence reconstruction exercises that activated similar regions to those activated in consecutive interpreting might fit the purpose of consecutive interpreting training preparation.
長尾 ひろみ
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.51, no.2, pp.77-89, 2004-12-20

A case study on "Melbourne Incident," in which four out of five prisoners came back to Japan in 2002 being released on parole, serving 10 years in Australian prisons. It was a Drug Trafficking case involving 5 Japanese travelers. They insist that the case was a false charge and the trial was unfair due to insufficient interpreting throughout investigation and trial procedures. Evidence of mistranslation, lack of legal knowledge and intercultural understanding, and violation of professional ethics of the interpreters at the police station and at the trial were revealed by Japanese lawyers who are seeking for the possibilities of retrial to prove their innocence.