李 丹慧[著] 吉田 豊子[訳]
京都産業大学論集. 人文科学系列 (ISSN:02879727)
vol.48, pp.407-430, 2015-03

中国の新疆におけるソ僑〔ソ連国籍をもつ新疆の人〕及びその膨大かつ複雑な社会関係のネットワークは,ソ連が新疆で影響力を拡大し維持する広くかつ深い社会的基盤となっていた。とりわけ1940 年代の半ばには,このような特殊な集団は新疆において実際にある種の「国の中の国」という状況を作り出していた。このような状態は,中華人民共和国の成立後においても続いたのである。新疆のソ僑協会はソ僑の集団を一層凝集させ,新疆におけるソ連の社会的基 盤を強固にした。そして,1950 年代半ばからグループに分かれて帰国したソ僑は,自分たちと新疆域内の親族及びその社会関係とをつなぐルートを築いた。中ソ関係に亀裂が生じた時に,ソ連は新疆におけるソ連籍幹部を勢力の中核とし,帰国ソ僑をルートにして,中国の反修正主義闘争の方針に対応しようとした。中ソが分裂した後,帰国ソ僑と新疆の辺疆地域の人民との間の相互関係の発展にともなって,潜在していた新疆地区の民族分裂の情緒が噴出し,ソ連の中央アジア地域の各加盟共和国が,ある程度,新疆の民族分裂主義のガソリン・スタンドや大本営となり,新疆は中ソ友好の基地や戦略的大後方から,中国がソ連の修正主義に対抗する中心的な地域となり,イリはさらに反修正主義闘争の前線基地となってしまった。
吉田 豊子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.111, no.10, pp.1621-1645,1731-, 2002-10-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

It has been maintained that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continued to adopt a policy of granting "national-territorial autonomy" to the nationalists in the Inner Mongolia and that the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government was a landmark of this policy. This essay aims at shedding light on this problem by analyzing the changes of the CCP's Mongolia policy in terms of changing domestic and international circumstances, especially its relationship to the kuomintang (KMT). Immediately after World War II, the nationalist movement began to gather momentum in the East Mongolia, West Mongolia and Kholon Buir, resulting in the establishment of a government in each area, supported by the Soviet-Outer Mongolia army. These governments claimed to be annexed to Outer Mongolia; however, that claim was rejected. The nationalists in East Mongolia, the strongest group in power in the three areas, established a government that was meant to be a "autonomous to a high degree" and attempted to negotiate with the CCP and KMT to attain that purpose. Opposing this, the CCP organized the Federation of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Movement in west Mongolia where it wielded strong influence. The CCP's policy at that juncture was first to establish a self government at the aimag (盟) -banner (旗) -level under the provincial governments and then establish an autonomous government at a higher level in order to unite the entire area of Inner Mongolia. After the Political Consultative Conference, however, the CCP changed its policy towards the Mongolia in line with the purport of the Resolution of the Conference, by which the CCP made concessions to the KMT in terms of local self-government under provincial governments. This change in policy put the CCP in an advantageous political position against the KMT, but it worked to its disadvantage in terms of its East Mongolia policy. Subsequently, the CCP succeeded in reorganizing East Mongolia, which was being hard pressed by the withdrawal of the Soviet-Outer Mongolia army and deployment of the KMT army, into the 'legitimate' Khinggan Provincial Government through the Chengde Conference. The CCP was, however, caught in a dilemma, being faced with dissatisfaction among the Mongolian people over its policy and the strained military circumstances. It is rather ironical that the CCP was freed from this by the KMT's revocation of the Resolution of the Political Consultative Conference in its National Assembly,which caused dismay among the Mongolian people. On this, the CCP agreed to give a"high degree autonomy" to East Mongolia, purposing to mobilize the East Mongolian people against the KMT. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government was thus established, meaning that this government would not lead directly to"national-territorial autonomy".