和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.499, pp.155-162, 1997
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This paper deals with the role of housing development by estate campanies, through the case of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., which were founded in the middle of Taisho era. Tomosaburo TAKEHARA, the President of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., former a stock broker, was actively engaged in the housing enterprises by merging many estate companies, and the way of his housing management was to speculate in the housing estates as if they had been the stocks. He not only took over the business of merged estate companies but employed excellent managers and architects. Especially, Ohmino Den-en Toshi which had been developed by Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd. and MORISHOUJI District in Osaka City which was the project of a land readjustment system, were developed into the residential areas with excellent quality. But the company was in financial difficulties because it owned too many housing estates and a balance between supply and demand couldn't be kept during the war. It disappeared unexpectedly after the war in spite of developing land remarkably.
和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.486, pp.167-176, 1996-08-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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This paper will show what the condition of workers' houses in the suburbs of Osaka were like by examining the work of Juntaro Yamaoka. He made various contributions to the business world in Kansai. When he became the eighth president of Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1917, he established Osaka Jutaku Keiei Co. Ltd., which was responsible for housing development in and around Osaka City. Senriyama Estate and Tanabe-cho Estate were developed by 0. J. K. Co. Ltd. He could succeed in building the Japanese Garden City at Senriyama. But O. J. K. Co. Ltd. did not continue housing management, because of business crisis. As a result, it was dissolved in 1928.
和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.488, pp.187-194, 1996-10-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

This report will show that Juntaro Yamaokas' concept of housing management which played the large part and he made various contributions to the business world in Osaka and in the modernizing of Japanese residential areas in the early twentieth century. He enthusiastically conducted a campain to better the houses through Osaka Jutaku Keiei Co. Ltd. What is more, he provided office workers with cheaper houses, which lightened the burden to them through Osaka Tennoji Tochi Co. Ltd., Bisho Tochi Co. Ltd. as well as Osaka Jutaku Keiei Co. Ltd. This shows that Yamaoka carried out his concept of housing management as social work to satisfy the middle classes', especially office workers' standards. The concept, which he insisted on, was consciously based on the British system of housing developement.
和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.508, pp.185-192, 1998-06-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

This shows how land readjustment was promoted before the War, that is, the process from the organization to the dissolution of the association. Moreover, it shows that the private developers exsited in Suminoe District and how the housing management was. They persuaded the landowners and organized the association. They obtained a great deal of land in advance for the purpose of housing management. It was Mr. Gensuke TAKENAKA, the second president of Takenaka Shoten Co. Ltd., that organized the association. He established Takenaka Suminoe Tochi-bu and started the housing management. He sold and rented the houses and land. But he didn't succeed in selling the houses, so he engaged in renting the houses. Tujiei Jyutaku Keiei-bu participated in the association as well as Takenaka Shoten Co. Ltd. Tujiei Jyutaku Keiei-bu managed mainly the houses and land for rent. Both Takenaka and Tujiei managed over 100 houses with architects. The homes introduced the new idea of a residential housing.
和田 康由 寺内 信
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.499, pp.155-162, 1997-09-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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This paper deals with the role of housing development by estate campanies, through the case of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., which were founded in the middle of Taisho era. Tomosaburo TAKEHARA, the President of Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd., former a stock broker, was actively engaged in the housing enterprises by merging many estate companies, and the way of his housing management was to speculate in the housing estates as if they had been the stocks. He not only took over the business of merged estate companies but employed excellent managers and architects. Especially, Ohmino Den-en Toshi which had been developed by Kansai Tochi Co. Ltd. and MORISHOUJI District in Osaka City which was the project of a land readjustment system, were developed into the residential areas with excellent quality. But the company was in financial difficulties because it owned too many housing estates and a balance between supply and demand couldn't be kept during the war. It disappeared unexpectedly after the war in spite of developing land remarkably.
寺内 信 西島 芳子 佐藤 圭二 鈴木 浩 安田 孝 和田 康由 馬場 昌子 バージェス グレイム
一般財団法人 住総研
vol.25, pp.37-48, 1999

近代産業都市の発展は,19世紀イギリスにおいても20世紀の日本においても,商業業務を主とする都心部の成立と,その周辺における工業地域と高密度居住地域の形成をもたらした。イギリスでは19世紀の初めからの都市への人口集中は都心周辺部での高密度テラスハウス(バックツウバックあるいはバイロウハウス)によって吸収され,日本の大阪では20世紀初期からの人口集中は長屋や町屋によって吸収されたのである。その結果としての都市形成と都心周辺部の居住様式には,約100年の時期的差異があるにもかかわらず,共通するところが多いことが明らかになった。このような高密度居住による衛生問題を主とする住宅問題・都市計画問題に対して,イギリスではリバプールをはじめとする条例制定や,それを支援する中央政府の公衆衛生法の制定によって改善が進められた。しかし,日本では1900年頃までの上水道普及の進展もあって,建築・都市計画法制からは衛生問題が抜け落ちている。 大阪,リパプール,バーミンガムを主とする本研究では日英比較による都心住宅地形成と更新・保存の制度化の差異の要因として,1)都市自治体の主体性の強弱,2)防火建築材料などの社会的合意形成の時期,3)建築産業の近代化,4)地域住宅産業の育成,5)住宅改善・居住地更新の総合性,6)近隣関係重視の居住地更新政策,などにあることを仮説として明らかにした。この結果を背景に,これからの都心周辺部居住地更新においては,居住者の近隣関係を重視した参加と支援による計画・事業制度の整備と推進が重要と考えている。