宮崎 和光 坪井 創吾 小林 重信
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.16, no.2, pp.185-192, 2001 (Released:2002-02-28)
1 7

Reinforcement learning is a kind of machine learning. It aims to adapt an agent to a given environment with a clue to rewards. In general, the purpose of reinforcement learning system is to acquire an optimum policy that can maximize expected reward per an action. However, it is not always important for any environment. Especially, if we apply reinforcement learning system to engineering, environments, we expect the agent to avoid all penalties. In Markov Decision Processes, a pair of a sensory input and an action is called rule. We call a rule penalty if and only if it has a penalty or it can transit to a penalty state where it does not contribute to get any reward. After suppressing all penalty rules, we aim to make a rational policy whose expected reward per an action is larger than zero. In this paper, we propose a suppressing penalty algorithm that can suppress any penalty and get a reward constantly. By applying the algorithm to the tick-tack-toe, its effectiveness is shown.
芦川 平 坪井 創吾 後藤 和之
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.32, pp.13-18, 2007-03-22

ナレッジワークとは、情報の収集、選択、編集、創造と、コミュニケーションを介した意思決定が絡むプロセスであり、様々な業務や組織での活動に現れる。我々は、ナレッジワークを支援し、知識の形成と再利用を目的とするナレッジワーク支援システム Trino を開発し、実際の業務において社内運用を行った。本報告では、Trino のモデルと機能について説明し、営業や開発等の実際の業務に長期間適用して得られたデータをもとに、業務の成果物とその作成過程に着目することで、本システムの有効性を評価し考察する。Knowledge work can be defined as the processes of collecting, selecting, editing and producing information with decision-making via communication. We have developed a new system Trino to facilitate creating and reusing knowledge by supporting such knowledge work processes. This paper describes the concept, functionality and evaluation of the system from the results of task and their related communications by analyzing the operated data in a long time experiment in our company.
下郡 信宏 坪井 創吾
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.51, no.9, pp.1951-1959, 2010-09-15

英語を母国語としない人が英語で会話を行う際に,音声認識によって自動生成された英語字幕を提示すると,理解度が向上するか実験により調べた.55名の英語能力の異なる被験者に対しTOEICのリスニング試験を,音声認識特有の誤りを含む字幕を提示しながら行った.その結果,TOEICレベルC(470~730点)の被験者に単語正解精度80%以上の字幕を提示した場合に成績が有意に向上した.TOEICレベルCは日本人受験者の約半数が属するレベルであり,単語正解精度80%は現在の音声認識システムを注意して使用すれば達成可能な精度であることから,音声認識によって自動生成された英語字幕でも会話の理解を支援することが十分に可能であることが確認できた.We conducted an experiment to determine whether caption created by automatic speech recognition (ASR) will help non-native English speakers understand English conversation. 55 subjects with different English skill took the TOEIC listening tests while showing caption which includes recognition errors typical to ASR. There was significant difference when captions with accuracy more than 80% was presented to subjects with level C (score 470-730) on the TOIEC proficiency scale. Since about 50% of the Japanese TOEIC examinee fall under level C, and accuracy 80% can be achieved by current ASR technology, we conclude that caption generated by ASR is useful to non-native English speakers to understand English conversation.