間篠 剛留 原 圭寛 翟 高燕 塔 娜
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.1-14, 2015

This paper examines how concepts of scholarship, especially scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and scholarship of engagement (SoE), have developed among academic theorists based on Ernest L. Boyer's Scholarship Reconsidered (1990).To break out of the monotonous old debate of teaching versus research, Boyer attempted to redefine the meaning of scholarship. He proposed four types of scholarship -discovery, integration, application, and teaching— and insisted that they be equally respected. Since Boyer's proposition, many scholars have actively debated what scholarship is, and new concepts of scholarship, such as SoTL and SoE, have been developed.Recently, American scholarship has had two important tendencies: one is disaggregated, specific, and concrete; the other is aggregated, holistic, and abstract. Advocates of the former regard the new types of scholarship, such as SoTL and SoE, as extensions of one of Boyer's original four types. Hence, these advocates believe SoTL to be an extension of scholarship of teaching and SoE to be an extension of scholarship of application. These arguments provide concrete representations of scholarship, something that Boyer did not provide, and this helps people recognize the significance of teaching and learning or service and outreach. SoTL and SoE programs are useful in helping convince people that the work of teaching and learningshould be evaluated. Because the call for accountability is strong today and certain specialized appointees typically focus their energies on only one of the traditionally integrated faculty functions, administrators and scholars are likely to welcome new types of scholarship. This specific and concrete concept has succeeded in appropriately evaluating work that Boyer had earmarked for evaluation.However, this concept of scholarship contains a weakness that disregards Boyer's principles. If one sees SoTL and SoE as merely developmental ideas of the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of application, and as programs or activities concerning them, the possibility of conflict among research, teaching, and service arises anew. Hence, another conceptual type of scholarship has emerged: the comprehensive type, which advocates regard as a construction of Boyer's four forms of scholarship or a principle for constructing them. In this way, scholars regard SoTL as scholarship that emphasizes teaching and learning and SoE as a form that emphasizes service. This new, comprehensive type of scholarship yields a critical perspective on specific types. Boyer offers the four types of scholarship as a common ground concept that all academic professions must share, and comprehensive scholarship advocates the importance of the types of thinking inherent in those four original types. Advocates of comprehensive scholarship attempt to reconstruct Boyer's four types flexibly, so that American academic professions can foster diversity and share common ground.論文
李 振泰 塔 娜 渡来 仁 柿谷 均 小沼 操 趙 丹丹 保田 立二
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.59, no.3, pp.169-174, 1997-03-25

陽性荷電リポソームが, ウシ白血病ウイルス(BLV)感染細胞への毒素遺伝子の導入に応用可能かどうかを調べた. 陽性荷電リポソームは, N-(α-trimethylammonioacetyl)-didodecyl-D-glutamate chloride(TMAG), dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine(DOPE), dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine(DLPC)(モル比1 : 2 : 2)から作製し, 遺伝子を封入させた. ルシフェラーゼアッセイにより, 陽性荷電リポソーム(TMAGリポソーム)によるBLV感染細胞(FLK/BLV細胞)への遺伝子導入効率を調べたところ, TMAGリポソームの遺伝子導入効率は, ホスファチジルセリン(PS)から作製されたリポソームに比べ高い導入効率を示した. さらに, ルシファラーゼ遺伝子とともにプロモーター活性を持つBLVのLTRの下流にジフテリア毒素遺伝子を挿入したプラスミドDNA(pLTR-DT)をTMAGリポソームによりFLK/BLV細胞にco-transfectionし, ルシフェラーゼ遺伝子によるルシフェラーゼ活性が, TMAGリポソームにより導入されたpLTR-DTにより, どの程度阻止されるかを調べることにより, pLTR-DT封入TMAGリポソームの, BLV感染細胞に対する殺傷効果を検討した. その結果, ルシフェラーゼ活性は, pLTR-DTを導入することによりdose-dependentに抑制された. また, pLTR-DTをFLK/BLV細胞に複数回導入すると, FLK/BLV細胞の増殖が顕著に抑制された. さらに, pLTR-DT封入TMAGリポソームを血清あるいは核酸分解酵素と反応させたところ, TMAGリポソームに封入された毒素遺伝子は分解されなかった. これらのことから, 陽性荷電(TMAG)リポソームはBLV感染細胞への遺伝子導入法として優れており, 毒素遺伝子封入陽性荷電リポソームによる, BLV感染細胞の遺伝子治療の可能性が示唆された.