増田 裕美子
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.57, pp.94-107, 2014-03-31 (Released:2018-05-26)

Sorekara (And Then) by Natsume So-seki was published in the Asahi Shimbun in 1909. In this novel lilies appear as a symbol of the heroine, Michiyo. With the exception of several waka poems compiled in the 8th century Man’yōshū, however, lilies are not seen in traditional Japanese literature. In Meiji Era lilies reappeared in Ozaki Ko-yo-’s Konjiki yasha (The Golden Demon), which was written during 1897-1903. In the dream of her lover, the novel’s heroine, Miya, drowns and is transformed into a lily (yuri). Though the main original source, Weaker Than a Woman by Bertha M. Clay, does not include important descriptions of lilies, Dora Thorne, another novel by the same author, contains many meaningful scenes with lilies. In this paper, I discuss how Ko-yo- changed the meaning of lilies by drawing on an analysis of these scenes described above. While three kinds of lilies appear in Dora Thorne―lilies (yuri), lilies of the valley (suzuran), and water lilies (suiren)―Ko-yo-, who did not know the difference between them, was under the misconception that western lilies grew in the water or by the waterside. Because of this misunderstanding he made lilies symbols of rejected women like Ophelia in Hamlet, who drowns in the river. So-seki utilized this symbolism in Sorekara when the protagonist Daisuke puts lilies into the water of the vase. That act symbolizes Michiyo’s drowning, that is to say, the fact that he rejected Michiyo in the past.
西嶋 真理子 柴 珠実 齋藤 希望 増田 裕美 西本 絵美 松浦 仁美
一般社団法人 日本地域看護学会
日本地域看護学会誌 (ISSN:13469657)
vol.21, no.1, pp.40-49, 2018

<p><b>目的:</b>発達障害児の親を対象に前向き子育てプログラムのひとつであるステッピングストーンズ・トリプルP(以下,SSTP)を実施し,その効果と地域での導入について検討する.</p><p><b>方法:</b>地域の保護者会の協力のもと,3~12歳の発達障害児の親27人に対して筆者らがSSTPを実施し,介入前後の親の子育て場面でのふるまい(Parenting Scale;PS),児の行動の難しさ(Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire;SDQ),親の抑うつ・不安・ストレス(Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale;DASS),親としてどう感じるか(Parenting Experience Survey;PES)について比較し分析した.</p><p><b>結果:</b>介入前はPSやSDQのすべての下位尺度は臨床範囲あるいは境界範囲であったが,介入後はPSの親の多弁さと過剰反応,SDQの児の難しい行動の総合スコア,感情的症状,行為問題,交友問題,DASSの抑うつ,ストレスが有意に改善した.PESでは,得られた助け,パートナーとのしつけの一致度等が介入後に有意に改善した.7歳以下ではPS,SDQ,DASSのすべての下位尺度が有意に改善した.</p><p><b>考察:</b>地域の発達障害児の親を対象に行ったSSTPは,親の子育て場面でのふるまい,児の問題行動,親として子育てにストレスを感じる等に有意な改善効果が確認できた.特に児の年齢が7歳以下の家庭への改善効果が大きく,地域でSSTPを導入することが発達障害児と親の支援に有効であると考えられた.</p>