大塚 勲
熊本大学社会文化研究 (ISSN:1348530X)
vol.15, pp.51-70, 2017-03-25

This paper presents that expansion of government bonds in the late 1970s was caused bya control of the former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. The government budgeted 2 trillionyen for revenue generated by the government bonds in the 1975 fiscal year and 15.3 trillionyen in the 1979 fiscal year. They expanded to 7.65 times in only four years. The budgets wereformulated according to an economic plan developed in 1976. Although the plan controlled thebudget inflation, the government depended on the government bonds because of shortage of taxrevenue. As a result, the government bonds expanded rapidly but the plan was realized. Theeconomic plan was formulated in the Takeo Miki Cabinet, not in the Tanaka Cabinet. However,the plan was in accordance with part of a 10 year economic plan which was examined but notdeveloped by Tanaka cabinet. Mr. Tanaka controlled the budgets in order to realize the planin the Tanaka Cabinet. As a result, government bonds were the inflated in the late 1970s. Thepaper therefore concludes that we should call them Tanaka government bonds policy.
大塚 勲 オオツカ イサオ Ohtsuka Isao
熊本大学社会文化研究 (ISSN:1348530X)
no.15, pp.51-70, 2017

This paper presents that expansion of government bonds in the late 1970s was caused bya control of the former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. The government budgeted 2 trillionyen for revenue generated by the government bonds in the 1975 fiscal year and 15.3 trillionyen in the 1979 fiscal year. They expanded to 7.65 times in only four years. The budgets wereformulated according to an economic plan developed in 1976. Although the plan controlled thebudget inflation, the government depended on the government bonds because of shortage of taxrevenue. As a result, the government bonds expanded rapidly but the plan was realized. Theeconomic plan was formulated in the Takeo Miki Cabinet, not in the Tanaka Cabinet. However,the plan was in accordance with part of a 10 year economic plan which was examined but notdeveloped by Tanaka cabinet. Mr. Tanaka controlled the budgets in order to realize the planin the Tanaka Cabinet. As a result, government bonds were the inflated in the late 1970s. Thepaper therefore concludes that we should call them Tanaka government bonds policy.
杉 繁郎 大塚 勲
蝶と蛾 (ISSN:00240974)
vol.35, no.2, pp.77-79, 1984-09-20

1983年4月,熊本県上益城郡矢部町目丸で採集された5♂の標本にもとづいて,新種Orthosia yoshizakii SUGI & OHTSUKAヒゴキリガ(新称)を記載した.本種は,日本産Orthosiaのうちでは,もっともO.lizetta(BUTLER)クロミミキリガに似るが,雄の触角が鋸歯状である点で,容易に区別される.その他の種とは,前翅の環状紋は暗色点で表され,環をもたないこと,腎状紋全体がほぼ一様に黒く染められることなどが区別点となる.雌は未知.上記の標本は著者のひとり大塚が,吉崎一章氏とともに採集したもので,同氏の多年にわたるご協力に対し厚く御礼申し上げる.種名は同氏に献名したものである.