大森 暢久 岸 篤 岡部 五成 長田 宗憲 浅見 正彦 平山 雄
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.5, pp.644-648,A40, 1959 (Released:2010-11-19)

In order to investigate the actual state of cancer within the jurisdiction of the Kawagoe Helth Centre of the Saitama Prefecture, we have visited all the 110 hospitals and clinics within the jurisdiction, under the cooperation of the Doctors' Ass'n., and the Health Centre. We have not only inquired of the doctors, but have also gone through the protocols of the patients who have come during the investigation period, and we have chosen those who were diagnosed as cancer or malignant ulcer, making our observations according to sex, age, and disease types. We have calculated the death rate by comparing the contraction percentage of cancer, the prevalence rate, and the death certificate ; and have compared it with the figures of various parts of the U.S.A., and the Miyagi, Okayama, and Saitama Prefectures. Furthermore, the monthly survival rate was obtained, and the drawing up of basic data was attempted in order to devise measures of the prevention of cancer.