大槻 暢子 岡本 弘道 宮嶋 純子
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
no.2, pp.289-311, 2009-03

This report shows the summary of the field survey on tea culture in Okinawa island conducted as part of the collaborative research by the young members of our institute. In pre-modern age, a series of islands including Okinawa island, so-called Ryukyu Arc, had undergone a historical transition different from the areas of Kagoshima and northward in Japan. In the process of adoption of tea culture, Ryukyu Arc showed its individual development while it is affected by Japan and China as a peripheral area of both sides. The tea culture of Okinawa contains Japanese elements, such as tea ceremony (Chanoyu) culture and Furi-Cha culture remaining as Buku-buku tea, and Chinese elements, such as massive import and consumption of Chinese tea from early modern age to modern age. It is indicated by the historical accumulation, so it can be an attractive subject in considering cultural interaction.
大槻 暢子 岡本 弘道 宮嶋 純子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.2, pp.289-311, 2009-03-31

This report shows the summary of the field survey on tea culture in Okinawa island conducted as part of the collaborative research by the young members of our institute. In pre-modern age, a series of islands including Okinawa island, so-called Ryukyu Arc, had undergone a historical transition different from the areas of Kagoshima and northward in Japan. In the process of adoption of tea culture, Ryukyu Arc showed its individual development while it is affected by Japan and China as a peripheral area of both sides. The tea culture of Okinawa contains Japanese elements, such as tea ceremony (Chanoyu) culture and Furi-Cha culture remaining as Buku-buku tea, and Chinese elements, such as massive import and consumption of Chinese tea from early modern age to modern age. It is indicated by the historical accumulation, so it can be an attractive subject in considering cultural interaction.
西村 昌也 大槻 暢子 篠原 啓方 岡本 弘道 三宅 美穂 宮嶋 純子 熊野 弘子 氷野 善寬 佐藤 実
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.1-20, 2011-03-31

東アジアの核地域(中国,朝鮮,日本,琉球,ベトナム)では,非常に長期に亘っ て茶飲が行われ,それぞれの文化伝統に根ざした茶飲文化が発展してきた。本稿は, 文化のハードとソフトの相関性( 1 .現代社会における茶飲の軽便化, 2 .9-10世紀の 茶器(中国・越州窯製品など)の輸出期にともなう茶飲文化の伝播, 3 .17-18世紀の 煎茶文化の世界的普及),茶産業が起こした文化変化,言葉と茶あるいは茶器の関係, 茶導入時の在地文化の反応,茶と宗教あるいは儀礼,女性とお茶などをテーマに,東 アジア各地域を中心に一部は東南アジアやヨーロッパも含めて行った文化比較論である。