熊野 弘子
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.49, pp.495-513, 2016-04-01

This paper takes a concrete look at Manase Dosan’s Satsusho Benchi, a Japanese edition of the difficult original Chinese Bianzheng Lunzhi. In order to investigate specific individual examples of his diagnostic and clinical approach to diseases, the paper focuses on the treatment of urological disorders, particularly enuresis and incontinence, in medical texts of Dosan’s school. The results may be summarized as follows. Dosan based his writings on direct transmission from his teacher, supplemented by paraphrases and quotations from a wide range of Chinese medical texts. Such Chinese texts were sometimes quite verbose and overly detailed, but Dosan managed to provide a clear and economical explication of the main points of Bianzheng Lunzhi; based on the basic eight-principle pattern identification, which includes diagnoses of vacuity/repletion, cold/heat, and exterior/interior conditions, he gave an orderly presentation of these diagnoses with relevant symptoms and treatments. Such is the content of Satsusho Benchi, a work which may succeed in shedding light on an important aspect of the reception of Chinese medicine in Japan.
熊野 弘子
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.51, pp.A193-A226, 2018-04-01

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) features the Bianzheng Lunzhi (pattern identification and treatment) system, a term referring to diagnosis and treatment based on a general analysis of symptoms and signs. Manase Dosan (1507-1594) accepted this set of theories, which came to be called Satsusho Benchi in Japan. This paper considers the Satsusho Benchi of headaches by taking a concrete look at medical books associated with Dosan's school (Dosan, Dosan's teachers, and disciples). The books quote many classics of Chinese medicine, for example, Yixuezhengzhuan, Danxixinfa, Yujiweiyi and others and emphasized various diagnoses of symptoms. Satsusho Benchi theories of headache are common to the current Bingxie Bianzheng (pathogen pattern identification), Bingxing Bianzheng (nature of disease pattern identification), Qixue Bianzheng (qi-blood pattern identification), Jingluo Bianzheng (meridian pattern identification), Liujing Bianzheng (six-meridian pattern identification) and others.
熊野 弘子
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.50, pp.163-187, 2017-04-01

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) features the bianzheng lunzhi system, a term that refers to diagnosis and treatment based on a general analysis of symptoms and signs. Manase Dosan (1507-1594) accepted this set of theories, which came to be called satsusho benchi in Japan. This paper considers the satsusho benchi of lumbago by taking a concrete look at medical books associated with Dosan's school (Dosan, Dosan's teachers, and disciples). The books quote Yuji Weiyi and others, emphasizing differential diagnosis, pulse examination, prescription drugs by Bianzheng (identifying cause of disease), and the Jingluo (meridians)
熊野 弘子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.9, pp.489-502, 2016-03-31

This Paper considers Satsusho Benchi of urological diseases, particularly voiding symptoms, focusing on MANASE Dosan Keitekisyu. He was a doctor in 16th century. Satsusho Benchi is Japanese Bianzheng lunzhi that is diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine. Today, the voiding synptoms are described as Ryuhei and Kankaku in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The former is urinary retention,anuria, oliguria, and so forth. The latter is acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and so forth. MANASE Dosan summarized Tankeisinpo, Gyokukibigi, Igakuseiden, and so on. They inherited Zhu Zhenheng's theory. MANASE Dosan's Satsusho Benchi of storage Symptoms such as urinary incontinence, enuresis, over active bladder, and so forth was built on basic Bianzheng lunzhi, for example Bagang bianzheng. Simple descriptions were suggested. Whereas Satsusho Benchi of voiding symptoms was built on detailed Bianzheng lunzhi and included the germ of Wei qi ying xue bianzheng.
西村 昌也 大槻 暢子 篠原 啓方 岡本 弘道 三宅 美穂 宮嶋 純子 熊野 弘子 氷野 善寬 佐藤 実
周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1 『東アジアの茶飲文化と茶業』
pp.1-20, 2011-03-31

東アジアの核地域(中国,朝鮮,日本,琉球,ベトナム)では,非常に長期に亘っ て茶飲が行われ,それぞれの文化伝統に根ざした茶飲文化が発展してきた。本稿は, 文化のハードとソフトの相関性( 1 .現代社会における茶飲の軽便化, 2 .9-10世紀の 茶器(中国・越州窯製品など)の輸出期にともなう茶飲文化の伝播, 3 .17-18世紀の 煎茶文化の世界的普及),茶産業が起こした文化変化,言葉と茶あるいは茶器の関係, 茶導入時の在地文化の反応,茶と宗教あるいは儀礼,女性とお茶などをテーマに,東 アジア各地域を中心に一部は東南アジアやヨーロッパも含めて行った文化比較論である。