藤井 洋泉 大谷 彰一郎 倉迫 直子 石津 友子 田中 利明 香曽我部 義則 時岡 宏明 大野 貴司
The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.5, no.1, pp.49-53, 1998-01-01 (Released:2009-03-27)
1 1

ブドウ球菌性熱傷様皮膚症候群(staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome; SSSS)は一般的に乳幼児の疾患とされており,成人発症型はきわめて稀である。今回,椎体・膝関節炎を契機として発症した成人型SSSSを経験した。68歳,男性,腰痛,膝関節腫脹のため当院整形外科に入院し,第3病日より頸部,前胸部,四肢にびまん性紅斑,弛緩性水疱が出現した。Nikolsky現象は陽性であった。高熱,意識障害が出現し,呼吸・循環動態が悪化したためICU入室となった。膝関節液,動脈血より黄色ブドウ球菌を検出し,組織像は皮膚顆粒層の切断による表皮剥離であり,表皮剥脱性毒素(exfoliative toxin; ET)の産生能を認めたため成人型SSSSと診断した。乳幼児では予後良好だが,成人型は死亡率が高く予後不良であり,早期よりの強力な抗生剤投与と集中治療により救命できた。多くの成人型SSSSは免疫能低下患者に発生するが,本症例は明らかな基礎疾患の合併なく発症した稀な1症例である。
阪田 安彦 岩本 康男 菅原 隆文 阿部 圭輔 赤木 恵 宮森 伸一 伊藤 充矢 大谷 彰一郎 雑賀 隆史 野間 純 檜垣 健二 二宮 基樹 開 浩一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.12, pp.780-784, 2012-12-10 (Released:2013-12-10)

Docetaxel is used to treat various types of carcinomas. Since docetaxel is insoluble in water (solubility, 0.002 mg/mL), to improve its solubility, it is administered with alcohol. The amount of alcohol required to improve the solubility of Onetaxotere® is twice as much as that required to improve the solubility of Taxotere®.In this study, we investigated the immediate breath alcohol level of and feeling of drunkenness experienced by patients after administration of chemotherapy with Onetaxotere®. The study was performed in 50 patients, from March 2012 to June 2012. In addition, 25 patients served as controls: these patients were administered chemotherapy with paclitaxel. Breath tests revealed no alcohol in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Furthermore, none of these patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness. In contrast, breath tests performed in the control patients revealed alcohol in 15 cases, and 4 out of the 15 patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness.Breath tests revealed alcohol in 60.0% of the patients who were administered paclitaxel. The result is similar to those reported in other studies. No alcohol was detected in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Moreover, these patients did not experience a feeling of drunkenness. These findings suggest that the patients who received Onetaxotere® were unaffected by the alcohol used to administer the drug.