内田 博之 小林 瑞希 細渕 亜実 太田 彩乃 大竹 一男 八巻 努 内田 昌希 小田切 陽一 夏目 秀視 小林 順
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.215-224, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
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Objectives: We aimed to determine the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on cervical cancer mortality rate trends in Japanese women, by age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Additionally, we analyzed projected mortality rates. Methods: We obtained data on the number of cervical cancer deaths in Japanese women from 1975–2011 from the national vital statistics and census population data. A cohort table of mortality rate data was analyzed on the basis of a Bayesian APC model. We also projected the mortality rates for the 2012–2031 period. Results: The period effect was relatively limited, compared with the age and cohort effects. The age effect increased suddenly from 25–29 to 45–49 years of age and gently increased thereafter. An analysis of the cohort effect on mortality rate trends revealed a steep decreasing slope for birth cohorts born from 1908–1940 and a subsequent sudden increase after 1945. The mortality rate projections indicated increasing trends from 40 to 74 years of age until the year 2031. Conclusions: The age effect increased from 25–29 years of age. This could be attributable to the high human papilloma virus (HPV) infection risk and the low cervical cancer screening rate. The cohort effect changed from decreasing to increasing after the early 1940s. This might be attributable to the spread of cervical cancer screening and treatment before 1940 and the high HPV infection risk and reduced cervical cancer screening rate after 1945. The projected mortality rate indicated an increasing trend until the year 2031.
太田 彩乃 勘米良 亀齢 磯崎 行雄
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.106, no.12, pp.853-864, 2000-12-15
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宮崎県北部, 高千穂町上村のペルム系石灰岩, 岩戸層と三田井層の新露頭において, 岩相層序および生層序を検討した.その結果, 整合に累重する4つの化石帯, すなわち下位よりLepidolina帯および無化石帯(岩戸層), Codonofusiella-Reichelina帯およびPalaeofusulina帯(三田井層)が識別された.前二者は南中国の茅口階に, 後二者はそれぞれ呉家坪階および長興階に対比される.本石灰岩は, 西南日本外帯, 秩父累帯のジュラ紀付加体中に巨大な異地性岩体として産するが, 初生的には海洋中央部に位置していた古海山頂部に形成された浅海成石灰岩体に起源をもつ.このような遠洋浅海成石灰岩中に茅口階から長興階に至る連続セクションが確認されたのは世界で初めてであり, ペルム紀末の大量絶滅事件直前の超海洋パンサラサでの環境変化を解明する上で重要な記録が得られた.